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Pope had secret meeting with Kim Davis, Kentucky County Clerk

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Ultimately the pope is a mouthpiece for centuries of unchanging Catholic dogma. People respond to his words and actions as the absolute center of that universe, and all the baggage it carries. Pretty words are one thing but this is an act by a sitting pope. He can kiss all the babies in the world but open endorsement of shitting on our constitution is more than just talk.

Francis openly shit on the constitution in front of congress when he condemned gun ownership, gun production, and gun sales, three things that the Supreme Court has general ruled are protected by the 2nd Amendment of the constitution.

does the pope have a place in the non-catholic sects of christianity?

Depends on the denomination. Many Evangelical Christian groups were strictly anti-Catholic and strongly anti-Pope, but then many mainstream Protestants consider the Church misled and simply wrong on doctrine, but think that they're still working towards the same goal and generally good. No other denominations, though, respect his authority on Christian doctrine, that's only the Catholic church (and, well, there is some influence in Eastern orthodox circles, but that's just more from a point of view of influence, not authority). He still typically garners respect from non-Catholic Christians today, though, as the head of the largest Christian denomination in the world. Prior to the 1980s, the Pope probably received more ire from non-Catholics than respect, especially in the United States, as the Church was largely condemned by evangelical Christian groups.
Wow, some of you guys...

Just because someone doesn't share your ideals doesn't mean they stop being human beings.

The Pope cares about everyone. He'd probably hug out some ISIS members in forgiveness.

If JP 2 could forgive the dude that nearly assassinated him, yeah The Pope in general is about caring for all people.

does the pope have a place in the non-catholic sects of christianity?

Some Christian sects denounce the Pope in general. He doesn't represent all of Christian ideology. He's mainly a Catholic figurehead.


I'm still confused why people are upset over this meeting. Kim Davis, for better or worse, made major headlines waving her religious shield.

Considering Francis has come out in favor of gay rights multiple times, I'm not surprised he met with her to discuss her actions. Their meeting does not mean the Pope supports her in any way; if he did, her statement about their encounter would likely have championed that fact -- to an obnoxious degree.

Some "support"

I'm still confused why people are upset over this meeting. Kim Davis, for better or worse, made major headlines waving her religious shield.

Considering Francis has come out in favor of gay rights multiple times, I'm not surprised he met with her to discuss her actions. Their meeting does not mean the Pope supports her in any way; if he did, her statement about their encounter would likely have championed that fact -- to an obnoxious degree.

He's an opponent of gay marriage and considers it intrinsically immoral. The fact that he loves gay people regardless just means he follows Christian dogma in that regard (hate the sin, not the sinner). He very much considers homosexuality a threat to conventional families and was pretty forthright about it as recently as his trip to the states. He's undeniably on Davis's side here.
“I put my hand out and he reached and he grabbed it, and I hugged him and he hugged me. And he said, ‘Thank you for your courage.’ ”

Sounds pretty supportive.

In what world would a meeting with the Pope not end with him blessing you with kind words?

People are reading into this wayyyyyyy too much.
I imagine his popeularity will decrease.


I don't understand the Kevin Eubanks reference.
People are probably losing their shit because we were finally to a better area with the majority standing against people like Kim Davis who bully others with different sexuality. The Pope standing "with" her is pouring fire on the issue again and giving those same hateful people who rooted for Davis another pillar to stand on.

It's irritating and sets us back.

Edit: Forgot to say that this is such an expected thing in the first place that many probably saw it coming, but it's still stupid.

Its stupid that you expect perfect people, whose beliefs line up exactly with yours.

Especially considering his role.
He's an opponent of gay marriage and considers it intrinsically immoral. The fact that he loves gay people regardless just means he follows Christian dogma in that regard (hate the sin, not the sinner). He very much considers homosexuality a threat to conventional families and was pretty forthright about it as recently as his trip to the states. He's undeniably on Davis's side here.
Indeed. Pope needs to be The Pope at the end of the day. He's still more progressive than any other Pope to date. But let's not feign surprise.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
Why is it warranted to call a Pope "progressive"—in respect to Catholicism, not politics—, when caring for the poor and needy and rejecting financial wealth is among the top 3 messages of the New Testament. It's literally one of the most conservative Christian ideas. Maybe people are so used to the fact that political conservatives, especially in America, just don't give a fuck about Christian doctrine when it comes to economics and wealth equality, despite proudly professing their Christianity.

The Pope can be considered progressive in a political/economic sense, but in terms of his world view, he is staunchly conservative. That includes the good things, but also the bad things. Despite what some media reports occasionally suggest, he believes in all the nonsense that Catholicism teaches: sin, hell, damnation for non-believers, the devil and exorcism, that zygotes have soul, that contraception and sex for fun is bad, and that same-sex relationships are a sin.
Catholic church still supporting bigotry isn't a big surprise. Doesn't change the fact that this has been a relatively progressive pope but if you were looking to validate your religion with this pope then it seems foolhardy to expect him to change that much

Sorry Catholics I don't think this will change for a long time until the church conveniently decides to forget all of this


"Kim Davis doesn't want the focus to be on her. That's why she sent out a press release about a private meeting."

She is NEVER letting go of her 15 minutes of fame.
I remember when popes were the ones doing the imprisoning. Probably has a bit of a complex over how much power his office used to have.

Cat Party

I think this was a carefully planned stunt. I think they more or less tricked the Pope into meeting her (possibly in a larger group), and I don't think the Pope intended to make any political statement of support. Kim Davis and her handlers are liars and I'm not going to trust their self serving statement of what happened in a secret meeting (which they went immediately public about).


Pope's just doing the obvious. Next, you'll be expecting him to show support for the Chinese or something. Or worse, black Muslims.

Dai Kaiju

It's a PR stunt. There's a lot of politics involved. He probably doesn't want to burn his bridges with the Catholic church all the way. I think he has pissed off enough people and needs to do little things like this here and there to stay in power.
It's a PR stunt. There's a lot of politics involved. He probably doesn't want to burn his bridges with the Catholic church all the way. I think he has pissed off enough people and needs to do little things like this here and there to stay in power.

Except she's not a Catholic? What bridge would he be burning?


At the end of the day he is still pope. Not really a surprise.

People need to get their expectations in check though. For a millennia old institutions to embrace modern morals is a long process. It took them hundreds of years to admit the atrocities of the Inquisition, but eventually it will come. Maybe not this pope though.
This completely blown out of proportion. The Pope, like any major leader, meets a lot of people. Progressives saying this means the Pope is cool with every retrograde facet of the antiSSM movement is no different than conservatives claiming he supports every facet of communism because he visited Cuba and met the Castros.


Pretty sneaky Pope.

Nah really though who cares, dude also met with a bunch of inmates at a prison and gave out rosaries and said almost the exact same things to them as he did to Davis.

Pope is still dope even if he isn't 100% in alignment with some progressive ideal. Pope don't care about your progressive ideals.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
This completely blown out of proportion. The Pope, like any major leader, meets a lot of people. Progressives saying this means the Pope is cool with every retrograde facet of the antiSSM movement is no different than conservatives claiming he supports every facet of communism because he visited Cuba and met the Castros.

It's not the Anti-SSM stance that bothers me. It's the "fuck the law" stance. Remember she got sent to jail for not following a court order.


Kind of wondering what exactly he told her, since we basically got all the details from crazy Davis.

Probably something about being a conscientious objector. His 'stay strong' and comment about objecting (made earlier last week) has me thinking it was probably a very short meeting and expressed to her the equivalent of something like 'keep the faith'.

Edit: also I do think it's important for people to realize you don't have to be 100% on the same page to have to like someone. Some of you guys must have very few friends.


I thought this was so unlikely that when her lawyers bragged about it yesterday I was mocking it as an obvious lie. Go figure.

I still like the Pope. The common thread for most of the positions he takes that I like and agree with is compassion. Compassion and caring about other human beings despite the differences between us. It sounds schmaltzy to type it out like that, because it's so easy to say and so impossible to live up to. But he tries, and I admire that.

And I think this is another instance of compassion. I strongly disagree with Davis, and the fact that she's some kind of conservative celebrity is irritating. But she's still a human being underneath the crappy outlook and behavior, and it can't be easy to have half the country vilifying you as the worst person ever, even with GOP fundamentalists on your side and telling you how great you are.

The Pope going around telling people that they are people and hugging them seems ok to me.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
I think this was a carefully planned stunt. I think they more or less tricked the Pope into meeting her (possibly in a larger group), and I don't think the Pope intended to make any political statement of support. Kim Davis and her handlers are liars and I'm not going to trust their self serving statement of what happened in a secret meeting (which they went immediately public about).

This completely blown out of proportion. The Pope, like any major leader, meets a lot of people. Progressives saying this means the Pope is cool with every retrograde facet of the antiSSM movement is no different than conservatives claiming he supports every facet of communism because he visited Cuba and met the Castros.

The spin is real.

Do you guys really think that the vatican didn't know what was going on with Kim Davis?

And do you not see the difference between poor and isolated dictatorships full of normal people on the one hand, and a woman who is literally not known for anything else but her bigotry regarding gay people? There is no other reason to visit an otherwise free and normal person, who is receiving a lot of support and money in her own community of bigots, other than to show that you support her "efforts" in the one thing she is known for?


Am I the only one skeptical about this report?

Basically from the article OP posted, Kim Davis and her lawyer are saying "yeah the pop totally supported me and yadayadayada."

But the guy represented the Pope only said that a meeting took place and nothing else.

For all we know the Davises could just be lying about what really happened (idk why they would, it would be a bad move). For all we know The Pope could have disapproved of what she was doing.

Idk, it just sounds a bit weird to me.
Who, may I ask, in Washington, DC allowed this to happen?

I can only imagine the Pope himself requested this...

So, who in DC arranged this and why did they keep it such a secret?

I know the Pope and Kim would keep it a secret as long as Frances was here, so as to not rally demonstrators against him and cause a ruckus.

But people in DC would have had to arrange this meeting for it to happen. I would like to know WHO.


It was a bad joke in the same vein that Jay Leno would make, but the Eubanks photo would make more sense if somebody else quoted them and responded with that.

It's an old thing, from what exact threads I can't remember. Usually that was accompanied by "Oh! Man, Jay!"

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
The Pope is not a leftist, liberal or progressive activist. He is the leader of a church. So left of center people shouldn't act surprised when he takes a stance they don't agree on.


This is not even 1/10th as bad as the comments he made on euthanasia calling it a sin against God around the time there was a big story in the news about a terminally ill woman making the choice to end her life.

I guess people here forget about all the terrible stuff he says.
I mean he's still the Pope. He still supports "traditional" marriage.

With that said I think he's a bit of a coward ideologically for secretly meeting with her.

If that's what you believe and you're the Pope own it. Don't just flaunt those ideals that you think will be happily received while scurrying in secret. That's just shady.

If the Church wants to stray into policy and politics they should pay taxes. If not they should stay in their lane.


I mean he's still the Pope. He still supports "traditional" marriage.

With that said I think he's a bit of a coward ideologically for secretly meeting with her.

If that's what you believe and you're the Pope own it. Don't just flaunt those ideals that you think will be happily received while scurrying in secret. That's just shady.

The article says they didn't want the meeting to be the highlight of the trip.
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