Bye she is not. If she was in the album buying business, shed have made sure 4 outsold TTT WW.
Jay-Z's latest turd is slaying?
Jay-Z's latest turd is slaying?
Jay-Z's latest turd is slaying?
yeah. And Kanye is flopping
Jay-Z is too big to fail.
Justine is doing a small clock on iTunes with his latest turd of a single as well. I guess he'll sell a million copies again.
Yes, she is. I also like that guy in the last pic with her. I want to play with his ears.Duff is GORGEOUS, omg
Just listened to it. I ain't even mad.Review: Justin TimberlakeFollows In MJs FootstepsOn Take Back The Night
We are living in brazenly ironic times, ladies and gentlemen. The historically woeful Pittsburgh Pirates are in spitting distance of first place, Hanna Montana has unwittingly unleashed twerking onto the mainstream, and the best R&B acts on the planet TODAY are white. Yes, that latter notion seems a bit over-the-top, but stay with the kid. While the headlining likes of Rihanna, Usher, Ne-Yo, and Chris Brown have not totally abandoned their rhythm and blues roots, their materialbeyond the occasional soulful gem like Fine Chinahave over the last few years worshipped more at the altar of Euro-pop king David Guetta than Marvin Gaye or Mary J. Blige. Maybe this is the reason why Justin Timberlakes latest musical salvo Take Back The Night is so jarring.
Nothing here is particularly groundbreaking. JT and long-time producer Timbaland are once again channeling their innerMichael Jacksonon the second installment of The 20/20 Experience. But this is no mere homage. The groove is lush, sexy, intoxicating, and at times obnoxiously infectious. Take back the night, take back the night/They gon try to shut us down/Ill be damned if we gon let them the Memphis crooner sings over the type of a horn-accented floor burner that seems like it came straight out of early Jheri curl '80s R&B radio when S.O.L.A.R. Records was killing the game. Theres the prerequisite break down (And the horn say!) and the type of euphoric in-the-hood crowd chants that puts you in the mind of sweaty house party throwdowns. This is barebones, straight-no-chaser good stuff.
Of course you are tempted to point out that the blue-eyed soul king coronation that has been showered on Timberlake has been of the egregious variety.Certainly Miguel has more than held up the end of the deal and the seemingly unstoppable R. Kelly is still going strong when he's not singing to pre-recorded tapes.But between Take Back The Night, Robin Thickes no. 1 backyard barbecue anthem Blurred Lines and JoJos criminally slept on mixtape Agape, the elephant in the room is doing the electric slide. While you break down that metaphoric image, turn the music up. Way up. Keith Murphy
Yes, she is. I also like that guy in the last pic with her. I want to play with his ears.
Too bad Hilary Duff won't be on X Factor.Instead we have that hew between Demi and Kelly.
Hopefully the ratings reflect their poor choices.
Just listened to it. I ain't even mad.
Considering your taste for all things RELIC and DUSTY I cant say im surprised
Justink is a repulsive hack and his latest song is shit. All these boys attempting disco as of late are redefining TIRED, putting out songs that seem more like a child playing dress-up in their parents' wardrobe than an actual creative effort to rejuvenate that dead genre.
Madonna remains dewigging these odorous flaccid penises with her 8-year-old electro-disco magnum opus. That was an actual attempt at recreating disco for the 21st century rather than just copy pasting DEAD PEOPLE's careers.
5 Lotus out of 5.
If the alternative is Hillary Duff or hussies in transparent Jigsaw masks, I'm good.
Justink is a repulsive hack and his latest song is shit. All these boys attempting disco as of late are redefining TIRED, putting out songs that seem more like a child playing dress-up in their parents' wardrobe than an actual creative effort to rejuvenate that dead genre.
Madonna remains dewigging these odorous flaccid penises with her 8-year-old electro-disco magnum opus. That was an actual attempt at recreating disco for the 21st century rather than just copy pasting DEAD PEOPLE's careers.
5 Lotus out of 5.
Justink is a repulsive hack and his latest song is shit. All these boys attempting disco as of late are redefining TIRED, putting out songs that seem more like a child playing dress-up in their parents' wardrobe than an actual creative effort to rejuvenate that dead genre.
Madonna remains dewigging these odorous flaccid penises with her 8-year-old electro-disco magnum opus. That was an actual attempt at recreating disco for the 21st century rather than just copy pasting DEAD PEOPLE's careers.
5 Lotus out of 5.
Just listened to it. I ain't even mad.
Justink is a repulsive hack and his latest song is shit. All these boys attempting disco as of late are redefining TIRED, putting out songs that seem more like a child playing dress-up in their parents' wardrobe than an actual creative effort to rejuvenate that dead genre.
Madonna remains dewigging these odorous flaccid penises with her 8-year-old electro-disco magnum opus. That was an actual attempt at recreating disco for the 21st century rather than just copy pasting DEAD PEOPLE's careers.
5 Lotus out of 5.
Also, I think it's fucking hilarious that this guy tried to make a point about all the hot R&B coming from white artists these days (not that it should matter), but then completely fails to mention Janelle Monae, who took a huge dump on ALL of the 20/20 Experience with a single track.
Will Beyonce ever top Freakum Dress? :'(
Q.U.E.E.N. was hot, but any momentum she had, R&B wise, was ruined by that spastic Dance Apocalyptic tripe, IMO.
Diplo wants to clarify that Beyonce's forthcoming album is not, in fact, dead in the water -- because that's kind of what he implied on Thursday.
"I just did two songs for her new album, well, I tried. I think she scrapped the record," the producer/DJ told The Sun, leading some to believe he meant the entire album. "The record was supposed to be done and they have been hitting me up for brand-new ideas."
But don't worry, BeyHive: Diplo took to Twitter to ensure that your goddess is not starting over from scratch.
Total BS.
If he was referring to one song WHY would he say he just completed two tracks for the album? And then follow that up with "I get called in to fix records."
Diplo's got an illuminati pistol aimed at his head as we speak...hopefully they make him clean his toilet while they're at it.
It seems like he did two tracks, they got him to mess around with them a little more, apparently didn't like them after all and consulted him about more songs. I don't get how this is confusing.
It seems like he did two tracks, they got him to mess around with them a little more, apparently didn't like them after all and consulted him about more songs. I don't get how this is confusing.
But The Sun was the source yet again.
Illuminati got Ha!
Because he's now claiming that he meant one song when he used the word "record." Which, yeah, would make sense if he didn't earlier refer to attempting to make TWO songs for the album.
Hes been in touch with us on Twitter to say one song was scrapped and thats the one I worked on so bear that in mind when you read the following five paragraphs.
I just did two songs for her new album, well, I tried, he explained. I think she scrapped therecordsong.
But why do you think that Mr Diplo?
Therecordsong was supposed to be done and they have been hitting me up for brand new ideas, he continued, before adding pointedly: I like to work from scratch, (but) sometimes I get called in to fixrecordssongs.
It fits the narrative, don't you see.I'm not sure why you would think Diplo would be privy to information about the state of Beyonce's album. Quite often producers don't even know if their song is going to make the final cut or not.
I'm not sure why you would think Diplo would be privy to information about the state of Beyonce's album. Quite often producers don't even know if their song is going to make the final cut or not.
Didn't he just say he gets called in to fix records?
Pretty much implies he knows SOMETHING about 5 is broken.
One would assume that since he's talking about the songs he submitted, that he's also talking about "fixing" his songs as well. But don't let that get in the way of you inferring facts not in evidence.
You taking his tweets as evidence that she didnt scrap #FFFFFFFive
I've been replaying Single Ladies for the past half hour. I don't know what this means.
So, its ok to believe one thing he said, but not okay to believe another thing he said?
xAmerican Idol season eight runner-up Adam Lambert was being asked by his label, RCA Records, to consider recording an all covers album elicited an impassioned response from the legions of Glamberts worldwide. And it wasn't a positive one.
In what was a loud and fairly unanimous outcry, the rocker's fans took to social media, this site and popular American Idol debate destination MJs Big Blog to voice their distaste for the idea. The consensus for the most part being: that Lambert is an artist with his own musical vision who should be allowed to explore it to the fullest.
Now, THR can report, Lambert will be doing just that. The singer is walking away from his RCA contract after two full length albums, 2012's Trespassing and 2009's For Your Entertainment, along with several EPs and a live collection -- all issued by the Sony Music label.
Carson Daly ‏@CarsonDaly 8h
@rachelmcrady: @CarsonDaly What's the best thing @xtina has done on #TheVoice so far? Salsa dance w one of the contestants....shhh
Vocal goddess and music legend, Xtina will be performing in one of the early episodes of The Voice.