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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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Another day, another beard.


The fact that anyone supports Hillary boggles my mind... I have tested between 130-160 on IQ tests
DarthWufei, you have the ideal male body. Are you trying to add more muscle or are you going to just maintain? I would just maintain, because goddam.

Laying in bed thinkng af the cosmos of the universe. I don't want the sun to turn into a black dwarf:(
I love Brian Cox!!

im the guy on the bottom. You can only see my behind, but I like the picture. In Jiu-Jitsu we sometimes try to do sweeps by crawling under them, and pushing behind their knee caps and shins to make them loose balance.
Sometimes it works.. and sometimes, they stack you, putting tremendous pressure on your own neck, while looking like an ass. hehe!


I took a new photo for twitter/Real Pic January just because. Felt like taking a stupid one so i stuck my tongue out like a 13 year old girl. Problem?

Here's one of me actually smiling to balance it out.

Didn't realise how close these pictures were until i posted them here. Sorry if i scare anyone ;)

Try this next.

Fun story. I brought that stuff into work and my jack-the-lad boss thought he was the man by snatching it out of my hand and chugging a good third of it straight out of the bottle. He had to clock out about 25 minutes later and go home.

The Dave's sauces are like ketchup compared to this stuff though.

I felt like my head was swelling up after trying that shit.
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