The repercussions of somebody not famous in any sort of way is laughable.
I also never said the internet as a whole should be censored, rather, specific discussions, certain groups. How are those things decided, well, people that have no intention of listening or changing shouldn't be treated like everybody else, if that everybody else is willing to listen or change. If somebody can't handle themselves on twitter, them getting a IP ban for a couple of weeks at a time wouldn't be a drastic action from my perspective.
We're given something fantastic, the internet, and some people utilize this gift like shit.
Horrible, awful perspective to have on free speech man. Any place that is a public forum like Twitter already has rules in place that aren't censorship but accomplish a similar goal to what you want. On twitter, and pretty much any other public forum on the internet, there are basic rules, don't violate any laws, don't harass people, don't threaten people, don't impersonate people. Doing any of those things will get you banned from most places. Imposing extra rules in those places, like IP banning someone for calling someone else a fucking cunt, or saying things that don't contribute to whatever your idea is of "good discussion" just leads to the complete collapse of free speech. Also, you mentioned that social repercussions for non-famous people in a public forum are nothing, well you are dead wrong. If someone is talking to their friend on twitter and says something obscenely ignorant yet not illegal, all their friends will likely see it and as a result they will get any consequence they have coming naturally. Maybe he will get shit on by his other friend, maybe he will be congratulated for some reason by another, maybe he will lose followers, it doesn't matter what the consequence is, because there are no specific rules on discussion, but it is there. If he has no followers and just made a new account to harass someone like Phil Fish, that is already bannable. If he says something offensive to you but not the people he is talking to, and receives no consequence, that is fine, it is his right to say whatever he wants as long as it doesn't violate the global rules. On a private place like NeoGAF you don't have those rights, it is a privilege. Free speech in a public forum is not a privilege, it is a right.
Whether or not you think someone should be IP banned for being a prick on Twitter, giving someone the power to decide what is reasonable and what is not in a
public forum is extremely destructive.