Shouta said:
Each iteration of the show is based on a different sentai series so when you see them change outfits and robots, that means they ran out of footage from one series and decided to make a new one =b. Current Power Rangers run as long as the JP counterparts and use footage only from that series. No more costume switching and etc.
Made the series even more obvious when they were using White Ranger footage from Dairanger and mixing the film with MMPR footage from Zyuranger. Would have been easier if they just changed the damn costumes to the same one the white ranger had.
"We ran out of Zyuranger footage to use for MMPR since the green ranger died in the japanese series... what should we do?"
"Go ahead and use the footage from the next series Dairanger but only use the White Ranger."
"Shouldn't we change the costumes of the rangers to the same series that we use white from?
"Nah, thanks to modern editing technolgy, kids won't even know that we ran out of footage.."
"But won't they know whenever we they see that the enemy isn't in the same shot as the white ranger?
"Good point, just change the robot footage then to Dairanger so the robot fight scene is the same with the series"