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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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Okay what the heck. Here is me. First time posting in here.


You look like my gym coach from high school. Girls love him but they were underage. He had a smoking hot wife though


all good things
why does everyone keep shaving I dont get it D:
not that it looks bad, but with beard is always superior :3
oh also like the haircut btw :)

Probably because it's getting warm out.

Beards are more of a winter thing and its easier to cool down when you don't have a thick beard going.
Just got back from vacation in San Jose Cabo in Mexico. Damn was it nice.
.I pretty sure I was under the influence at this point, but eh. I'm the biggest lightweight ever. 230lbs, and one drink can make me feel it. I'm so weak lol

And now...a smile :^)

You remind me of a young, more muscular Harry Belafonte

Been letting it grow the last few months.

James Harden, is that you?

Yes yes I know the exist. Enough comparisons for today.


I've never posted a pic of myself on the internet, do I look weird?


Sorry for the bad quality and awkward pose, I'm not used to taking pictures

I've got a bit of stubble but it's hidden by the light.
Ladies like beards not over grown beards where you look like you've been lost in the jungle but rather nice, well trimmed, CLEAN beards... Trust me I know


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant

pic of my friend and I out in hawaii. the hike up to this point kicked all corners of my ass

(i'm the black guy)
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