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Powell: Israel has 200 nukes pointed at Iran

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"Iranians can't use one if they finally make one," Powell wrote to Democratic donor Jeffrey Leeds, a hedge-fund founder who serves on the board of the Colin L. Powell School for Civic and Global Leadership at the City College of New York. "The boys in Tehran know Israel has 200, all targeted on Tehran, and we have thousands."

Though Israel is widely believed to have developed nukes decades ago, it has never declared itself to be a nuclear state. The existence of its weapons program is considered classified information by both the Israeli and U.S. governments.

Powell, a retired Army general who has served as White House national security adviser and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told The Associated Press on Friday through a spokeswoman he was referring to public estimates of Israel's nukes.

"Gen. Powell has not been briefed or had any knowledge from U.S. sources on the existence and or size of an Israeli nuclear capability," the statement said. "He like many people believe that there may be a capability and the number 200 has been speculated upon in open sources." It added: "This email was written 10 years after he left government and has not received briefings on classified matters."

Powell, 79, would not say whether he still retains a security clearance.

Develop secret nuclear weapon plan if old..


For the record, it seems it is estimated that Israel has between 80 and 400 warheads.

Also, this "news" seems to be old. EDIT No, wait, strike that, Wikipedia's line was wrong.
Not really surprising is it. Everyone with nukes has them pointed at states they might get in conflict with at some point. Unless they start threatening to use them, I don't see that much of an issue with it.

If you are in a major city in the US, Europe or Russia right now, you'll probably have a nuke pointed at you.


I rather trust the country with the highest human rights records in the Middle East versus the one the one that hangs teenagers for religious reasons.
I don't know about that but their record in general is not really a good indicator.


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Not really surprising is it. Everyone with nukes has them pointed at states they might get in conflict with at some point. Unless they start threatening to use them, I don't see that much of an issue with it.

If you are in a major city in the US, Europe or Russia right now, you'll probably have a nuke pointed at you.

The problem is that it creates a pretty big incentive for every other country in the region to join the nuclear arms race. I mean, say you're Tehran. How comfortable do you feel knowing nuclear weapons are pointed at you? All it takes is a small misunderstanding - an Iranian fighter jet straying over the (very unclear!) border in the Golan heights, or a blip on the computer radar like the one that so nearly sparked the Cold War - and someone in Israel to have any itchy trigger finger (and Israel has seemed to like electing such leaders recently) - and you know that Isfahan could be a smouldering pile of ash, because the Israelis don't have any reason not to when an apparent danger situation occurs and MAD doesn't apply.

This is also true for every other regional power in the Middle East. As long as Israel has nuclear weapons, they will all want them - it's not just Iran that's been doing this, it's a pretty open secret that Saudi Arabia has been in long discussions with Pakistan and is basically bribed out of proceeding by the United States, and the IAEA found evidence of weapons-grade uranium enrichment taking place in Egypt in 2004 and 2009; an effort that will probably be hastened given Egypt's command now notices their internal vulnerability and will want to deter external interference. That's four for five in terms of "Middle Eastern regional powers wanting or having nukes"; only Turkey isn't and for obvious reasons.


Yeah I doubt they're all literally targeted at Tehran... That doesn't really make sense when just one will do the ... "trick".


exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally.

Let's say for arguments sake. It's 1.

The point powell makes is that Iran would be foolish to use one. As Israel has nukes. Same as it's foolish for anyone to use a nuke. People just use nukes as deterrents and bargaining chips.


I don't know about that but their record in general is not really a good indicator.

The guy I quoted tried to spin things into making Israel look evil and Iran all innocent.

But Iran is the only theocracy who will kill you for going against their religion.


The guy I quoted tried to spin things into making Israel look evil and Iran all innocent.

But Iran is the only theocracy who will kill you for going against their religion.
Saudi Arabia kills you for reasons too, and they are our allies. Why not iran then, outside the fact that they hate us. If state death is the standard...


Let's say for arguments sake. It's 1.

The point powell makes is that Iran would be foolish to use one. As Israel has nukes. Same as it's foolish for anyone to use a nuke.


Look, a lot of people have suggested that Iran's pursuit of a nuclear weapon never had the goal of actually producing one. All they wanted to do was force the west to the negotiating table and make themselves relevant on the international stage.


In terms of worldwide foreign policy only the US and Israel find Iran troublesome. Everyone else knows they're not really a threat at all.
I rather trust the country with the highest human rights records in the Middle East versus the one the one that hangs teenagers for religious reasons.

Eugenics, collective punishment, starvation, denying education.....Yeah great standards.

Oh you meant if not Palestinain.

Edit: Or African-Jewish people, can't upset that homogeny.
So, you're telling me Colin Powell had classified information, in a private e-mail, that got hacked. Huh.

I'm sure this'll be investigated, right?
I rather trust the country with the highest human rights records in the Middle East versus the one the one that hangs teenagers for religious reasons.

who cares what kind of internal freedoms a country has if their external behavior is immoral? very often they have nothing to do with each other.


So, you're telling me Colin Powell had classified information, in a private e-mail, that got hacked. Huh.

I'm sure this'll be investigated, right?

Don't worry. Read the article. They are saying powell is a moron and was never briefed on Israel's nukes... he's just using hearsay.

General Colin powell.. just going with what the public knows...


Wait, are we talking about Iran or Israel?

OR saudi arabia. Minus eugenics.

That would be a good game.



I rather trust the country with the highest human rights records in the Middle East versus the one the one that hangs teenagers for religious reasons.


What about the Palestinians who are oppressed and killed by Israel? What about the land that isn't Israel's that it forcibly takes without the international community saying anything?


Difference being Israel has defensive human rights abiding democratic w̶h̶i̶t̶e̶ nukes, unlike the genocidal anti-semitic attack nukes Iran planned to make.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
In terms of worldwide foreign policy only the US and Israel find Iran troublesome. Everyone else knows they're not really a threat at all.

Kurds don't like them much either and Pakistan ain't too hot on them, but yes. The lack of American reconciliation with Iran is mostly due to internal American politics and has little to do with international relations.


I wanted to dominate the living room. Then I took an ESRAM in the knee.
In terms of worldwide foreign policy only the US and Israel find Iran troublesome. Everyone else knows they're not really a threat at all.

It's easy to forget that Israels neighbors, including Iran, have been spouting and promoting genocidal rhetoric and tendencies against it for decades, especially when it is not oneself who lives there. Does anyone really expect that a state the size of New Jersey, that for geographical reasons cannot defend itself with conventional military means, would not seek to protect its citizens in any way possible, given the situation?

It is horrible that nuclear weapons exist in that region under the given political circumstances, but it is not at all surprising.



What about the Palestinians who are oppressed and killed by Israel? What about the land that isn't Israel's that it forcibly takes without the international community saying anything?

I almost never bother with this anymore because it's obvious when someone says "Israel are killers and nothing else" they're reading propaganda sources.

Funny thing is, none of this takes away from the fact that I said Iran is more dangerous and deprived of human rights.
200 nukes pointed at Iran and "thousands" more.

Who was the bad guy again?

Shows you what a lying POS Netanyahu is and the Israeli gvt are, when they keep claiming they face an "existential threat" from Iran, who doesn't have a single nuke, while Israel has one of the most advanced militaries on the planet and a fuckload of nukes pointed at the country. All so that they can push the US the bomb the shit out of the country and that they have a green light to do the same. Look how low Netanyahu whined and shrieked about the nuclear deal, because it's not to Israel's benefit for Iran NOT to be perceived as an "existential threat" by the rest of the world. This has been one of the biggest lies ever conceived, and it's despicable that so many believe it.


It's probably the worst kept secret in the world that Israel has a nuclear arsenal, always interesting to see actual confirmation of that though. And even less of a secret that Israel sees Iran as its greatest threat. Not a threat militarily, but a threat as a potentially powerful and prosperous enemy in the region.

One thing is for certain, any attempt to invade or damage Israel by any nation would result in a catastrophic loss of life for all involved. They certainly wouldn't expend 200 warheads in the process though, bit of hyperbole from ol' Colin there.

Chocolate & Vanilla

Fuck Strawberry
I almost never bother with this anymore because it's obvious when someone says "Israel are killers and nothing else" they're reading propaganda sources.

Funny thing is, none of this takes away from the fact that I said Iran is more dangerous and deprived of human rights.

Propaganda goes both ways.

And again, your statement only really holds water if you believe Palestinians to be sub-human.

Neither one is better or worse than the other.


I almost never bother with this anymore because it's obvious when someone says "Israel are killers and nothing else" they're reading propaganda sources.

Funny thing is, none of this takes away from the fact that I said Iran is more dangerous and deprived of human rights.

No. People say Israel is killing the hell out of palestinians, and bulldozing their homes. I add that they are a tax burden to the usa as well. As they just got a record 38 billion for more self defense. Propaganda sources aren't world news sources, or the UN.


Bibis ethnic cleansing joke, I guess...?

"Ban said on Thursday that Netanyahu's statement, which appeared in a video released last Friday, was "unacceptable and outrageous", and condemned Israel's settlements in the West Bank as violations of UN law.

"Let me be absolutely clear: settlements are illegal under international law. The occupation, stifling and oppressive, must end," he told the UN Security Council."

This is just yesterday.
This doesn't matter, because clearly Iran is governed by deranged suicide cultists who would start a nuclear war they have no chance of winning out of anti-Semitic religious fanaticism, as opposed to rational (if often loathsome) human beings who will act in their own self-interest.


Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
God, the whole "Israel? Nukes? What? What nukes???" is fucking absurd.

it's almost funny at this point. there's something pantomime about the whole thing when literally everybody knows they have them.
No. People say Israel is killing the hell out of palestinians, and bulldozing their homes. I add that they are a tax burden to the usa as well. As they just got a record 38 billion for more self defense. Propaganda sources aren't world news sources, or the UN.


Bibis ethnic cleansing joke, I guess...?

"Ban said on Thursday that Netanyahu's statement, which appeared in a video released last Friday, was "unacceptable and outrageous", and condemned Israel's settlements in the West Bank as violations of UN law.

"Let me be absolutely clear: settlements are illegal under international law. The occupation, stifling and oppressive, must end," he told the UN Security Council."

This is just yesterday.

I don't get this whole aid thing for Israel

maybe in the past but now aren't they finiancially stable

can't they afford these things on their own :/


The problem is that it creates a pretty big incentive for every other country in the region to join the nuclear arms race. I mean, say you're Tehran. How comfortable do you feel knowing nuclear weapons are pointed at you? All it takes is a small misunderstanding - an Iranian fighter jet straying over the (very unclear!) border in the Golan heights, or a blip on the computer radar like the one that so nearly sparked the Cold War - and someone in Israel to have any itchy trigger finger (and Israel has seemed to like electing such leaders recently) - and you know that Isfahan could be a smouldering pile of ash, because the Israelis don't have any reason not to when an apparent danger situation occurs and MAD doesn't apply.

This is also true for every other regional power in the Middle East. As long as Israel has nuclear weapons, they will all want them - it's not just Iran that's been doing this, it's a pretty open secret that Saudi Arabia has been in long discussions with Pakistan and is basically bribed out of proceeding by the United States, and the IAEA found evidence of weapons-grade uranium enrichment taking place in Egypt in 2004 and 2009; an effort that will probably be hastened given Egypt's command now notices their internal vulnerability and will want to deter external interference. That's four for five in terms of "Middle Eastern regional powers wanting or having nukes"; only Turkey isn't and for obvious reasons.

Yup. With the West mostly supporting Israel, most of the leaders of the area know that it's strategically necessary.

Irony is this post is second to none

To be fair Israel isn't really treating anyone badly for religious reasons, it's ethnic ones. Much like in Ireland religion is an effective shorthand for the more complicated ethic reasons involved.

In fact Israel is quite a bit like Northern Ireland, which is odd because I don't know if I've ever seen anyone mention it.


Duh the iranians want to get nukes so that israel can stop threatening them. Mutually assured destruction and all that. also see North Korea

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I wonder if Israel would actually use nukes if they feel threatened, i mean they are fucking nukes! If they did use them against Iran i wonder how the other players in the region would react.
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