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POPGAF OT 14: The Alpha and The Omega

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Get up, stand up,
Open your eyes,
Take me to the limit
Never let me go.
Don't cry, don't lie,
Open your mind
Come and take me over
Make me feel alright.


I'm having a lovely throwback moment on this beautiful Sunday morning with this.


For those who missed Eurovision, here is Onuka's amazing performance.

Let me quote myself from one year ago.
Also, let's take this chance to promote an amazing Ukranian artist.

ONUKA - CITY <--- Some solid low key house-pop.
ONUKA - 19 86 <--- Emotional ballad.
ONUKA - Vidlik <--- Batshit insane song that will keep you at the edge of your sit.
Of course this was payed dust and nobody even bothered checking it, tsk.


I can't believe these people are paid MILLIONS of tax payers' dollars and they can't be bothered to learn how to freaking dance or to at least put a decent performance together. It's frustrating. Imagine having one job, getting a lot of money from it but not being able to do it to the most baseline standard? This is what Katia and those popgurls do.


That Portugal entry is still slaying me.

Meu bem, ouve as minhas preces
Peço que regresses, que me voltes a querer
Eu sei que não se ama sozinho
Talves devagarinho possas voltar a aprender

Se o teu coração não quiser ceder
Não sentir paixão, não quiser sofrer
Sem fazer planos do que virá depois
O meu coração pode amar pelos dois


My dear, listen to my prayers
I beg you to return, to want me again
I know that one can’t love alone
Maybe slowly you might learn again

If your heart doesn’t wish to give in
Not to feel passion, not to suffer
Without making plans of what will come after
My heart can love for the both of us



I feel like this is going to be Katy's best album tbh.

I don't get the aesthetic she's been going for in the live performances for this era, everything seems so poorly thought out.


I can't believe these people are paid MILLIONS of tax payers' dollars and they can't be bothered to learn how to freaking dance or to at least put a decent performance together. It's frustrating. Imagine having one job, getting a lot of money from it but not being able to do it to the most baseline standard? This is what Katia and those popgurls do.
That or at least take the time to learn how to sing.


I feel like y'all underrated Chained to the Rhythm and overrated Bon Apetit but I too am liking the mindset for the studio stuff so far


I wish there was a version of that Katy Perry gif from the camera she is looking at while she say "bye". That would have made it an instant classic.



Why is the Avril conspirancy trending AGAIN? I read about it like four years ago and I can't at people believing this still dkjfaekfnaekfnar I wonder if she has been asked about it. Buzzfeed published about it too last year iirc, it is so weird.

The Coachella song sounds like a demo. It's a cute filler song tho.
I'm starting to think it's Avril's team who resurrect this conspiracy theory to get her trending every other year. Isn't she releasing new music soon?


Bon Appetit is one of the coolest pop female video's.

It could've been the best if it ended after the soup or went into a different direction.


irresponsible vagina leak
Little Mons†er;236817015 said:
Lmao the conspiracy had me in shreds! What was the Britney one? I still remember the Gaga conspiracy one with her killing her friend and taking ha identity lol

Something that she overdosed in 2007 and they used a double to keep making money for Brit's family.
Coachellla- Woodstock In My Mind left the Lana stans shook. They're having meltdowns about it and are now praising Honeymoon askdmksdakhd ATRL and Lanaboards are a fucking mess.



That Woodstock song isn't good enough to be on anyone's album much less be released as a single. Every song I've heard from this album is worse than the one before it.
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