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Pope had secret meeting with Kim Davis, Kentucky County Clerk

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This guy, talks about income inequality and climate change then does this. Stop making me bounce between liking you and disliking you so much.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Literally worse than the nazi pope

Seriously though, this is pretty embarassing


The church publicly supports a convicted criminal who refused to do her job? No surprise since the church also covered up years of sexual abuse
So should I hate the pope this week or is he still #bestpope? Tell me what to think internets!

Still best pope, but a pope nonetheless. I was hoping his meeting was to tell her to dislodge her head from her hindquarters and to stop contributing to a bad rep their church has accumulated. Seems he went and did the opposite though. Is there nothing in the Bible about respecting the laws of a land?


*Does a bunch of progressive, kind, and pure things*


*Meets with one, evangelical nutjob and thanks her for her faith, however misguided and prejudiced it may be*

Worst pope in existence. Pure disgrace. A mockery to everything good in this world.

Now, I know that Kim Davis is horrible and in the wrong for what she has done(or at least attempted, thank the freakin' judge they worked out a way to override her position.), but does meeting with her and congratulating her for being a strong believer(in spite of also being a hypocrite in that regard) suddenly destroy everything Pope Francis has done and said so far?

Honestly, the last line is disappointing, but again, this guy's a religious leader. People in his position a couple hundred years ago had the power to burn people at the stake for thinking. Let's just be glad we aren't and most likely(hopefully) never will go to being a theocratic based government again.

In any case, there probably was a reason this was a private meeting, and not that
Hard to expect a 78-yr old leader of a major religion to be progressive. The real disappointment is the pope actually giving her a private audience. Now she'll continue to keep hogging up the attention.


Pope has secret meeting with a criminal

Not surprising, given he's the Pope. I'm more surprised because she isn't a Catholic.

Talk about a conflict of interest. I guess he more or less did it for her and her ilk to reconcile their faith and join up with Catholics.

The church publicly supports a convicted criminal who refused to do her job? No surprise since the church also covered up years of sexual abuse

Well, that's a leap if I ever saw one.
So Kim gets a face to face blessing from the big cheese of the catholic church, even though she herself has been through a few divorces? Wouldn't this be the equivalent of the Pope meeting with a married gay person to pat them on the pack for refusing to grant a divorce certificate?

If such a person existed, I think yeah, that's a proper analogy. Whether the Pope would meet privately with that person, probably not, divorce doesn't make headlines, gay marriage does. I was just saying that the Church doesn't give divorce a free pass, and well, Kim Davis isn't Catholic either (as far as I know). People, whether gay or divorced, are not treated as untouchables, though.

Of course, I think the whole Kim Davis thing is completely ridiculous and she should be forced to resign... But, no, the church doesn't give divorce a free pass, which is what you said.
Its so dumb that ppl go this is the best pope! But then as soon as he does something they dislike they lose their shit.

I never cared either way...I'm not Catholic so he has no bearing on my life whatsoever.
The church publicly supports a convicted criminal who refused to do her job? No surprise since the church also covered up years of sexual abuse

I agree she's a bad person and should do her job. By this logic we need to lock up the people who aren't enforcing illegal immigration as that is also regulated at the federal level.
Howling at this.
Pope: OK, we're meeting in private, alright? And only for a minute or so, before I go to Philly. Don't tell anyone.


Could totally see the Pope saying she ain't shit and she blew this out of proprtions
I'd also imagine that if there were a conscientious objector to pulling the hammer down on the electric chair -- a government employee refusing to do his/her job -- that the Pope would probably support that person as well.

i'm just bitter, i thought he was going to be a more progressive pope

Nah, you just wanted him to agree with everything that you agree with, and you probably consider yourself progressive. Francis is/has been a progressive Pope, but he's still the head of the Catholic Church, which may be progressive on issues related to income inequality, immigration, social issues, the treatment of the poor, the climate, and many others divisive issues, but it is strictly against things like abortion, gay marriage, pre-marital sex, divorce, and many other things that secular society has come to think of as okay.

I'm not surprised that this Pope agrees with Kim Davis, but I am surprised and disappointed he gave her the credibility by meeting with her.
*Does Says a bunch of progressive, kind, and pure things*


*Meets with one, evangelical nutjob and thanks her for her faith, however misguided and prejudiced it may be*

Worst pope in existence. Pure disgrace. A mockery to everything good in this world.

Ultimately the pope is a mouthpiece for centuries of unchanging Catholic dogma. People respond to his words and actions as the absolute center of that universe, and all the baggage it carries. Pretty words are one thing but this is an act by a sitting pope. He can kiss all the babies in the world but open endorsement of shitting on our constitution is more than just talk.


Goddamnit. Pretty disappointed... but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Regardless, I am still with the Pope on other matters. Have to look at the bigger picture even if it stings a bit.
People need to stop thinking the Pope is on their side.

He's a figurehead for an ancient, dying religion, not an ideologue for whatever issue you think is convenient for him to promote.


It makes sense in that the Church is against gay marriage, and the Pope is the head of the Catholic church, and is also against gay marriage. Pope also spoke out against other things the church is against, like the death penalty. So, I think it makes sense from that perspective, though sort of surprised that Francis would go out of his way to endorse or portray this lady being a contientious objector when she's simply not doing her job.

That part's obvious, but in this particular case it's a lost cause, she's not catholic, and it's an awkward political territory. There are other anti-gay marriage folks out there doing far more work for that cause. The secret part is also what makes this somewhat weird, because if it was to encourage or inspire, they could have made a bigger deal about it. This just makes it seem as if they're not even sure what they're doing.
Its so dumb that ppl go this is the best pope! But then as soon as he does something they dislike they lose their shit.

I never cared either way...I'm not Catholic so he has no bearing on my life whatsoever.

People are probably losing their shit because we were finally to a better area with the majority standing against people like Kim Davis who bully others with different sexuality. The Pope standing "with" her is pouring fire on the issue again and giving those same hateful people who rooted for Davis another pillar to stand on.

It's irritating and sets us back.

Edit: Forgot to say that this is such an expected thing in the first place that many probably saw it coming, but it's still stupid.


Well, this is the guy that said gay marriage was the devil's stuff when it was legalized in Argentina while being archbishop of Bs As.
Ultimately the pope is a mouthpiece for centuries of unchanging Catholic dogma. People respond to his words and actions as the absolute center of that universe, and all the baggage it carries. Pretty words are one thing but this is an act by a sitting pope. He can kiss all the babies in the world but open endorsement of shitting on our constitution is more than just talk.

kind of off topic, but I don't think you will find a man over 60 from Latin american that believes a constitution is sacred unmovable law.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I appreciate the Pope's believable focus on the needy and poor. But in every other respect, he is a conservative catholic. People calling him a progressive have been done a disservice by the media.


This Pope along with all the other Popes have sucked. I'm just surprised that Kim Davis was invited in the first place. It'll be a social media nightmare.
I'm still confused why people are upset over this meeting. Kim Davis, for better or worse, made major headlines waving her religious shield.

Considering Francis has come out in favor of gay rights multiple times, I'm not surprised he met with her to discuss her actions. Their meeting does not mean the Pope supports her in any way; if he did, her statement about their encounter would likely have championed that fact -- to an obnoxious degree.
So, what I'm getting from people is that if you aren't progressive on every single social matter that exists then you're scum and the worst Pope ever.

Wow, some of you guys...

Just because someone doesn't share your ideals doesn't mean they stop being human beings.

The Pope cares about everyone. He'd probably hug out some ISIS members in forgiveness.
Considering Francis has come out in favor of gay rights multiple times, I'm not surprised he met with her to discuss her actions. Their meeting does not mean the Pope supports her in any way; if he did, her statement about their encounter would likely have championed that fact -- to an obnoxious degree.

“I put my hand out and he reached and he grabbed it, and I hugged him and he hugged me. And he said, ‘Thank you for your courage.’ ”

Sounds pretty supportive.


I disagree with the meeting.

... Still doesn't mean I don't respect him for visiting our poorest areas, feeding our hungry, speaking to our criminals in prison, blessing the people in hospitals, and telling our government officials he had better things to do than spend time having lunch with them when there was a lot of good he felt he should be doing instead.

He's still a "progressive" Pope, and I know it's disappointing some of his beliefs aren't in-line with other progressives, but progress that we want rarely happens literally overnight, or even over a single generation. Compared to the past Popes, he's practically the Elvis of Popes, who got more than a few high-ranking Catholics freaking out over his policies and reforms.

We also don't know what his vatican aids told him about her. If I was told "this poor girl was arrested for her faith in traditional marriage", I'd be upset too. Less so if I was told, "this nutjob was arrested for failing to do the job she was hired to do and used her religion as her excuse."
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