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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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Have you ever gotten a random compliment from someone you don't know?
Some random woman at my old job stopped me in the corridor to say I looked like Justin Timberlake.

Of course, this was nearly ten years ago, and she was old, and probably didn't really know who he was. Still, I had my swag on that day!

Edit: Mutes, I think you're amazing, just the way you are.



Bad attempts at taking a non mirror pic of myself with my phone:


Oh well. I need to shave.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Some people just have bad genes for growing facial hair. Not everybody thinks its a bad thing either.

Ugh... tell me about it. If I gotta shave for some kind of 'occasion' like an interview or something I have to shave thrice. Once at home, once on the way there, and a third and final time in their office stall.


Ugh... tell me about it. If I gotta shave for some kind of 'occasion' like an interview or something I have to shave thrice. Once at home, once on the way there, and a third and final time in their office stall.
You are such a dude Corky!



Thanks for the compliments everyone!

Congrats dude, you've come a long way. The weight I want to shed is comparatively modest, just 10kg or so, but I can never seem to work up the motivation. Any protips?

I feel you man, the closer your are to your weight loss goal, the more difficult it is to muster up the willpower to actually lose it. Once I got to the point where I didn't look overweight with clothes on, my weight loss stalled significantly, regardless of the fact that I knew it was a different story underneath the clothing.

I'm not really sure what tips to offer since our motivations are likely different. For me, I convinced myself to 'finish what I started,' considering I had already put years of work in at that point. Personally, I would start by documenting everything I eat and my activity levels for a few days. You're more likely to make excuses or conveniently omit something when thinking back, so it's really helpful to have this stuff on paper so you can truly break down what you need to do. This also works well as a means of guilt tripping yourself. If you're not already in the know how on proper nutrition (I sure as hell wasn't considering I was 351 pounds), take what you've written to a nutritionist, or more realistically, post it in this thread or a nutrition centric forum to get an idea of what changes you can make to your diet to initiate weight loss. You may find that there's only a handful of easily dropped items to rid from your diet. It could be as easy as dropping soda, juices and junk food from your diet. Or maybe it's more severe, the important thing is to identify those items and eliminate them.

I'm hesitant to recommend a diet plan (I've been doing low-carb for the last year and a half, but did calorie deficit prior to that) considering all people are different. Have a look at some popular forms of dieting/nutrition and then come to a conclusion for which form of eating you could see yourself doing long term. The important thing is to pick a diet that is as effortless as possible, because the more you dread the diet, the more likely you are to quit. The one tip I can give in regards to dieting though is that you should make a conscious effort to cook at least 90% of your meals. If you're already decent at cooking, then great, it's just a matter of doing it at that point. If you're not, then start practicing or purchase something like a Foreman Grill or a Crock Pot for effortless meals. For the most part, one tends to eat healthier when they cook a meal, partially due to the fact that you know what the hell is going into the meal. Fast food is generally bad for you as well, so it's important to cut that down significantly, if not completely. Oh, and keep a notepad, spreadsheet or use a program like MyFitnessPal to document everything you eat on your diet. This is super helpful and super important to honing and maintaining a sound diet!

Definitely try and work out if you already don't. It's going to speed up the weight loss, you'll feel better in the process, and best of all, it makes dieting easier since you'll have to likely eat more food to offset the calories expended. Get a gym membership (I'm a cheap bastard, so when my money goes towards something, I'm taking advantage of it) and do cardio and/or weights. If you're similar to how I was initially, then you require discipline and direction. I solved this by using Insanity, a series of workout videos. It doesn't have to be cookie cutter means of working out either; stuff like riding a bike or swimming is perfectly fine. It doesn't matter as long as you're getting some activities in.

The biggest tip I can think of is to start soon, now if possible. There's no bigger cause of failure than complacency and deferment. When I found out I was 351 pounds, I personally went head first into my diet the next day. This rings true for any aspiration in life. If you truly want to achieve something, there's little reason to wait. Telling yourself that you'll start in a week, the beginning of the month or you'll get the ball rolling as a New Years Resolution is simply not a feasible means of carrying out something IMO. Give yourself an aggressive date.

And also, think of this as a long term goal. It's a bit more difficult for you considering you're only trying to lose 10kg, but weight loss is a gradual process, and you'll be infinitely more successful if you understand that. While it's possible to lose that much in a month, you're probably not. ~1 pound a week is a more realistic figure (That's a handful of months in your case), and even that may be off base considering there will certainly be weeks where your weight loss is insignificant or non-existent, and weeks where you've 'gained weight.' Which brings me to my next point, don't lose too much sleep over what the scale is telling you. On a day to day basis, your weight is going to fluctuate up and down, but the only thing that matters is whether there's a downward trend over the course of the long term. I've personally weighed myself everyday since the day I started dieting, but I'd recommend weekly, every other week or up to a month. It's important to gauge your progress, but there's no need to go mad over it in the process.

Hope that helps somewhat!
They thought I was someone else :(

aw :( don't be sad, I'm a totally random person you don't know and let me tell you: your hair looks great! :D wanted to tell you when you posted your latest pic but I forgot :S

Some random woman at my old job stopped me in the corridor to say I looked like Justin Timberlake.

Of course, this was nearly ten years ago, and she was old, and probably didn't really know who he was. Still, I had my swag on that day!

Edit: Mutes, I think you're amazing, just the way you are.

ok now you really have to show us a pic ninja :D

Ugh... tell me about it. If I gotta shave for some kind of 'occasion' like an interview or something I have to shave thrice. Once at home, once on the way there, and a third and final time in their office stall.

stop bragging alreaaady :D



Morro Dois Irmãos

Escadaria Selarón

Cristo Redentor

Favela Vidigal

holy shit, you should star in an action movie :eek:


aw :( don't be sad, I'm a totally random person you don't know and let me tell you: your hair looks great! :D wanted to tell you when you posted your latest pic but I forgot :S
I was referring to strangers in person and joking, but thanks I appreciate it! I concluded when it gets to this length it turns into David Lynch. Maybe a tad generous but still.
This is an awesome picture!
You beat (bate?) me to it. It's a beautiful shot. Looks like an amazing experience Jones.


Unfortunately they were just some cheap ones I bought at a music festival. I thought that the organization selling them was called HOPE or something.. but I can't seem to find the info on the web.

Thanks! And don't worry. I reckon I should be able to find at least similar ones.


Fidelis Hodie said:

Hey man, you're in a band. You're entertaining people for pleasure. That's got to be a fun way to spend time with your pals!


Fair play dude, that's really cool.

Edit: you're the guy in the checked shirt right?


Hey man, you're in a band. You're entertaining people for pleasure. That's got to be a fun way to spend time with your pals!
Fair play dude, that's really cool.
Edit: you're the guy in the checked shirt right?

He's the second guy from the right (second picture)
The one in the middle in the first picture.
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