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POLL: Itagi's contributions to the game industry


Does anyone here find the arrogant, rude man a good enough contributor to the game industry? His stance on graphics, regardless of how he reached that stance, are pretty admirable. And the hurricane pack could set standards with director's cut-type games on that platform. I'm not looking to see if people think he's innovative; the fact he isn't is obvious. But I want to see what others think of any of his contributions in general.


force push the doodoo rock
His games mostly suck. The hurricane pack *is* a good idea though. His little sound bytes are great reads.


I guess everybody who creates games contributes in some small way, but I don't see how he's contributed any more than anyone else or how his contributions are any more impactful than anyone else's.

This thread wouldn't even exist if the guy didn't make some awkward remark every time he talks.


The man is a genious.

I love him and all his work. Its got to a point where i'll buy anything this guy churns out. I enjoy his games greatly.

The man, the legend, Itagaki!

Not important. Boobies and GFx. Will be bettered before you know it.

Stop and remember DOAXVB

Titties > gameplay = Itakagaki can go to hell.


Pervert gamers like me appreciate his contributions greatly :D Seriously tho, I always look forward to his games. They are usually easy to get into and easy on the eyes.
We should all worship true gaming gods... like Killkreek and... uh... American Mcgriddle and that hack Peter molunuexysldjtslajdflajofgjsdlkgf


TheGreenGiant said:

Not important. Boobies and GFx. Will be bettered before you know it.

Stop and remember DOAXVB

Titties > gameplay = Itakagaki can go to hell.

Yes, but in Ninja Gaiden he had tits and gameplay. His style needed to be refined, and now he has turned T&G into a true artform.

Sho Nuff

There's more content in Itagaki's farts than what some of these forum posters will produce in their entire lives.


That guy did some great fun games for everyone. It's only the otakunt wannabe elite that bashes him for no reasons other than he has made some pretty games that can be enjoyed by the public without spending 90 hours training on a single character. He has also quite a personality, and he's pretty interesting.

I mean he's much more interesting in interviews than the usual "oh I mostly overview projets now and I like playing banjos and taking care of my flowers" from Shiggy and the "Oh OK GUYS NOW THIS IS MY LAASSST METAL GEAR GAME! I SWEAR!!!" from Kojima

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Ninja gaiden was pretty fun.

Other than that his games have sucked booty juice as far as I'm aware/concerned.

That bit when he said he could have made pikmin 2 better if he was in charge, err.
I don't like Itagaki...But his push on top notich visuals for all his games is nice...And the Hurricane Pack concept is awesome. But I don't like Itagaki himself at the time being. I don't even really like Ninja Gaiden.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I find his comments to be quite interesting and he was a lead man on Ninja Gaiden (which I absolutely loved), so I gotta give him props there. The thing is, I find the DOA series to be a very simplistic and overrated collection of fighting games. They play fine, but I'd place them on the same level as stuff like Bloody Roar before comparing them to something like VF.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Well, he made both the best looking and best playing action game ever in Ninja Gaiden. Personally, I think he's earned whatever arrogance he has.


He's a good director. I enjoyed DoAX and of course Ninja Gaiden; both polished, fun games. Ninja Gaiden is one of the best, most intense action games this gen IMO.

DoA fighting games, on the other hand, are too spaztastic to be enjoyable over long periods of time. The fights are so fast and flashy, and the moves are so over the top (unlike VF4, there does not seem to be a strong correlation between button commands and the on-screen move) that I have a hard time coming to grips with all the action (which means I wind up mashing buttons). As a 10-20 minute diversion they're OK but after a while I wind up going back to the deeper, more thoughtful approach of SFIII or VF4.

I wish that Itagaki would spend less time making DoA fighters and more time exploring other genres. Ninja Gaiden and DoAX both show Team Ninja's potential in other areas. I'd like to see how they would approach an RPG or maybe a puzzle game. When Itagaki says he could do Pikmin 3 better than Nintendo I'd at least like to see him try. He'd probably make something pretty interesting.


He'd be nowhere without Suzuki and Mikami's trailblazing games to copycat. All ego, no creativity... he's like the anti-Miyamoto. :/


Does anyone here find the arrogant, rude man a good enough contributor to the game industry? His stance on graphics, regardless of how he reached that stance, are pretty admirable. And the hurricane pack could set standards with director's cut-type games on that platform. I'm not looking to see if people think he's innovative; the fact he isn't is obvious. But I want to see what others think of any of his contributions in general.

How do you define 'good enough'? If someone's 'contributions to the industry' don't meet your arbitrary minimum standard for game developers, they should be stripped of their jobs and sent home in disgrace? Please. Itagaki makes games I enjoy, which is more than I can say for some so-called major developers. That's more than enough for me.


Tellaerin said:
How do you define 'good enough'? If someone's 'contributions to the industry' don't meet your arbitrary minimum standard for game developers, they should be stripped of their jobs and sent home in disgrace? Please. Itagaki makes games I enjoy, which is more than I can say for some so-called major developers. That's more than enough for me.

I consider a contribution something that does the industry some kind of good, or progresses the industry in some way. His Hurricane Pack is a contribution, and thus Itagaki has contributed. That's my view, anyway.


Itagaki refuses to pander to the whiny bitches of the supposed hardcore gaming elite. For that I have to give the man major major props. Plus, Ninja Gaiden is one of, if not my absolute favourite game of all time. It's just so damn good.
I think the guy is pretty good at his craft and has contributed to gaming,sure. The fact that the question is asked in this very forum though,well you can't really expect a good honest poll of results. There are too many Xbox bashers here,along with the fact that this is the stomping ground where one of the best games released this year received that imfamous C-
So..things may be slanted some,you think? :)

Btw-where can I buy this toothpaste?
Post-Gaiden Itagaki is all A's with multiple plusses and no dissapointment. I wasn't a fan of DOA previously. Itagaki is no eternal city of rome as a game designer.
Maybe some day he will be this eternal and unflagellating gaming icon people perceive him as now. For the now-now he has not yet reached "man not of one times but all times" status. Yet I give Ninja Gaiden A++.
The question is not this: Has he innovated as Miyamoto and Suzuki have? It is this: Are his games better? This is in the wind like raw farts. With the Hurricaine pack Ninja Gaiden is an All Time Insta-Classic made better. That is a hefty contribution from a little man.
To me he will forever be Itacocky.


Running off of Custom Firmware
DoA is pure filth. NG is competent, I suppose. I didn't like it, but it's not a completely shitty game like DoA, or a shitty shell of an even shittier game, like DoA VB. And the Hurricane Pack is a GREAT idea. But, that's arguably one hit, and many, many strikes for him, in my book. He's all talk.
Mejilan said:
DoA is pure filth. NG is competent, I suppose. I didn't like it, but it's not a completely shitty game like DoA, or a shitty shell of an even shittier game, like DoA VB. And the Hurricane Pack is a GREAT idea. But, that's arguably one hit, and many, many strikes for him, in my book. He's all talk.

Shut up and go play your GBA. Adults are talking.

So which version of DoA has the biggest boob bounce again?


Unconfirmed Member
People talk more about Itagaki's arrogance than they do his games, a bit like Derek Sm*rt.

That says a lot to me.


Unconfirmed Member
Does anyone here find the arrogant, rude man a good enough contributor to the game industry?

Um, this is a joke right?

Itagaki is a genius and has pushed forward expectations within videogames. He's not rude, never to me anyway, and everyone else I know who's dealt with him said he's cool enough.

Anyway on a lighter note, I saw his cock in the toilets at E3. Amazingly, it wasn't all scabby, like the rest of him...
*ducks for cover*



Unconfirmed Member
Tenguman said:
Yeah he's certainly revolutionized the fighting and volleyball genre with his "genius" :rolleyes

Was more talking about Ninja Gaiden, obv.


Tag of Excellence
Shompola said:
I guess he would be loved if he had the Nintendo Seal Of Quality stamped onto his forehead.
And GBA's for feet. Not to mention a swass red cape with the Nintendo logo on it.


Tenguman said:
Yeah he's certainly revolutionized the fighting and volleyball genre with his "genius" :rolleyes

I swear, the DOA series really seems to bring out the elitist asshole in people. Listening to some of you, it sounds like fighting games should be reserved for 'true hardcore gamers', filled with long, arcane movelists that have to be mastered before you can begin enjoying yourself. Funny how it's fine to mock somebody for saying that you need 60+ hours of playtime to 'unlock the fun' in Kirby's Air Ride, but when VF4: Evo demands hours of practice (more than any other fighter out there, and no, that's not subject to debate) to master the basics and really start enjoying the game instead of treating it like work, it's hailed as 'genius'. :p

The DOA games are easy to pick up and play, and entertaining for those of us who don't intend to dedicate our lives to playing one or two games at the tournament level. Not everyone out there wants to train with a sensei in a mountain cave and meditate beneath a waterfall before they can grab a controller and start throwing down. Sadly, some of you insist on looking down your noses at anyone who feels this way, which I think is pretty imbecilic.


^^ Applauds

Not everyone enjoys the VF games. I can see the appeal of its depth and balance after hours of play, but many of us just dont enjoy it.

DOA is fun, its an alternative. I much rather buy this series over any other fighting series becuase of it simplicity. F

Fucking elitist bastard cocksucking cunts
Prine said:
Fucking elitist bastard cocksucking cunts

FUnny, these Itagaki fan boys; one loves his shit, others think everyone else is :see above:. Talk about complex. Did he father you?

what has been his contribution?

more DOA.
Ninja Gaiden
even more DOA and unlimited at that.

come back to school when this chap releases more than 1 stellar title.


Unconfirmed Member
TheGreenGiant said:
FUnny, these Itagaki fan boys; one loves his shit, others think everyone else is :see above:. Talk about complex. Did he father you?

what has been his contribution?

more DOA.
Ninja Gaiden
even more DOA and unlimited at that.

come back to school when this chap releases more than 1 stellar title.

Beware the troll for he hath eyes for you!
Perhaps this thread is a case of some people liking different things to other people. Perhaps...
I've bought one game from his group (Dead or Alive XV) and felt extremely gipped. It seems a genius would make his volleyball game pertain at least slightly to volleyball. Like... sidelines and baselines. And real rules? Yeah.
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