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Predator prequel 'Prey', coming to Hulu in 2022


I think we all know how this movie is going to go... ❤️


Seriously, though...I'm a huge Predator fan and have high hopes for this. The franchise needs a win after that last film. 😟

That would actually be kind of funny and interesting.

But we all know she'll kill him with her smarts or valiantly dies saving the village. Yawn.


We have some idea what the plot is. We know the main character, Naru is a Comanche warrior who protects her tribe against a Predator. We also know from previous info that the film will follow a "Comanche woman who goes against gender norms and traditions to become a warrior."

Most likely there is no "strongest man" warrior in this. This is all about a powerful, warrior woman defending her tribe against the Predator.

Personally, I have no issue with it being a woman. What I take issue with people going up against the Predator with bows and axes. I just can't see how that's going to work.

Film blurbs released by studios aren't always accurate to what the film actually is, you know, to hide plot details and what not. In that clip alone she seems to be running for her life.

You can't see how it will work? It can only be because your imaginings are so narrow minded? We already know from the franchise that Predators have been coming to Earth for hundreds of years so at some point they would have been hunting game when men could only use axes and bows.
In the first film the Predator could have blown Arnies head off at any second but chose to take his armour and futuristic weapons off. Which in all honestly, for a film that is toted as a cinematic classic (and I do love the film) makes absolutely zero sense narratively. The Predator was happy to blow everyone else away with it's advanced tech but not for Arnie due to reasons.

GASP and HORROR, for all we know the Predator in this film is a female Predator who does the same, takes her armour and weapons off.

I love the people saying "well Arnold beat it using sticks (and gunpowder)"! Are you forgetting you're talking about a just out of his prime Arnold freaking Schwarzenegger? He's 6'2 and and probably 240 pounds of solid muscle in the movie. Not to mention you had guys like Ventura and Carl Weathers. One was a navy seal and the other played for the NFL. It's called stretching credulity. Natalie Portman looks great in the new Thor movie but she's not going to be fighting Brock Lesnar anytime soon.

Realistically, Arnold would be knocked the fuck out from those punches the Predator gave him. The creature is like 2 or 3 feet taller than him and anyone that gets hit and flies 8 feet through the air would be knocked out.
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advanced basic bitch
Film blurbs released by studios aren't always accurate to what the film actually is, you know, to hide plot details and what not. In that clip alone she seems to be running for her life.

You can't see how it will work? It can only be because your imaginings are so narrow minded? We already know from the franchise that Predators have been coming to Earth for hundreds of years so at some point they would have been hunting game when men could only use axes and bows.
In the first film the Predator could have blown Arnies head off at any second but chose to take his armour and futuristic weapons off. Which in all honestly, for a film that is toted as a cinematic classic (and I do love the film) makes absolutely zero sense narratively. The Predator was happy to blow everyone else away with it's advanced tech but not for Arnie due to reasons.

GASP and HORROR, for all we know the Predator in this film is a female Predator who does the same, takes her armour and weapons off.
Nah. She's going to defeat a man predator. Probably rip it's dick off while she's at it.

Edit: being humorous here in case it's not obvious
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Little Mac

Gold Member
With all the tech The Predator has isn't this going to be an absolute slaughter? Does The Predator get Samus'd and lose all of it's gear and abilities in the beginning of the movie?

fights GIF


Perpetually Offended
It's the Native American actress from Legion and The Ice Road! I love her! She can actually sell physicality. I'm going to give this the benefit of the doubt just for the action set pieces.

Ulysses 31

Reading a bit about the Comanche, how their empire were the dominant traffickers of slaves in the lower mid continent in the earlier 1800 and had frequent raids in Texas and Northern Mexico, I wonder if any of that will be in the movie. :messenger_winking_tongue:


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I mean we have established in the first two movies that:
1) native Americans in tune with their environment can 'sense' the presence of the predator, even when it is cloaked
2) the predator is selective with female targets, we never really know if he would have killed the woman if she had a gun in the first movie, and in the second he let's a woman who was shooting him go because she was pregnant
There are lots of ways to make this work.

Rat Rage

I don't have a problem with the setting, it's just that the Predator franchise and its main creature, the Predator, has always had so much potential for actually good movies and stories, but that potential hasn't been tapped into after the first 2 movies, becaue - for some reason - the franchise has'n been taken seriously anymore after these two.
In fact, it's been mismanaged SO BADLY with every sequel that has come out ever since, that - from a cinematic standpoint - nobody is hyped for anything predator related anymore, because all odds are massively against any new entry being good, especially after the unimaginabe blunder that Shane Black's (of all fucking people!) Predator movie was.

At this point, the only good sources to experience remotely good Predator stories, are probably comic books and/or novels.
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Gold Member
I'm not sure predators have ever been killed by guns in any of the movies.

Ignoring plot armor, it's not a stretch to infer that if bullets can make them bleed, a well placed shot could lethally wound them.

I don't think it is much of a thematic stretch that modern weapons fail against the predator because man must become primal in order to muster the cunning, skill, and resolve to defeat them. A predator hunt is a visceral primitve experience, you can literally see the technology and modern morals fall away as it becomes a true beastly conflict of fight/flight, kill or be killed.

So while it seems obvious that a shotgun is a far better weapon than an axe against a pred for narrative purposes guns fail so the main characters can drag up their base impulses of survival. So in this indian squaw version they ought to strive for a similar personal journey, though I'm not sure it will resonate nearly as well (it would be more like the scientist lady from AvP who gets her acid scarification ritual for "a good showing" that feels a bit unearned compared to what Dutch went through. Given her starting point with presumably a hunting bow and 'hawk, she has far less distance to fall before she is using deadfalls and her teeth against the pred. I suspect they will have her fighting other humans, lesser aliens like the dogs, or even pygmy yautja species rather than the whole film being one long pursuit from a solitary hunter.

The whole "protecting her tribe" part makes no sense because non-combatants aren't a target of preds, unless they introduce a new element. Maybe she is a sacrificial prey sent out to appease it, along with other tribes, kind of a twist on the whole "princess fed to dragons" thing.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
Ignoring plot armor, it's not a stretch to infer that if bullets can make them bleed, a well placed shot could lethally wound them.

Danny Glover fires 6 12 guage rounds point blank into the City Hunter in Predator 2 and it just kinda shrugs it off. It clearly hurts them but they are strong as heck. Only time we saw a bullet really hurt a predator clearly was the Sniper rifle round that goes through the pred at the end of Predators.

Course we also see a Predator get downed by a single slice of a katana... soooooo


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I am down to tcheck it out if its just one movie.

If its another awful TV show then it would be a hard pass from me.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Looks pretty badass from the trailer. Hope it lives up to this. I'd watch it even if it was shit, but I'm pretty optimistic based on the trailer.


Gold Member
Trailer looked ok except for the good looking well groomed lead. Not up on my American history but sure looks like shes walked straight out of the make up booth and slapped a bit of shoe polish on her face.

Predator is 1 for about 7 in good to shit movies so law of averages says this might be good but im not holding my breath.

Straight to DVD doesn't fill me with much hope either, luckily it won't cost me anything to find out.
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Trailer gives hope. Sucker for Predator universe so I too will see it even if its shite.
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Gold Member
No doubt this will be filled with examples of the Predator wading through packs of armed men, slaughtering them with ease, yet constantly being unable to spike this girl to a tree. Then again, that's pretty much every slasher film EVER so if this takes a more horror vibe then I'm good with it.

She uses mud at one point, so we get to see that. Ten bucks says she gets some gunpowder and makes bomb arrows as well.

Gotta question the wisdom in hunting a bear with that little bow though. Trying to prove herself to the tribe? Wonder if that scene is later in the film and the predator is helping her at that point and the trailer is deliberately misleading.
I'm trying to keep an open mind but it's difficult when you see some glaring stuff like:
- It would be extremely hard to kill a bear with a bow & arrow in that era (and I know nor am interested in nothing about hunting). She should have had a spear at least in addition to the bow/arrow. She's supposed to be this super trained hunter right?
- The actress should have a bit of muscle and less make up. I mean she looks heavily made up in some of these scenes right out of the chair.
- What reason does the predator have to even save her from the bear?
- The CGI on the bear and Predator camouflage is pretty bad so hopefully they polish it up before it releases.
- The tribe using English is terrible at least subtitle it and let them speak a native language.
- The hand axe on a string is "cute" but good luck pulling that corded thing out once it's lodged in a tree with any semblance of accuracy (unless she gets it in the face which would be a nice twist actually lol)

Still hoping it's decent.
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