If it's like the past few years, I think he's always had extras in his shop after
If it's like the past few years, I think he's always had extras in his shop after
I think I can do that for you.
I don't think it would be an issue grabbing one. Count on me!Would be rad! Appreciate the thought regardless of outcome.
I regret not getting a ticket for at least one day, but the couple times I've been there haven't been the greatest experiencesBottleneck has an incredible NYCC lineup--can't wait to see it all in person. If I can later, I'll post a roundup.
I don't think it would be an issue grabbing one. Count on me!
Grey Matter Art's NY Comic Con line up.
I might have to sell a kidney for that Ferguson Daredevil print. It would be the perfect companion piece to my Ferguson Spiderman variant. Any chance of it being available online?
Hero Complex Gallery announced their schedule for NYCC. A few snips as previews too:
Looks like I'll be after that Leon...
Ise Star Wars PM flood in 3... 2... 1...
Ise Star Wars PM flood in 3... 2... 1...
Maybe not :\
It's tough to balance Ise's collage-esque style with the enormity of Star Wars, but I think that's a great fucking print. The colors are wonderful; each different piece of the collage is easily noticeable and not muddled; and it's representative of the whole movie. Like with Stout, it's a style you need to see in-person to decide, I feel.
Also, that Grey Matter There Will Be Blood is phenomenal.
28 Days Later Variant by Jock via Bottleneck at NYCC
That Hamilton is the first Fitzgerald piece I've liked. It's a perfect use of his style, and I love the credits at the bottom. Did you commission that modernlifeisAndy?
No, a friend did. I did all the text work.
That's rad--you did a great jobI just barely squeezed in on the commission. Also, I hear LandLand are printing the pieces, which is cool as hell.
Don't have hi-res here at work, but here's this I've done some work on:
Hamilton by Karl Fitzgerald; private commission.
I have the High Res version saved;
Thanks! I never moved it into my dropbox hehe
I'm gonna have to get one of those 28 days later prints. It would pair nicely with the Jock Shaun of the Dead.
Is anyone going to the gallery that could pick me up a jock 28 days print? I could pb something at mondo con for you!
Super excited to get that Hamilton! It is stunning.
Ise's stuff in general is WAY too crowded/busy but some of it clicks. Princess Bride and Grand Budapest are fantastic. This, not so much. And yeah, some of the likenesses are not very good. With that being said, the Pewter version looks pretty sharp and feels less overwhelming IMO.
I have the High Res version saved;
More Bottleneck NYCC stuff: http://www.comingsoon.net/extras/ne...tleneck-gallery-nycc-prints-revealed#/slide/1
Stout handbills: https://bottleneckgallery.com/blogs...tastic-mr-fox-handbill-giveaway-nycc-update-5
Bottleneck going all in this year.