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Pre-Order Fable and Receive Bonus 'Making of' Documentary DVD (PR)


works for Gamestop (lol)
July 14, 2004 - Microsoft Game Studios today announced an exclusive pre-order deal with EB Games, GameStop, Circuit City, GameRush, GameCrazy and Trans World to reward gamers who pre-order Fable with an exclusive Fable documentary DVD. The limited edition DVD, available only with a Fable pre-order, contains a "making of" documentary featuring interviews with renowned game designer Peter Molyneux, as well as Simon Carter and Ian Lovett. The disc also includes playable demos of Sudeki, RalliSport Challenge 2 and Top Spin; plus gameplay trailers from E3 2004 for Forza Motorsport, Jade Empire, Conker: Live and Reloaded and MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf. Fable, the highly-anticipated role-playing adventure for Xbox is in development by Peter Molyneux's studio, Big Blue Box, and is set to hit retail shelves in the United States on September 14 with an estimated retail price of $49.99 (U.S.). Fable's U.S. release will be followed by a European release in October and will ship in Asia in early 2005.

In Fable, the players' every action determines their character's skills, appearances and moralities. Character's life stories are created from childhood through adulthood and on to old age. They can grow from an inexperienced child into the most powerful being in the world, spoken of by all and immortalized in legend. Players may choose the paths of righteousness or dedicate their characters' lives to evil; observing as they transform into reflections of their actions and decisions. Age leaves characters wizened, battle leaves them scarred, gluttony affects obesity. With experiences come advancement and physical change; whether it is by expanding muscles, a keen eye and nimble form or the buzz of magical energies around their finger tips. As players' characters develop, the world reacts to them and their actions. People comment on their successes, failures, appearances and behaviors. Their many opinions are expressed through applause, mockery, trepidation, panic and even flirtation. With each person characters aid and every creature they slay, the world is changed forever. In Fable, gamers decide: "Who will I be?" For more information about Fable, visit the official site at http://www.xbox.com/en-US/fable/default.htm.

Microsoft Game Studios is a leading worldwide publisher and developer of games for the Xbox video game system and Windows and online platforms. Comprising a network of top developers, Microsoft Game Studios is committed to creating innovative and diverse games for Windows (http://www.microsoft.com/games/), including such franchises as Age of Empires, Flight Simulator and Zoo Tycoon; Xbox (http://www.xbox.com/), including such franchises as Halo, Project Gotham Racing and MechAssault; and Zone.com (http://www.zone.com/), the official games channel for the MSN network and home to such hits as Bejeweled and OutSmart.


Has problems recognising girls
Yeah, where the hell are our full-colour maps?? I have not had a full-colour map in an RPG since Lufia II. THEY ARE LIFE.

(this totally disregards GTA and/or BGII)

Kumiko Nikaido

I was able to view the contents of this Fable bonus DVD. I didn't watch the "making of" segments or the interviews, but I did sample the demos and view the other trailers:

*Sudeki (playable) - Nice art-style and real-time combat system. Your character says things when you initiate magic-based attacks, and after awhile it can grating on your nerves hearing the same lines over and over again. Long-distance attacks switches over to FPS viewpoint, so you'll either like or dislike this aspect. I could also do without the respawing of enemies over and over again. Ick.

* RalliSport Challenge 2 (playable) - You've all been playing this for awhile now. Sweet graphics and gameplay make this the uber rally-sim racer available for Xbox.

* Top Spin (playable) - Again, been out for months. Virtua Tennis lovers will dig this.

* Forza Motorsport (video) - Whenever I see this video, I always get flashbacks of Test Drive LeMans on Dreamcast. While the graphics, gameplay, and tweaking aspects of Forza may be grand, it's claim to give Gran Turismo 4 a run for its money is iffy. In my opinion, the overall look of Forza (from the cars to track/course details) is just not on the same level of Gran Turismo 4's "solid" look.

* Jade Empire (video) - Now this epic RPG from BioWare looks awesome. From its numerous combat systems, to its rich look in environments of Eastern art-styles, this game is quite deep and mesmerizing. Some locales even put Fable's locales to shame.

* Conker: Live and Reloaded (video) - The Rare from the N64 days ceased to exist once acquired by Microsoft. Starfox Adventures and Grabbed by the Ghoulies were wholefully underwhelming. I had my doubts about Conker: L&R, but this video shed some of those doubts. This new interation of Conker looks to be boatloads of fun, especially on Xbox Live. Conker and cohorts are a dirty bunch, saying foul things amidst the chaos and competition. Their foul tongues will certainly make you laugh out load, and the multiplayer mayhem looks solid. A party game for all those that like profanity to fill your ears. Haha!

* MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf (video) - Day 1 Studios' sequel is certainly leaps and bounds over the original. Now you can hijack other mechs and use transport ships to field and drop your mechs in the heat of battle in the warzones. The graphics are explosive, and the mech themselves are large and solid. You'll either love or hate the designs, so if you're an avid MechWarrior follower, you'll fit right in. Mech lovers who fancy the designs of say.........Zone of the Enders will find the designs here probably bulky and boring. The hijack gameplay aspect pretty much makes this sequel the Grand Theft Auto of mecha. Hehe!

A somewhat decent bonus DVD, but I wouldn't be suprised if all these playable and video content will appear on a future OXM demo disc and/or Exhibition disc. I guess it's only worth getting if you want to see the "making of" segment and interviews.
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