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PopGaf OT-X | Confirmed: Mariah Carey is the Queen of PopGAF

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Mau ®;130195523 said:
Pretty sure Roy came out as a secret Ke?ha stan a few OT's ago... or was I high?
I could've been lbr

If that happened sis then I was high.

Real talk: Kesha's career is over. Like, where does she even go from here? How do you reintroduce the public to Kesha??? Her music, image and branding was so specifically "Drunk Party Kid 2010-2012" and that audience has evolved.

I just don't see how you do it.

Bye Kesha.

Mau ®

If that happened sis then I was high.

Real talk: Kesha's career is over. Like, where does she even go from here? How do you reintroduce the public to Kesha??? Her music, image and branding was so specifically "Drunk Party Kid 2010-2012" and that audience has evolved.

I just don't see how you do it.

Bye Kesha.

The rihceipts of your brief intoxication *.*

Next time invite me


Mau ®;130197329 said:
The rihceipts of your brief intoxication *.*

Next time invite me


I must have been smokin something FIERCE!

Seriously, the last Kesha single I truly liked was fucking Bla Bla.

Lord reading that has me dying. #DontDoDrugsKids

Mau ®

Funny thing was that Pitbull originally wanted Rihanna for the Timber chorus. But Rih had that vile Shakira duet scheduled.

Dumb bitch.

Ke$ha makes that song lbr


Problem and Fancy both did well because of Ariana and Charli. Nobody cares about Iggy, the female pitbull, her shitty verse.

The situations actually parallel Timber so much that I can't believe I didn't notice it before.


Mau ®;130198685 said:
Funny thing was that Pitbull originally wanted Rihanna for the Timber chorus. But Rih had that vile Shakira duet scheduled.

Dumb bitch.

Ke$ha makes that song lbr

and yet Rih still got a #1 out of it. Effortless Queen.


It Timber had some flop artist, it wouldn't have smashed lbr

Pitbull can make the gp look at a song, but it usually takes ANOTHER popular name to really make the song smash.

Now I don't want to give it the time of day. I heard two songs and was not feeling it. Makes me feel happy that I don't need to expect anything special. Habits is really her only one and true certified bop.
Bjork's going down, vote for Ke$ha
You better PM Soul, you better do it now
Animal, Cannibal, and Warrior had some bops if you remember
Bjork never had a hit, don't you forget



Azealia performs Wallace and Chasing Time live. The audio sucks but I can feel the bops wanting to break through.


She's not as good at singing as she thinks she is. You can tell she really thinks she's doing something.
Azealia performs Wallace and Chasing Time live. The audio sucks but I can feel the bops wanting to break through.


She's not as good at singing as she thinks she is. You can tell she really thinks she's doing something.

She is coming. Weirdly, I like her raspy deep out of sync witch like voice. She's not amazing but it works for her in some odd way. However these songs sound like bops, I'm ready for ha. I'll be dead if she actually delivers in 2014 while we were all anticipating or big girls to do something.
If anything, she is teaching how to retire the abomination.

Ugh, why is the Ponytail now the "Ariana Grande"? Fuck that shit.

Edit: This is literally what's being said by the people around me.
Robin Thicke Admits Drug Abuse, Lying to Media in Wild 'Blurred Lines' Deposition
When "Blurred Lines" was released in March 2013, the catchy harmony became a cultural phenomenon, but since then, there's been substantial reassessment of what this song is all about. In some corners of the public, "Blurred Lines," with lyrics that include "Good girl, I know you want it," has been attacked as "kind of rapey." And in the past few months, Thicke has had to endure accusations of misogyny.
The singer says under oath that after writing and producing six albums himself, "I was jealous and I wanted some of the credit... I tried to take credit for it later because (Williams) wrote the whole thing pretty much by himself and I was envious of that."

Thicke soon gets more specific:

"Q: Were you present during the creation of 'Blurred Lines'?

Thicke: I was present. Obviously, I sang it. I had to be there.

Q: When the rhythm track was being created, were you there with Pharrell?

Thicke: To be honest, that's the only part where — I was high on vicodin and alcohol when I showed up at the studio. So my recollection is when we made the song, I thought I wanted — I — I wanted to be more involved than I actually was by the time, nine months later, it became a huge hit and I wanted credit. So I started kind of convincing myself that I was a little more part of it than I was and I — because I didn't want him — I wanted some credit for this big hit. But the reality is, is that Pharrell had the beat and he wrote almost every single part of the song."

Despite having limited input in the creation of "Blurred Lines," Thicke was given a co-writer credit, which he says entitles him to about 18-22 percent of publishing royalties. Why would Williams be so generous?

"This is what happens every day in our industry," said Williams during his own deposition. "You know, people are made to look like they have much more authorship in the situation than they actually do. So that's where the embellishment comes in."

The producer says he was in the "driver's seat" on this particular song, but does give Thicke some credit in a rather interesting section that seems to imply that white people are victims and beneficiaries of racial discrimination in the music business:

"Q: In your view, what holds 'Blurred Lines' together throughout the different sections?

Williams: What holds it together?

Q: Yeah.

Williams: Robin Thicke's voice.

Q: Does the bass line and the keyboard hold the songs together through the different sections?

A: No

Q: Why not?

A: Because it's the white man singing soulfully and we, unfortunately, in this country don't get enough — we don't get to hear that as often, so we get excited by it when the mainstream gives that a shot. But there's a lot of incredibly talented white folk with really soulful vocals, so when we're able to give them a shot — and when I say 'we,' I mean like as in the public gives them a shot to be heard, then you hear the Justin Timberlakes and you hear the Christina Aguileras and you hear, you know, all of these masterful voices that have just been given, you know, an opportunity to be heard because they're doing something different."

Williams then adds that if he had sang the song, "It wouldn't be what it was — what it is today."


which stanbase started that lie about Bleach stealing songwriting credits?
she's always been vocal about other people writing her songs.
have you seen the credits for the Survivor album? Matthew Knowles was mess.

That's just good business sense. Other girls should be mad that their fathers/managers aren't so forward thinking.

edit:Like that time P bundled Musicflopogy with concert tickets and charted for the first time in ages.


And to be fair, that business sense culminated in the Music Event of the Decade

not her being the sole songwriter for Silent Night
King better slay that time machine!
Beyonce and Jay Z Release Sexy Short Film
The description for first film, titled Bang Bang: Part 1, reads: "Two American outlaws speed through the Californian desert in a dusty 1960s Pontiac GTO with a manifest poise and stylish swagger that could only be embodied by the world’s foremost musical couple: Beyonce and Jay Z."

"Everything he mentioned was a level of consciousness he has for staying alive as an entertainer and as a human being," Dikayl recalled of Jay Z's vision. "He wanted to keep it more abstract because for him it was very abstract. How do you stay new, not just to your audience but also yourself?"
Post >>>>>>>>>
Homogenic >>>>>>>>
Vespertine >>>>>>>>
Volta >>>>>>>

Even Biophilia shits a biT (Crystalline, Mutual Core, Hollow) How is this even a contest?


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
First off, the beat for WALLACE sounds like it will fucking slay
she's coming back for wigs and weaves and Iggy can take several seats
Chasing Time sounds amazing too, shes got a good chance to smash in the UK as its very much the sound that is popular there right now

And now to the voting...


When have you ever bopped to Bjork in the club? Never.
When have you ever got with your friends and started to sing along to Bjork? Never.
When have you ever been able to understand what Bjork sings? Never.

A vote for Kesha is a vote for light, a vote for pop, a vote for glitter a vote for the future
Do not vote for that Icelandic banshee and her alternative hippy ways.
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