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POLL: Itagi's contributions to the game industry


He's the Japanese version of Jason Rubin. He borrows, but he manages to make the games more beautiful and sometimes better than what he borrows from.


force push the doodoo rock
You people keep harping on about how "fun" doa is.

I know people that can ruin the game for you. You may think its a fun happy game where you can mash buttons all day. But if you know people that dont mash buttons, the game becomes very lame very very fast.


Thankfully, I don't mash buttons in the game (Very, very good at comboing and countering) and I could whup anyone's ass. The computer even on the hardest seeting seems to be kind of easy now, however.

Your friends would have a battle on their hands with me :fight :lol


force push the doodoo rock
Vagabond said:
Thankfully, I don't mash buttons in the game (Very, very good at comboing and countering) and I could whup anyone's ass. The computer even on the hardest seeting seems to be kind of easy now, however.

Your friends would have a battle on their hands with me :fight :lol

Doubt it, the counters are setup in a way that any sort of non air combos are pretty much useless. And since not every move floats, its pretty damn easy to figure out what the guys gonna do next. Who ever thought it would be a good idea to be able to counter mid combo is retarded.

Deku Tree

I enjoyed NG. The visuals were nice and the game was a hoot.
But I didn't think NG was top of the line.

I thought NG included alot of questionable design isssues,
like for example the way the difficulty was so
randomly scattered throughout the game.

I feel that NG could have been much better if thegame started off
on an easier note and got progressively more difficult.

Itagaki should be a bit more humble. He could not make a better Pikmin.


force push the doodoo rock
Deku Tree said:
I enjoyed NG. The visuals were nice and the game was a hoot.
But I didn't think NG was top of the line.

I thought NG included alot of questionable design isssues,
like for example the way the difficulty was so
randomly scattered throughout the game.

I feel that NG could have been much better if thegame started off
on an easier note and got progressively more difficult.

Itagaki should be a bit more humble. He could not make a better Pikmin.

Youve got it half right, the design problems in Ng werent just because the difficult parts were scattered, its because the enemies themselves were. I cant count how many times im just wandering around town in that game and then i end up in a place with like 3 enemies who i can just cheese out with a couple of the "jump in air dashing attack, roll, ninja stars".

Itagaki makes nice looking games, but thats actually because of polygon, not him really.


ehh doa 3 doesnt pretend to be vf4 and what it does it does just fine. Elitists are the ones mostly hating the game, and I bet they are the same people who didnt give a shit about VF series until very recently. Also NG is just fine aswell, I didn't encounter any design problems in the game. But yah if the games had that hot hot nintendo seal of quality printed on it it would be the best thing ever or something rofl...


How is this even debatable? Itagaki has made greater contributions to the game industry than about 95% of the other developers out there. He makes good games, which is more than most other devs do.


He's made some solid games the past few gens, but he hasn't exactly done anything revolutionary. I think people make him out to be some kind of genius because he isn't afraid to speak his mind when given a question. Plenty of other designers have made games just as good or better than his.


sp0rsk said:
You people keep harping on about how "fun" doa is.

I know people that can ruin the game for you. You may think its a fun happy game where you can mash buttons all day. But if you know people that dont mash buttons, the game becomes very lame very very fast.

not really. most of my friends arent serious gamers, but they were decent at DOA, everybody put in time to learn the 3/4 hit combos and counters. and it was great fun...i know for damn sure they wouldnt have put in the same effort on VF4 or a street fighter game.
its just a mainstream game, thats the end of it. its not a bad game at all.
as for the topic, i think he makes good looking, fun playing games, thats about it. tedious innovation isnt really worthwhile in my book. so if he keeps making good looking, fun playing games, that'd be good.

User 406

Like I said before, people who think Itagaki is cool for "being honest" are dumber than me. I'm just a better person than they are and can do anything better than they can.

Now praise me for my honesty and entertaining statements. But don't give me a C- or I'll whine about how you're just trying to get attention.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
I've never played any of his games, so I really can't say for sure... He seems to be one of the few people who can actually showcase the power of the Xbox, though, and some of his comments are pretty funny.
Tellaerin said:
I swear, the DOA series really seems to bring out the elitist asshole in people. Listening to some of you, it sounds like fighting games should be reserved for 'true hardcore gamers', filled with long, arcane movelists that have to be mastered before you can begin enjoying yourself. Funny how it's fine to mock somebody for saying that you need 60+ hours of playtime to 'unlock the fun' in Kirby's Air Ride, but when VF4: Evo demands hours of practice (more than any other fighter out there, and no, that's not subject to debate) to master the basics and really start enjoying the game instead of treating it like work, it's hailed as 'genius'. :p

The DOA games are easy to pick up and play, and entertaining for those of us who don't intend to dedicate our lives to playing one or two games at the tournament level. Not everyone out there wants to train with a sensei in a mountain cave and meditate beneath a waterfall before they can grab a controller and start throwing down. Sadly, some of you insist on looking down your noses at anyone who feels this way, which I think is pretty imbecilic.

See: Soul Calibur 2.

Seriously, SC2 is a good example of how to do a fighting game like the one you are describing, but properly. My little cousins can be doing moves in SC2 in three seconds and the game is deep and sophisticated for those who are looking for that.
Please teach me about Itagaki's contribution beside the DOA series and NG. I love NG and it is a brilliant game but DOA aren't that good to me (Yes, I love VF). I think SC is a better pick up and play fighting game with very deep startegy than any DOA. Not to mention SC I and SC II looks fantastic too.

I like to read Itagaki's interviews cuz they are so amusing to read and sometimes blatantly honest but his recent interviews gave me an impression that he just say those things for the shock value, not necessary that he actually do or feel what he say.
While Itagaki doesn't have the sheer amount of games under his belt like some other producers out there, his contributions are still noticeable. Also, I alwasy find it odd how many people seem to find him problematic. My time with him was really enjoyable and I found him to be a genuinely nice guy.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Did he have any hand in making the original 3 NG games??? Because those games kicked ass!
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