Yesterday I posted a serious and sober request for someone who voted for Trump to explain to me why this is a good thing.
The answers were 90% serious and sober and I was really enlightened by it. I am grateful to and appreciative of everyone who took the time to comment. Sincerely.
What I learned is this:
1. The industrial Midwest has been completely annihilated economically and the people there are SUFFERING and feel completely ignored and Iill-served by Washington DC. They hate Clinton for signing NAFTA, they hate Bush for doing nothing for them and they hate Obama for doing nothing for them. They don't give a shit about social issues or political correctness because they cannot afford that luxury. They are living paycheck to paycheck and are watching their world literally decay and fall apart and have finally reached the end of their rope.
Trump understood their rage and gave them a voice which they have never had. The more disgusting and ridiculous he became in the eyes of the media and the establishment, the more they loved him for it.
Now, the manufacturing base is not coming back (and that's a lie Trump will have to contend with)...
But this wasn't about Donald Trump.
The people who voted for him are pissed off abdvscared and rightfully so. They wanted to throw a grenade into Washington DC and scream "Fuck You!!" to everyone.
And they did.
2. The media never fully understood the deep distrust and outright hatred for Hillary Clinton. I am not saying I agree with it, or that it is justified, but I am telling you what I learned
These people blame the Clintons for signing NAFTA, which they blame for the eradication of our manufacturing base life as they knew it. Now that's not the complete cause, but that's how they see it and no one on the politically-correct left, not even Beyoncé or Jay-Z, ever fully appreciated that. To that end, Bernie Sanders may very well have done better than Clinton in those states. Something I was completely wrong about.
3. When asked how they feel about the fact that the KKK and other racist hate groups love Trump so much...
In terms of all social justice issues… The things that concern people like you and me, many of the people who voted for Trump don't have the luxury to think about them. I'm not defending it or saying it's right. I am telling you what I learned. They are living paycheck to paycheck. Their union factory job is gone, they're working as a greeter at Walmart and driving around the minivan as an Uber on the weekends. They're scared, pissed off, and they just want to blow up the system.
So, as I said, it was never about who Trump was so much as the message he sent to the political establishment. But now he is going to be the president and we're all going to have to step up and fight for what we believe on.
My suggestion? Fuck hashtags. Fuck Fox News and fuck MSNBC. Tune out the daily hysteria machine. Find someone who disagrees with you and listen to them. Then ask them to listen to you. You may not agree, but you will have actually communicated!
Eight years ago, Barack Obama told us that we had to be the change we wanted. That was never more true than now.
As Nobel laureate Bob Dylan once said, "Don't follow leaders, watch your parking meters."