So now that we're all comfortable around each other, how about we crank it up from G to PG-13?
You first Mutes.
Am I even old enough for that?
So now that we're all comfortable around each other, how about we crank it up from G to PG-13?
You first Mutes.
Am I even old enough for that?
Man, so, so gorgeous. You have a healthy glow and bright white eyes, like you should be advertising vitamins or something. Awesome lips too!
You're real pretty Atsumi.
My skin was dry and gross but hooray Instagram for helping even skintone.
I definitely prefer the short hair, Transhuman.
Last night. Drunkish and tired. Giving my angry face
Last night. Drunkish and tired. Giving my angry face
Your hair is too red!
Drunk people might confuse it for fire and hurt themselves.
your hair is too red!
For a second i though SquiddyBiscuit was talking to himself.
but I am talking to myself
Your hair is too red!
Drunk people might confuse it for fire and hurt themselves.
your hair is too red!
My hair barely gets red, and that's only after I inflict thousands of hours of sun light upon it.
Miss troublemaker, didn't you just get unbanned and now you're walking around causing havoc?
It's okay, she has my blessing to wear that avatar.
I hope not to regret it before the end of a week.
Off to work.
That's okay. I'm cute and 30% german.Things will get really confusing after your request goes through, eh Squiddy?
Just got a haircut. I normally don't get it cut like this and I don't know what to think about it, it's... different.
Because other people have feelings and frothing genatalia too.What's going on in this thread? Why do some people use avatars from other users?
What's going on in this thread? Why do some people use avatars from other users?
Because other people have feelings and frothing genatalia too.
dat swag
dat swag
you should consider using a nice moisturizer
I have some at my house
come over
or protein
Ich liebe deine Brille. Sie sind sehr trendy.