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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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I've been hesitant to post anything here, because I'm embarrassed about being (and looking) so young.


I'll be in my 20s mid next year, and want to look the part I guess? I dunno.
what a terrible curse to have :p
I've been hesitant to post anything here, because I'm embarrassed about being (and looking) so young.

I'll be in my 20s mid next year, and want to look the part I guess? I dunno.

Nothing wrong with looking young! I was told yesterday I look like an 18 year old. I'm 27.
Now the mental image I had of Computer smiling at a girl on the bus is considerably less creepy.

You're actually not a bad looking chap, smile & wink away.


Still fighting a war in my mind on whether to stick with the thin and patchy facial hair again and grow it out some more (still hasn't gotten much better compared to last year), or just shaving it off and going through life clean faced/with a day of stubble. I honestly can't decide. Which has lead to me getting trapped in a cycle of shaving, letting it grow for 5-7 days, followed by me shaving again.

I like the idea of me with facial hair, but the execution is a bit lackluster.




Ooh, and what a difference lighting and angles can make.


Still fighting a war in my mind on whether to stick with the thin and patchy facial hair again and grow it out some more (still hasn't gotten much better compared to last year), or just shaving it off and going through life clean faced/with a day of stubble. I honestly can't decide. Which has lead to me getting trapped in a cycle of shaving, letting it grow for 5-7 days, followed by me shaving again.

I like the idea of me with facial hair, but the execution is a bit lackluster.

Ooh, and what a difference lighting and angles can make.


keep the facial hair
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