onQ123 said:
Until I see real Xbox Scorpio specs I'm forced to believe that they did exactly what I think they did..
Remember Microsoft never mentioned Xbox One's 1.3Tflops but now they announce Xbox Scorpio as a 6tflop console.
I'm guessing the APU will also need to have embedded ram for backwards compatibility with Xbox One so what are the chances of them fitting a bigger GPU than what is in the PS4 Neo in a APU with embedded ram?
The fact that Polaris can do half-precision computation gave them the chance to use the 6tflop line & the fact that Neo wasn't announced gave them the chance to say it's the most powerful console ever made.
onQ123 said:
I'm saying that Xbox Scorpio could be just like what the Neo is to the PS4 a APU with 2X the CUs with a higher clock speed & because Polaris is capable of half-precision computation Microsoft was able to say that it is 6tflops because
24 compute units clocked at 1Ghz would be 3tflops single-precision & 6tflops half-precision.
Polaris support native half-precision floating point calculations & because of that Sony could say that PS4 Neo is 8.4tflops because it would be true if they are using Polaris. .
onQ123 said:
I think the more likely scenario for Scorpio is 6TF FP16 but I would rather it be 6TF FP32.
onQ123 said:
PS4 Pro being 4.2tf fp32 / 8.4tf fp16 isn't something being said to make it look more powerful than Scorpio it's the actual specs. the fact that it upset you only says that you don't understand.
onQ123 said:
That's the real specs this isn't secret sauce
djnewwest said:
Why doesn't Sony advertise the pro as 8.4tf to counter the scorpios 6tf?
Syrus said:
Because it is simply not 8.4 no matter what they do, its pure PR nonsense just like ESRAM and Cloud was nonsense
People are upset Scorpio is better then Pro because X1 was a disaster
onQ123 said:
It's 8.4tf fp16