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Possibly stupid Disgaea question...

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Ok, I've finally gotten around to playing a bit of this and am completely overwhelmed by the breadth of options and customization this game affords the player. It's uncanny and frankly, much like Dark Cloud 2, is giving me a headache so far...(I am afterall a completist junkie)

Anyway, I am very curious if there is a way to actually view how much damage you will output to your enemies post-attack, but before you actually commit yourself to a turn round. I mean maybe there isn't, or maybe I am just not seeing it, but my planning is often disrupted because I underestimate or over-estimate how much damage my crew will deliver thus leading to wasted turns and potential.

I guess I am so accustomed to being fed that helpful bit of info in damn near every other SRPG, but it's really kinda strange to set up these elaborate geo-mod bonus situations and then have to guesstimate my way through the whole 'hitting people over the head' thing.

I just feel like I am missing a HUGE piece of the puzzle...am I?


none that I know of, though after countless hours I've noticed i'm able to guess my damage after looking at their DEF stat and be within 10% of the actual hit points

Geo-Panels damage is a wildcard to me :\


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
It's not really necessary in the first place. Power Leveling will get you much farther than actual strategy.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!

This is pretty damned unfortunate, I mean it's an aspect of play that does stretch beyond simple convenience in terms of strategy and placement planning. Ah well, I'll deal with it.


The system in Disgaea is a little weird though. Let's say you've got Laharl and Etna on a board. You move them both toward a creature, and tell Laharl to attack. Now if you hit "Execute" Laharl will attack and you'll see if the creature is dead. If it isn't you can attack with Etna; if it is you can use the "Cancel" button (I think it's O maybe?) to take Etna's move back and then send her after a different opponent. All of that is conjecture though, I haven't played in a little while and just sent the game to a friend so I can't even verify, so YMMV.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Yea, that whole sort of 'trial and error' approach to battle is one way to play, but you lose out on all the chain/combo bonuses by playing it that way I would think. I find myself really trying to exploit that stuff alongside the geomods for post-battle bonuses, but maybe I am really just overdoing it. It's really hard to effectively plan out a strategy(thus far) when you have to sort of guess how well your opponents will actually respond to your attacks.

I am guessing it's really not THAT big of a deal the farther you play into the game, but this does put a serious kink in my current enjoyment.

In other news, Gladius co-op ROCKS!!
Off topic, but has anyone who sent out their registration cards gotten their artbook yet? If so, about how long did it take?


You can still get the combos that way, just line Etna up next to or behind Laharl in my example. You'll still be able to cancel her out of that move after he attacks. I eventually stopped bothering with that stuff though (and with the geo panel chains unless there was something really good) just because it was taking me a week to plan everything out and my enjoyment of the game itself was shot.


there are two different kinds of combos...the ones called combos (have multiple people attack the same target one after the next [also works for heals]) and the one where they perform a team simultaneous attack which I simply called gangbangs :eek:

I believe he was referring to the former...and yes...my spelling does suck


Combos are the absolute way to go in the game. I believe you get a minor damage bonus for every combo after the first raking up damage higher and higher. Simultaneous attacks aren:t bad either but I didn`t use them as much.


works for Gamestop (lol)
What classes should I invest in for my initial party? I only have like 4 real characters right now (Laharl and Etna, plus two created characters: brawler and fire magic user)
I just got to the 2nd episode I think, the one with the snow. I should probably start building mana up to create better characters but I'm not sure which to go for. My fire magic user d00d hardly does damage :|


Clerics - higly recommended
Scouts - highly recommended for item world
Rogues - suck for fighting but great for stealing those hard to find rares
Brawlers rock Ninjas are better
Ronins are fun
Knight and Angles are OK
Majin are the ulitmate but can make the game easy


works for Gamestop (lol)
And what's the best way to level up? I downloaded that free PDF strategy guide for the game to read how some stuff works, but the item world thing still confuses me. Should I just rush through the exits and kill only the statisician dudes or whatever? Game seems to be heavy on building stats, the guide even says you can get to level 9999 in 100 hours from item world...

And should I always use team attacks, or are combos more effective? I've been using team attacks on every battle so far


Certain areas in the game have higher percentage points for gaining experience, in the geo panels. When you find a level like that, abuse it to no end. The best level for gaining experience is Cave of Ordeals 3.
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