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Post New Pics of Yourself 2013 Edition

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Brolic Gaoler

formerly Alienshogun
Hair back incoming.

First time I've actually been impressed with my back, minus the hair.

Wow, you were such a Q-T-π!

first you steal the squid, now you steal my pick up lines haha.

there's proof of me using that exact same line someeeeewhere

the batman costume really makes me nostalgic, I always used to dress up as catwoman in kindergarten when there were costume parties haha. of course in a kindergarteny way. :p


Went to my area's Comicon.


I have so many pictures but the Shadow Stormtrooper was too badass not to post. The girl was I dunno but she had a huge hammer.

Aw what the hell.


Y'all get Storm too. Although I still dunno if that was a male or a female.
Not a pic of myself. While in the process of moving stuff out of my old house I came across my box of CD's. This was from about highschool till when I went completely digital. 118 in total. All paid for at full price. None burned. All still complete and in working order.
Laid em all out and took a pic. Seeing all those covers brought back so many memories. These cd's are the soundtrack of my youth. Anyway figured I'd share. Not sure what to do with them all now.

Seth C

I'd post pictures of me as a kid holding DKC but I was a teenager and drove myself to the store to buy it with money I earned working.

...I'm old.


Persecution Complex
Damn Invisible Man, those pics with you and your brother remind me exactly of me and my two younger brothers excitement over getting videogames for Christmas/Birthdays. It all started with the SNES Super Mario World bundle for us. Ahhhhhh the good old days. Things/times were simpler.

Great pics.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Couple of baby pics, only ones I have on my computer atm, my parents were avid photographers, both pictures were printed and developed themselves, I still have the camera that took the last pic, a Russian Zenit 3M.



needs 2 extra inches
I was looking for the perfect gif for like 10 minutes, because I have complimented
chef cat

The same one just doesn't cut it, I go out of my way for some people.
You're a man of fine taste and subtle creepy vibes, Horse. I respect that.
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