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Predict your personal game of the year for 2004

Unless Camelot serious fucks up, Mario Power Tennis.

The N64 game is perhaps my favorite multiplayer game. On any platform. Period.


Unconfirmed Member
Halo 2 probably has the best chance of all the games coming out.

Though Katamari does hold a big place in my heart.
There are still 3 games I need to pick up before the year ends: Paper Mario, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Halo 2.

But MGS3 is my most anticipated game this year.


Since I can't recall any great and memorable games I've played during this year, I'll look forward instead...

If I could play it, probably Half-life 2. But as it is, my computer's not up to it. :(

Halo 2 is a possible candidate, but I'm not that hyped for it to be honest. Metal Gear Solid 3, yes...if it's more like the first MGS than MGS2 in terms of story and lenghty conversations via radio, for example.
But still, this year will probably be an RPG for me...Paper Mario 2? Shin Megami Tensei too...and Shadow Hearts II. And I haven't even played Tales of Symphonia and Star Ocean 3 yet.

Let's just say, if I could pick genre of the year, it would be easy. :)


Halo 2 :) I've been avoiding every spoiler, leaked sceen, leaked vid -- yes I must bring that up everytime I mention Halo 2. I want my experience to be suh-weeeeet ^_^


Pikmin 2

But that could change once I finish Paper Mario.

I'm completely uninspired by the big 3 (Halo 2, GTASA, and MPE)


Hates quality gaming


Official GAF Bottom Feeder

The lack of WoW love is disturbing.

I mean MGS 3? Has everyone already forgotten how godawful 2 was?
"The lack of WoW love is disturbing."

I love WoW, but I don't think a MMORPG has ever won GOTY has it? It sure won't have the mainstream hype and appeal of other games. It's a game I upgraded my PC for though, even more than for Half Life 2 ;).


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
CrimsonSkies said:
"The lack of WoW love is disturbing."

I love WoW, but I don't think a MMORPG has ever won GOTY has it? It sure won't have the mainstream hype and appeal of other games. It's a game I upgraded my PC for though, even more than for Half Life 2 ;).

Thread title says PERSONAL GOTY, so mainstream hype/appeal means squat.


Meatpuppet said:
Unless Camelot serious fucks up, Mario Power Tennis.

The N64 game is perhaps my favorite multiplayer game. On any platform. Period.
Oh yeah, i'd definately go with that if I lived in the US. PAL sucks =\
I'm going to say Ninja Gaiden even though it's not an upcoming release.
Otherwise: Metroid Prime: Echoes. Halo 2. MGS3. San Andreas. R andC3. Jak 3. POP: WW. Pick one. :)


well not really...yet
Probably MGS 3, I hope to god Kojima will find a way to piss people off again, I hope its as fantastic as 2. Nocturne is pretty incredible though and currently my favorite game...


So far, it's Dog's Life. Not the prettiest or best playing game around, but I hated putting the controller down when I played it, and that's a rarity for me these days. I loved the way it was just relaxing... very laid back for a game, if that's even possible.

But once GTA comes out, I may change my mind. I doubt it, though.
I'd say, either GTA:SA or Halo 2.

It's a tough one, since I loved GTA3 (A LOT) but didn't like Vice City at all, I don't know what to expect from GTA:SA, but from what I've seen I think it'll be the sequel to GTA3 I really wanted. It's hard to guage Halo 2 for me too, cause Halo 1 was good but not amazing. The controls, and basic gameplay were great (which is what made MP great) but SP was lacking. Halo 2 will probably be a lot better in the SP regard, but even then I still like objective based shooters over kill horde of enemies, rinse repeate.

So, like I said either GTA:SA or Halo 2. Actually, looking at what I've read, I'm going to go with GTA:SA.


I've already got it.
Easily its Shin Megami Tensei.


Bish loves my games!
Halo 2, Half Life 2, GTA:SA, GT4 - how can you pick?! This is the year of the mega uber blockbuster. If I had to guess I think the honors are going to go to Half Life 2.

Of course none of those games are released yet, so for me it's still Riddick.


GTA:SA, GT4, WoW, HL2, Halo 2, MGS3, AC5, MP2, POP: WW, etc, etc.

Looks like this is shaping up to be one of the biggest holiday seasons ever. Looks like PS2 is the winner tho.

john tv

For me it'll prolly be one of the following:

Dragon Quest VIII
Metal Gear Solid 3
Metroid Prime 2
Halo 2
Mawaru Made in Wario
Sawaru Made in Wario

I'd love for something else to surprise me and be totally awesome, but really, this list is the most realistic. And I'm almost certain it's going to wind up being DQVIII...
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