Horse Detective
Why the long case?
I was promoted.
I was promoted.
Are you a detective who is also a horse, or a regular detective for horse-based cases.
I am a horse, who is a detective. I specialize in equine cases, but I do human too.
How do you feel about other animal detectives like Bobo T. Chimpanzee and such.
How do you feel about me solving horse crimes
I think you need to give up on your foolish dream and settle down and become a sire. You've got all the time in the world to pull yourself up by the saddle and make something off yourself.
like glue
This was so excellent to read just waking up.Oh god had the weirdest dream of you Mutes... over PM we decided to hook up and hang out to do something fun. Turned out not only did we both live in the same country we lived in the same city at that. Anyway I get to your place where you lived, an apartment complex and outside your door sat 3-4 beautiful women reading scripts straight out of a casting agency. I spoke to them and apparently they were all there to get 'approved' for GAF.
They also told me not to disturb you as you were apparently busy in your room. I said "fuck that do you know who I am?" - they didn't. I barged through your door anyway and to my disappointment your apartment looked like the messy one of an adolescent teen's. You were hiding under your blanket so I asked you what the problem was. You told me that you were hiding from some people from SA ( somethingawful ) and couldn't hang out with me.
And then I woke up
So tell us mutes, who are you hiding from and why?
Awful picture quality - but Saturday nights Sushi dinner, best in Montreal I'd say.
You're a maki roll?
It was late. I was drunk. I made a poor decision.
I was just about to hit post, when sober me, was all, "um, this is a really dumb idea". But drunk me was all, "don't listen to him! It'll be really funny." It didn't go well.
Ah well, you live and learn!
You remind me of an American actor. He played a cop, in some movie. I know that isn't a load of help, but it's all I got!
Good looking dude.
Edit: wait, it's one of the guys from that episode of Friends, where those guys at the coffee house steal Chandlers hat, and have a lame fight outside.
Peter DeLuise - The One With The Bullies.
You know, in a few years maybe!
Awful picture quality - but Saturday nights Sushi dinner, best in Montreal I'd say.
Mucho appreciatedit's always nice when te ladies of gaf say nice things. Oh Lordy I look like a cop I need to change my style lol
Mucho appreciatedit's always nice when te ladies of gaf say nice things. Oh Lordy I look like a cop I need to change my style lol
You're a maki roll?
That trend is merely seasonal, it only happens in January; albeit some people carry on the tradition, especially mods.Oh I thought it was te real avatar who you are thing lol my mistake hey ill still take it!
And Messofanego!That trend is merely seasonal, it only happens in January; albeit some people carry on the tradition, especially mods.
I am a horse, who is a detective. I specialize in equine cases, but I do human too.
Beautiful eyes, dralla. I like your frames.definitely my favorite pic I've taken in a long time.. my glasses look fucking dope! finally time for an avatar change perhaps
Like it should always be!grabbing this exquisite structure by the balls
I can't stand my facial hair but I haven't shaved just for you pic-GAF, lol.
3DS Camera takes terrible photos
3DS Camera takes terrible photos
.3MP camera vs. .3MP camera. FIGHT!use your Vita
3DS Camera takes terrible photos
.3MP camera vs. .3MP camera. FIGHT!![]()
That's news to me. :O!that's if you're using the front. ;P
use your Vita
you don't look like a person who likes ME3 :3
That's news to me. :O!
The rear camera's res/MP is higher or something? I thought it was 640x480/.3MP; same as the 3DS.
Reading around it seems that both are .3 (640x48), and the 1.3Mp number apparently comes from bad math of some sites (1.3mp would meant that the camera is 1280x1024). I also remember an analysis from IGN comparing the Vita camera to other devices, and the 3DS was the same .3 but had better colors(?); but iOS had better quality.pretty it was 1.3mp but tbh no one really use it long enough to know anyways.
MOAR!!!!Here I am after a hard day of work at the Guadalajara Film Festival a few days ago. I can't stand my facial hair but I haven't shaved just for you pic-GAF, lol.
I think the facial hair looks great on you.Here I am after a hard day of work at the Guadalajara Film Festival a few days ago. I can't stand my facial hair but I haven't shaved just for you pic-GAF, lol.
You look like two different people. Dem angles.SHOCKING NEWS:
3DS Camera takes terrible photos
Finally free from my hotel jobs for the first time in 7 years, so growing dat beard and re-stretching the ears. Only about 8 days progress but will post a better photo when I'm complete.
Also I feel like I look like DeafMutes lil bro based on his previous photos.[IMG][/QUOTE]
I'd agree with you.
Here I am after a hard day of work at the Guadalajara Film Festival a few days ago. I can't stand my facial hair but I haven't shaved just for you pic-GAF, lol.
Also I feel like I look like DeafMutes lil bro based on his previous photos.
Sup y'all! Decided to get a new haircut. I look much different from when I had long hair.
Me getting ready to walk out the door this morning.
Which look do you think I look better with, the clean shaven sharp look or the chill surfer flow look (check out page 19 or 38 depending on post per page)?
My significantly more handsome, better groomed younger brother, yes.
Nope, actually I was a '91 birth so you're way older.