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PR - Xbox Live for Pro Evolution Soccer 4


segasonic said:
awesome just awesome

Outrun 2, Halo 2, PES4

My life is complete. I may die now. :D

2004 - Year of the.... you know the rest



And even i am moderately surprised
"Unlike the PS2 where slowdown is described as reduced but not eradicated."

and in WE8 it seems to be much much worse than in WE7I

and what is with all the f*cking bugs??
is this becoming a ploy to get the next version - conveniently available in a month or so's time?


is it systematic of having a 4 and a bit month dev life cycle?

they need to take a year and give us a proper upgrade... (i know that sounds ungrateful given how good it is, but we've had about 14 different versions this gen. and they are taking the piss)
I hope in PES5 there can be more two human players playing on Live. 22 would be awesome! I would be so cool to play only one position. =) It would require closed teams ofcourse...one loony could ruin the teamplay too easily.


lachesis said:
great news - too bad we will have to wait longer for NA release. :(

Anyhow, I'm wondering how are they going to implement the personal edits for this - as many people would want to use the updated roster and correct names...


Even if Konami doesn't take care of it, the community will. As long as you have Action Replay, it'll never be a problem.
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