Somewhat. The abortion one would probably be covered under Thou Shall Not Kill (not trying to start an argument, just explaining). As for the alcohol and drugs, it's actually talking about eating religiously 'clean' and 'unclean' food. Scripture repeatedly says being a drunk (not drinking at all, though) is a sin, and drugs are sort of hard to determine because Christians are to obey the laws of the land (i.e. if it's illegal, it's illegal). There is also at least some evidence that when Scripture refers to Sorcery in the New Testament, they're referring to cults that used various mind-altering chemicals to get visions.
Regarding this comment:
Jesus wasn't anti-Capitalist. The Romans were quasi-Capitalists, and He never condemned their system. If He had, they would have had a valid reason to claim He was rebelling against the Empire (something we're repeatedly told isn't the case). I'm not saying that Capitalism is Christian, I'm saying it isn't anti-Christian either.