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PoliGAF Thread of Republican's Turn at Conventions (Palin VP - READ OP)

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"If John McCain thinks I am so dumb that I would vote for him just because he picked a woman then he is the dumb one."

These women are pissed!


The article itself is very good but the comments are even better. These women are pissed off at John McCain. Now, of course, most of these women are very liberal in the first place and would never think of voting for a Republican. But many of them where Clinton supporters, the group McCain thinks Palin will deliver to him. I think McCain may have made a horrible mistake. Most of them are saying how they feel damn insulted by McCain. I know my mother feels the same way. She was never a Hillary supporter and isn't very liberal (although she has never voted Republican.) She told me today that, "If John McCain thinks I am so dumb that I would vote for him just because he picked a woman then he is the dumb one." She looked almost angry about it.
She'll be an inexperienced female in the White House. She's just going to be a yes-lady. She's not going to set any kind of policy - she's just a Republican tool job. It's a big fucking joke.
And a state senator has a better plan for Iraq? Oh, I see, he is well Versed...thats good. maybe my Poli Sci Professor can run in 2012. He is really well versed too and has some detailed opinions about reforming many diverse regions of the world.

(OK i'm just being silly)

The gains made with the McCain/Palin becoming the change and reform party (she has taken on Republicans and Dems)

and taking away Obama's change Voters, Hillary's glass ceiling voters, getting 20% more conservatives to the polls, and blue collar voters, is greater than the trade off of letting Obama break even on the experience issue.


OuterWorldVoice said:
No they don't. They use operating costs, not profits for maintenance, repair and infrastructure. And:

You're right but wrong. To use a GAF appropriate example, Nintendo isn't just banking profits and doing nothing with them. They take the profits and budget them for next year, and yes, that becomes operating costs, but a larger profit allows you to make a larger budget to accomplish more of your goals. It's also good in any business to have an emergency fund in case something comes up, that's also a portion of your budget.


JCreasy said:
I think you just revealed the first golden debate question of the day . . .

"Governer Palin, seeing as you are the mother of a special needs infant, how will you properly care for your child, and attend to the country's needs?"

That's an obnoxious, sexist question that's going to backfire into the face of any reporter that asks it.
PantherLotus said:
Serious question:
If Obama or McCain die BEFORE the election, what are the rules of nominee-transferral then?

Pre-convention? All the delegates of the deceased candidate are released and likely unite around the second-place candidate.

Post-convention? The VP nominee becomes the Presidential nominee.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Fragamemnon said:
Occam's Razor, at least on this issue, clearly dictates that the best explanation of this entire selection was terrible judgement on the part of the people who selected her.

ABC sort of fills in the gaps and indirectly supports that theory:


So McCain really wanted Joe as his first pick, and we all know that Joe would have gone along with it. The Rove team told him that was a solid no-go.

Here's McCain calling the shots and clearly doing "his thing". Keep in mind the timeline-the DNC is now underway and that night Michelle was giving her big speech.

Never vetted before this week, apparently. Also, the vetters never discussed the issue with the senior staff, which might have have come to the perfectly sensible conclusion that this was a awful, awful idea. Other news is coming out that they met maybe once before this point in DC and talked on the phone while she was at the AK state fair. There's no history or meaningful connection between the two whatsoever, that much is A-grade obvious.

The real important thing to note was that it was McCain himself who seemed to be pushing Palin and setting this ball rolling. It's his own maverick pick. Keep in mind the timeline at this point-Bill and Hillary probably caused him to want to OD on his Ambien by now.

McCain rejected Pawlenty, and it was his staff's clear pick. There was no secret that Pawlenty was the very likely choice for the ticket, but it was McCain who vetoed it, against his advisor's judgement because he insisted that he needed someone who would really "shake things up".

Palin's flight, if I remember right, didn't get in until very early this morning, and Pawlenty got dumped soon thereafter, then the name was leaked on the morning news. And all the while it was McCain's keen decision making that led to this pick.

Knowing this things are sort of more clear as to why she was selected. Joe got rejected, McCain went into MrAngryPOW mode, tossed off the most vetted, likely picks, did a super-secret and terribly rushed and incomplete vetting using only his most trusted advisors ( sort of like his "bunkering down" mentality he did in the primaries before the GE shake-up a few months ago when he brought in RoveCo), rejected all of the picks due to a logic-defying bullshit reason, and picked Palin.

Sort of explains things better to me, knowning some idea what happened on behind the scenes. What a total clusterfuck of arrogance and stupidity.

ABC infers the same conclusion many of us came to: McCain didn't seriously vet Palin.

Rawk Hawk

MaizeRage25 said:
So when voting we should completely ignore the VP candidate?

Hey, why even have VPs?

Not saying ignore them, but I think is somewhat silly to say we can not vote McCain because she is inexperienced. When the other options already is inexperienced. How are people suppose to take this? "Wait she has only been an elected offical for 6 years? Great I'm voting Obama at least he.. is inexperienced as well?" It think it's drawing more attention to what some think is Obama's biggest or only flaw.


laserbeam said:
She has answered criticism about having a Baby while being a Government Executive after the birth too.

"It's a sign of the times to be able to do this,” she told the Associated Press. “I can think of so many male candidates who watched families grow while they were in office. There is no reason to believe a woman can’t do it with a growing family. My baby will not be at all or in any sense neglected.”

OMG! SHE HAS A SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD!!! DOWN SYNDROME!!! AND she is suppose to help RUN the country!??? What kind of parenting is she planning to pull off?

IS she SERIOUS??? Or by giving her child attention does she mean hiring a nanny??


And a state senator has a better plan for Iraq? Oh, I see, he is well Versed...thats good. maybe my Poli Sci Professor can run in 2012. He is really well versed too and has some detailed opinions about reforming many diverse regions of the world.

(OK i'm just being silly)

The gains made with the McCain/Palin becoming the change and reform party (she has taken on Republicans and Dems)

and taking away Obama's change Voters, Hillary's glass ceiling voters, getting 20% more conservatives to the polls, and blue collar voters, is greater than the trade off of letting Obama break even on the experience issue.
does palin even have an iraq plan?


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JCreasy said:
OMG! SHE HAS A SPECIAL NEEDS CHILD!!! DOWN SYNDROME!!! AND she is suppose to help RUN the country!??? What kind of parenting is she planning to pull off?

IS she SERIOUS??? Or by giving her child attention does she mean hiring a nanny??

This is a failed line of thinking. My mom worked full time and raised three kids on her own, with no nannies, no money and no support. We turned out fine. She will have nannies and plenty of support. My mom was a good mother and good at her job. Palin can be too, in theory.


I'm already sick of looking at Palin's Ann Coulter-like face. What McCain doesn't realize is that hardcore Hilary supporters are too smart to fall for Palin's crap.
Really, she's a tiny town girl with experiences only in provisional politics. How the fuck is she support to even lead the Senate? :lol I don't even want to think about what she's like when she hits 50 and Menopause kicks in. Eewwwwwwwwwww


besada said:
That's an obnoxious, sexist question that's going to backfire into the face of any reporter that asks it.

It's an honest question. Special needs children require SPECIAL NEEDS? Helping run the country isn't a cakewalk.

Please explain to me how this is sexist?

Oh wait, her husband will be taking of the child. Ok I get it . . .
Deus Ex Machina said:
"If John McCain thinks I am so dumb that I would vote for him just because he picked a woman then he is the dumb one."

These women are pissed!


The article itself is very good but the comments are even better. These women are pissed off at John McCain. Now, of course, most of these women are very liberal in the first place and would never think of voting for a Republican. But many of them where Clinton supporters, the group McCain thinks Palin will deliver to him. I think McCain may have made a horrible mistake. Most of them are saying how they feel damn insulted by McCain. I know my mother feels the same way. She was never a Hillary supporter and isn't very liberal (although she has never voted Republican.) She told me today that, "If John McCain thinks I am so dumb that I would vote for him just because he picked a woman then he is the dumb one." She looked almost angry about it.

actually my mom doesn't like obama, pro hillary, and was going to sit it out.

After Baracks' and Bills speech this week and then Palin, my mom will be voting for Obama. She was deeply offended by McCain's choice.
IanZ said:
I'm already sick of looking at Palin's Ann Coulter-like face. What McCain doesn't realize is that hardcore Hilary supporters are too smart to fall for Palin's crap.
Really, she's a tiny town girl with experiences only in provisional politics. How the fuck is she support to even lead the Senate? :lol I don't even want to think about what she's like when she hits 50 and Menopause kicks in. Eewwwwwwwwwww

I'm sorry, we're trying to have an adult conversation. The gaming board is over there.


IanZ said:
I'm already sick of looking at Palin's Ann Coulter-like face. What McCain doesn't realize is that hardcore Hilary supporters are too smart to fall for Palin's crap.
Really, she's a tiny town girl with experiences only in provisional politics. How the fuck is she support to even lead the Senate? :lol I don't even want to think about what she's like when she hits 50 and Menopause kicks in. Eewwwwwwwwwww

That "girl" is older than you I'm guessing. Nice infantilization though.
Here's one thing we can all agree on-waiting for the heat of the rhetoric of the covention before making your choice was a REALLY FUCKING STUPID idea. They should have had someone picked out by Sunday night at the very latest-rationally chosing a veep in that crucible of punditry and emotion was a terrible idea.


OuterWorldVoice said:
This is a failed line of thinking. My mom worked full time and raised three kids on her own, with no nannies, no money and no support. We turned out fine. She will have nannies and plenty of support. My mom was a good mother and good at her job. Palin can be too, in theory.

Did you or any of your siblings have down syndrome?


Junior Member
Rawk Hawk said:
So we should vote for Obama and get a 100% chance on inexperience? I am kind of shocked this has become such a large issue, she is still the VP which means McCain has to kick the bucket, and normal people live much longer lives than 72, and I would assume the President would have pretty good health care coverage.

Yeah it doesn't make sense. If the roles were reversed and Hillary or Biden were the Presidential nominee and Obama got picked for VP I doubt any of them would have an issue. She is just as entitled to be there as Obama.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
And a state senator has a better plan for Iraq? Oh, I see, he is well Versed...thats good. maybe my Poli Sci Professor can run in 2012. He is really well versed too and has some detailed opinions about reforming many diverse regions of the world.

McCain isn't a senator?
(OK i'm just being silly)

Yeah, and much more.
The gains made with the McCain/Palin becoming the change and reform party (she has taken on Republicans and Dems)

Oh, now you like change? Exactly, how does McCain/Palin bring change to the White House beyond the fact that Palin is a woman VP?

and taking away Obama's change Voters, Hillary's glass ceiling voters, getting 20% more conservatives to the polls, and blue collar voters, is greater than the trade off of letting Obama break even on the experience issue.

McCain is going to take away Obama's "change voters" by nominating someone even further to the right of him? He is going to take away Hillary's voters that are completely on the other end of the spectrum in their political standing to Palin?

20% more conservative in the polls? 100% more bullshit out of your ass?

Blue collar voters? How is an unknown former beauty pageant mom going to bring in blue collar voters?
Fragamemnon said:
Here's one thing we can all agree on-waiting for the heat of the rhetoric of the covention before making your choice was a REALLY FUCKING STUPID idea. They should have had someone picked out by Sunday night at the very latest-rationally chosing a veep in that crucible of punditry and emotion was a terrible idea.
And now he has revealed her! He can't take her back! :lol The more I think about this, the more BenjaminBirdie is absolutely right and the more it makes me lol.
PSGames said:
Yeah it doesn't make sense. If the roles were reversed and Hillary or Biden were the Presidential nominee and Obama got picked for VP I doubt any of them would have an issue. She is just as entitled to be there as Obama.

The issue is McCain's health.


Setec Astronomer
TheKingsCrown said:
If Mccain made this pick on his own, as ABC infers, can you IMAGINE what Karl Rove must be doing right now?
I don't know, but running the very question in my mind makes me smile.


"Giggle Gaffe"
Anchorage Daily News Editorial
January 25, 2008

Jan. 25--Gov. Sarah Palin really stepped in it when she appeared recently on the show hosted by two admiring radio personalities, Bob and Mark of KWHL.

Bob used the b-word to describe Sen. President Lyda Green, who is no friend of the governor. Instead of saying she objected to her supporter's making such a juvenile and inappropriate insult, she giggled nervously.

Gov. Palin's gaffe made her an easy target for her detractors. She came off looking immature herself, almost high-schoolish. It was conduct unbecoming a governor. She should have thought twice about appearing in such a sophomoric venue. Not much good can come of it.


PSGames said:
Yeah it doesn't make sense. If the roles were reversed and Hillary or Biden were the Presidential nominee and Obama got picked for VP I doubt any of them would have an issue. She is just as entitled to be there as Obama.

Hitokage said:
People who feel that Republicans are unduly excluded from PoliGAF should understand that this kind of post isn't going to fix it.

Ya know, all do when ever I see sammy sega's posts I have imagined him sitting beside his radio typing down what Rush says. I was listening to rush early today on my way to class, and I came back to see Sammy type up something Rush said almost ver batim.


So we all know that liberal women were all about a female president, but what about conservative women? The only conservative women I know are in my family and they all think "the president should be a man". Maybe my family is just weird (well, they are conservatives), but has anyone else noticed this?


OuterWorldVoice said:
No, but my sister was a fucking retard.

hahaah i won't touch that.

But it just doesn't make me feel comfortable that a special needs child who will already have a tough time could have a mother who's job it is to help run the country.


JCreasy said:
It's an honest question. Special needs children require SPECIAL NEEDS? Helping run the country isn't a cakewalk.

Please explain to me how this is sexist?

Oh wait, her husband will be taking of the child. Ok I get it . . .

Yep. Daddies can take care of babies. And suggesting that women can't have children, even special needs children, and have careers is a good way to piss off the millions of women who do.

Beyond that, the question is an implicit attack against her mothering abilities, as if she hasn't considered the welfare of her children. It would be a suicidal attack line, because it's going to come off as attacking the mother of a Downs kid. Fair or not, it's not going to play well with mothers or parents of special needs children.
Rawk Hawk said:
If you treat it like Obama verse Palin, I still don't see how he or anyone who supports him can attack her on lack of experience.
As this thread has demonstrated, there are about 9 other things they can attack. But they don't even need to attack her. The Mccain campaign is doing it for her. Mccain's age + her experience is WORSE than Obama's inexperience.


reilo said:
Blue collar voters? How is an unknown former beauty pageant mom going to bring in blue collar voters?
Sarah Palin is a anti abortion,pro gun,44 year old white women with 5 kids,one of which is being deployed to Iraq.You don't think that will appeal to the white blue collar vote? Espeacialy if those people tend to be more conservative?
I guess you were not on the Hillary message boards this morning where page after page after page of posters were watching the live VP announcement and searching for the McCain local HQ phone numbers, and had already started phoning in money to McCain/Palin. 90% of the posters in that tread were cheering out loud, crying, calling relatives and said they were 100% going for McCain/Palin and would always remember this day. Prob the most surreal thing I have ever seen. The glass ceiling seems to be a very key issue with the disgruntled 18 million.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
JCreasy said:
hahaah i won't touch that.

But it just doesn't make me feel comfortable that a special needs child who will already have a tough time could have a mother who's job it is to help run the country.

I kid!

But seriously, a special needs child has special needs. her money and infrastructure will ensure that the child gets waaay better care than a typical parent would be able to give. Unless she comes out and says "A woman's place is in the home" I don't see how having a high profile job makes her a bad parent.

Again, my mom raised three kids with two jobs and she was an excellent mother.

Don't get me wrong, I think Palin is massively out of her depth and will get spanked by the press, the experience and her competition, but I think accusing her of being a defacto bad mom is unfair.
"When you get to know her like I have, you will love her."

John McCain has only ever met her ONCE. FUCKIN ONCE.

That ABC analysis someone poster earlier on the process of this decision-making is really damning. Man, and to think some are excited. I think this is a disaster.
Rawk Hawk said:
If you treat it like Obama verse Palin, I still don't see how he or anyone who supports him can attack her on lack of experience.

We all understand that you've been told that ignorance is your best trait, in the cocoon you reside. But as a cyber friend and as someone who really cares about your mental state shut the fuck up.


testicles on a cold fall morning
Rawk Hawk said:
If you treat it like Obama verse Palin, I still don't see how he or anyone who supports him can attack her on lack of experience.
politics in Alaska is of a different degree then what a US Senator goes through. and can we all get past the reductive 'experience' 'change' memes? god.
Rawk Hawk said:
If you treat it like Obama verse Palin, I still don't see how he or anyone who supports him can attack her on lack of experience.

You're right, the PTA is a great training ground for the Vice Presidency.
JCreasy said:
Did you or any of your siblings have down syndrome?

Also, did she travel constantly for two months straight? I just think it's not a good thing to do on the road. People are welcome to have careers of course. It's the road stuff.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Rawk Hawk said:
If you treat it like Obama verse Palin, I still don't see how he or anyone who supports him can attack her on lack of experience.

Let's see. Their experience during the same time period [Obama from 97 til 04 and then from 05 til present versus Palin from '00 til 06, and 07 til present]:

State Senator for a district of over 800,000 versus mayor of a town of 8,000.

Senator of a state of over 12mil versus governor of a state of 680,000.

Yeah, Obama had very little influence on the people he was representing.
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