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Politco: Mattis, Pompeo stunned by CIA 'black sites' report

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The thing is this is just going to a lead to sick, self-reinforcing loop of fuckery. ISIS et al. get bolder from being fueled off of Trump rhetoric and policy, stage more attacks. Trump convinces the public that "See? You need my tiny YUGE iron fist now more than ever!", enacts more draconian policies and threatens to/actually does attack the Middle East. ISIS et al. get bolder... etc..

It's fucked.

Was going to post something similar. This is 100% what will happen, yes. ....And his supporters will love him for it.
Steve Bannon has no regrets.

The ex-Breitbart executive, who serves as Trump's chief strategist for the new administration, told The Hollywood Reporter that "darkness is good."

"Dick Cheney. Darth Vader. Satan. That's power. It only helps us when they (liberals) get it wrong. When they're blind to who we are and what we're doing," he said in an interview published Friday, his first outside of Breitbart since the election.

Just a reminder of who is in control.

This is straight up fanfiction levels of evil, why the fuck would you use Satan and Darth Vader as examples on how to rule.
Now I'm waiting for the Mattis-led coup.


He already has a plan.


I half expect Trump's inner circle to leak fake executive orders to specific staff to flush out the leakers; if a story hits the news the details can tell them who is leaking.

At the same time, they can then bash the media for "fake news" and distract from the disastrous "real" orders.


Well, if he's polite and professional then that's already two out of three things that he does not have in common with Donald Trump. That has to count for something.
2.5 actually. He has a plan to kill everybody. Trump wants to do it, but doesn't think it further than that!
Mattis actually has morals and a sense of decency.

If anybody in Trump and friends gang will stop him it'd be Mattis.

So naturally I doubt he's sec def for very long.
I half expect Trump's inner circle to leak fake executive orders to specific staff to flush out the leakers; if a story hits the news the details can tell them who is leaking.

At the same time, they can then bash the media for "fake news" and distract from the disastrous "real" orders.

That sounds like the Bannon playbook for sure
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