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PopGAF |OT6| Beyonic is never coming out.

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That looks like Kimbrallah with bleachoncéd hair.

she wishes.


face wise, the best she looked on stage.

but I'm probably a little biased because this is one of my top 3 favourite performances of hers
Maybe I will mute all of the MDNA songs and just play a random assortment of tracks from the Confessions Live album over them :3

The songs sound better live. Especially Love Spent. The I'm Addicted portion of the show was a little too subdued. I'd be glad if I never had to see her perform Like a Prayer ever again.


At this rate fucking Azealia will have an album out before Sky Ferreira will. It's like they're dueling to see who can have their album delayed longer. Remember when Broke With Expensive Taste was due in August of 2012?


At this rate fucking Azealia will have an album out before Sky Ferreira will. It's like they're dueling to see who can have their album delayed longer. Remember when Broke With Expensive Taste was due in August of 2012?
but sky has had like 4 albums shelved. It is RIDICULOUS for ha to keep doing this. I blame it on fucking Perra. They are on the same label and clearly the label prefers to give all their attention to her set of twins.


Oh, I was just trying something out. /shrug


It seems the European Union is pressed about everyone's favourite Uzbek diplomat again

A Swiss prosecutor’s office confirms that at its request French police have searched apartments of a person under investigation in the Uzbek money-laundering scheme.

The press secretary for the Swiss Prosecutor General’s office Jeanette Balmer responded to a inquiry from Uznews.net with a simple confirmation that the searches of properties in France were being conducted at her office’s request.

She declined to answer follow-up questions regarding the reason for the searches, their results, the owner of the searched properties, and more generally about the progress of the investigation into Uzbek citizens who are accused of money laundering in Switzerland.

She said the investigation is being conducted in a confidential manner and as such Swiss prosecutor’s office employees were not at liberty to discuss further details at this time.

According to the Swiss news service TT, the searches in France were conducted to confiscate documents and possibly seize the properties.

According to several well-respected publications, the owner of these properties is Gulnara Karimova, President Karimov's eldest daughter.

And that those under investigation in the Swiss money laundering case are her employees—Bekzod Akhmedov, Gayane Avakian, Alisher Ergashev and Shokhrukh Sobirov.

The last two – senior managers at “Coca Cola Uzbekistan”, which is owned by Karimova – were arrested in Switzerland last summer, but later released on bail.

Last year French journalists published documents showing a direct connection between Ergashev and Karimova.

Karimova and Ergashev’s signatures are next to each other on at least eight documents that concern real estate purchases in France.

The documents are dated between September 2009 to May 2011. In these papers, Karimova and Ergashev are named as the owner and director of a company, which was conducting the real estate purchases in France.

The properties in question are located in the town of Gassin in Cote-de-Azur, as well as in prestigious neighborhoods in Paris.

The BBC’s Russian service reports that during the searches of Karimova’s apartments on June 18 she was in Europe, but at that time needed for some reason to return urgently to Uzbekistan.

Besides the Swiss investigation, an ongoing Swedish criminal case is also looking into Karimova.

According to the TV network SVT, the Swedish prosecutors now consider her a suspect in the corruption and bribery case against the telecommunication company TeliaSonera and its operations in Uzbekistan.


A truly global being.

It's drunk and late, but here are some under-the-influence facts for the sistren:

- The MDNA Tour is the best fucking concert special I've ever seen. Gaga, Christina, even Beyonce tried, and failed

- Leona Lewis is the whinier incarnate of Mariah Carey, minus the whistle register but plus the incessant falsetto finishers and the total lack of ideas as to what the song she's singing about actually is or means

- Beyonce's probably better than you and it'll most likely stay that way for the time being

- Gaga's comeback is going to be more substantial than the margin of victory in the 2008 electoral vote but also genuinely better than that really awesome party you were planning with your friends that was supposed to be the coolest thing ever but it's still not quite as cool as an album that's centered around a giant uterus mask and a busted-ass weave on a white backdrop

- Beyonce's still better than you, even still. Damn

- The statement about Leona Lewis being whinier than Mariah shouldn't distract from the other point that Mariah Carey needs to stop, and is also generally awful

- Rihanna is the slightly tanner, slightly more medicated version of Britney Spears in the pop context, and I'm totally okay with that. Rihanna would have totally taken Gaga's "Telephone" song if she wasn't so understudy at the time, just like Britney Spears rejected "Telephone" because it dealt with a technology her conservator never introduced her to

- Lady Gaga created everything in the universe except Uranus, which was created by Rihanna because she was inspired by herself

- Justin Bieber's low-hanging crotch area pants aren't a fashion statement so much as a depressing revelation that Justin Bieber takes really large shits in his pantaloons. All that sizzurp

- Lady Gaga's bone structure is tighter than my asshole at a feminist abortion rally, but also random like a Mario Party minigame set to random

- I love that Britney's tours consist of her hobbling on to the stage, pressing play, then starting the show

- I'm not comfortable with how okay we are with Taylor Swift

- Usher, NeYo and Jason Derulo are actually male African American incarnates of Nayru, Din and Farore from the Legend of Zelda series, minus the timeless legacy, sales, or fan dedication

- Christina Aguilera may have the vocal swagger of a 1912 propeller-powered steam engine but she will sing your fave under a table under any and all contexts. She's also prettier than you probably

- If P!nk were any animal on earth it would be the one you completely forget about until you stumble into an Animal Planet documentary and see it get mentioned and you're like "oh yeah, that"

- Carly Rae Jepsen is what happens when Gaga takes a long vacation

- Beyonce's still prettier. That concealer didn't help

- Lady Gaga's name in sign language is actually Chun Lin's helicopter kick from Street Fighter

- Christina's name in sign language is 14 sets of jumping jacks

- Ciara is actually a CIA project created to test average Americans' ability to ignore and neglect

- The revelation that I probably have more Grammys than Britney Spears...

- Rihanna's attachment to Chris Brown's sexual advances only proves the fact that her vagina is shaped like the inside of a straw

- If I could be Nicki Minaj for a day I'd be Missy Elliot

- Lady Gaga may dance like a dry heave set to music but she makes up for it through her total lack of regard for the bottom half of her body

- Madonna's incredibly good at adopting new talents for her albums but she still gives the impression that you shit in her yard and she doesn't want to talk to you for the rest of the night

- Kelly Clarkson is that cousin you have that's generally unfortunate but finds her true calling via a promotion to general manager at Walmart, but you're actually really proud of her for it

Aaaaaaaand I need to pass out. Long night girls. Sleep tight


World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
How long was the MDNA tour on epix?
I want to get my teeth in to it

It's drunk and late, but here are some under-the-influence facts for the sistren:

- Gaga's comeback is going to be more substantial than the margin of victory in the 2008 electoral vote but also genuinely better than that really awesome party you were planning with your friends that was supposed to be the coolest thing ever but it's still not quite as cool as an album that's centered around a giant uterus mask and a busted-ass weave on a white backdrop

- Rihanna is the slightly tanner, slightly more medicated version of Britney Spears in the pop context, and I'm totally okay with that. Rihanna would have totally taken Gaga's "Telephone" song if she wasn't so understudy at the time, just like Britney Spears rejected "Telephone" because it dealt with a technology her conservator never introduced her to

- Lady Gaga created everything in the universe except Uranus, which was created by Rihanna because she was inspired by herself

- Justin Bieber's low-hanging crotch area pants aren't a fashion statement so much as a depressing revelation that Justin Bieber takes really large shits in his pantaloons. All that sizzurp

- Lady Gaga's bone structure is tighter than my asshole at a feminist abortion rally, but also random like a Mario Party minigame set to random

- I'm not comfortable with how okay we are with Taylor Swift

- Ciara is actually a CIA project created to test average Americans' ability to ignore and neglect

- Rihanna's attachment to Chris Brown's sexual advances only proves the fact that her vagina is shaped like the inside of a straw



World's #1 One Direction Fan: Everyone else in the room can see it, everyone else but you~~~
I wonder if all these little messages are homework set by her English tutor

edit; Oh and I fucking love that new Avicii song My first ever single pre-order I think
It's drunk and late, but here are some under-the-influence facts for the sistren:

- Usher, NeYo and Jason Derulo are actually male African American incarnates of Nayru, Din and Farore from the Legend of Zelda series, minus the timeless legacy, sales, or fan dedication

- If P!nk were any animal on earth it would be the one you completely forget about until you stumble into an Animal Planet documentary and see it get mentioned and you're like "oh yeah, that"

- Lady Gaga's name in sign language is actually Chun Lin's helicopter kick from Street Fighter

- Christina's name in sign language is 14 sets of jumping jacks

- Ciara is actually a CIA project created to test average Americans' ability to ignore and neglect

- Rihanna's attachment to Chris Brown's sexual advances only proves the fact that her vagina is shaped like the inside of a straw

I'm totally and utterly done. omfg
- The MDNA Tour is the best fucking concert special I've ever seen. Gaga, Christina, even Beyonce tried, and failed

- Beyonce's probably better than you and it'll most likely stay that way for the time being

- Beyonce's still better than you, even still. Damn

- I love that Britney's tours consist of her hobbling on to the stage, pressing play, then starting the show

- I'm not comfortable with how okay we are with Taylor Swift

- Usher, NeYo and Jason Derulo are actually male African American incarnates of Nayru, Din and Farore from the Legend of Zelda series, minus the timeless legacy, sales, or fan dedication

- Beyonce's still prettier. That concealer didn't help

- Ciara is actually a CIA project created to test average Americans' ability to ignore and neglect

- The revelation that I probably have more Grammys than Britney Spears...

- If I could be Nicki Minaj for a day I'd be Missy Elliot

- Madonna's incredibly good at adopting new talents for her albums but she still gives the impression that you shit in her yard and she doesn't want to talk to you for the rest of the night

I wonder if all these little messages are homework set by her English tutor

Nope. I think I'll continue to stan, be positive about, and like whoever I want.

Thanks for your valuable input tho.


I would stan for Gaga again if she were more independent from her team and fans. They create a weird dynamic that seems to push her away from fun at every turn.


rob pretends to hate me that's all i meant and i wouldnt have said it if he disntt post that shitty anlog tv GIF


i c trigger stanning



i heard a rumour that if you dig a hole and put bleach talc and soulscribe in it, chant tina three times and beyonce will announce mrs crater dates at your country!

try it
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