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Pregnant woman ran down a fleeing man 'who stole purse from her car' in Walmart


Seriously, you cant kill or main people who steal from you.

There's no justifying her actions.

Yes poor guy, he probably needs money for his drugs and since he is lazy he prefer stealing from a pregnant lady than getting a damn job. Think about the junkies guys.


So not worth it
Do you know what the clearance rate for robberies is in the US?

Letting him leave and calling the police is basically letting him walk.

Do you really want to live the rest of your live knowing you crippled or even murdered a person because he stole your purse? I mean literally living the rest of your life knowing you did that to a person just because they had a drug addiction and needed some cash (as an example)?

I would not want to be that person, not in a million years.

Yes poor guy, he probably needs money for his drugs and since he is lazy he prefer stealing from a pregnant lady than getting a damn job. Think about the junkies guys.

You can have compassion and think stealing is bad at that the same time, that's okay.


Yes poor guy, he probably needs money for his drugs and since he is lazy he prefer stealing from a pregnant lady than getting a damn job. Think about the junkies guys.

So you got a source on this? Or you just making shit up to justify this shit.
So you got a source on this? Or you just making shit up to justify this shit.

He's probably right. Let's not kid ourselves here. Why are we doing so much to defend the integrity of a man who was stealing from a fucking pregnant woman? What do you guys think he would have done to her were she alone late at night? Yea, we know the likely outcome of that, don't we?

Luckily she didn't either

We will see about that. She is walking. No jury will convict her.
Do you really want to live the rest of your live knowing you crippled or even murdered a person because he stole your purse? I mean literally living the rest of your life knowing you did that to a person just because they had a drug addiction and needed some cash (as an example)?

I would not want to be that person, not in a million years.

It's not about me.


He's probably right. Let's not kid ourselves here. Why are we doing so much to defend the integrity of a man who was stealing from a fucking pregnant woman? What do you guys think he would have done to her were she alone late at night? Yea, we know the likely outcome of that, don't we?

We will see about that. She is walking. No jury will convict her.

Dude just stop. No one gives a shit about the "what if"s.
She's going to jail. Hopefully for a longer time than him.


So you got a source on this? Or you just making shit up to justify this shit.

Oh right sry, he is probably a amazing parent who was unjustly fired and got in debt to sustain his entire family and his ill mother. He's been applying for jobs non stop but found absolutely nothing, he even applied for blue collar jobs as a cleaner and such and was refused everytime. Poor soul he didn't even notice she was a lady and that she was pregnant, no she didnt go for the easiest target just because he is a scumbag no, he just didn't notice, and the fact that he is not wearing a damn t shirt in the middle of the day says nothing of him. Come on...
You know what? We can say she was so traumatized she lost control of the vehicle and it just found its way towards the guy. Okay, that was a joke.

Dude just stop. No one gives a shit about the "what if"s.
She's going to jail. Hopefully for a longer time than him.

Not happening. She is walking. Watch. Actually come to think of it, the victim looked white. I wonder if she's black? In that case she could be screwed. If they're both white. She's definitely walking. Sad, but that's the reality of the matter. Anyway, said all I will on the matter.


A person willing to rob a pregnant woman isn't too far a stone throw away from killing that pregnant woman assuming she was able to resist him to such a degree that he couldn't more easily grab her purse.

The woman is a hero in my book.
You see you keep saying this but that isn't what happened at all.
She was returning to her car from shopping and she saw him searching through her car (which again was seemingly unsecured) when he saw her he ran away.
She then chased him on foot, couldn't catch him and decided in her own words she "wasn't going to let him get away with this" so returned to her car, started the engine then proceeded to chase and run him over.
Do you get it yet?
The only person putting her life in immediate danger was...herself.


Oh right sry, he is probably a amazing parent who was unjustly fired and got in debt to sustain his entire family and his ill mother. He's been applying for jobs non stop but found absolutely nothing, he even applied for blue collar jobs as a cleaner and such and was refused everytime. Poor soul he didn't even notice she was a lady and that she was pregnant, no she didnt go for the easiest target just because he is a scumbag no, he just didn't notice, and the fact that he is not wearing a damn t shirt in the middle of the day says nothing of him. Come on...

So just making shit up to justify trying to kill someone.

white pregnant robbery victim woman.

This material items line tells me that maybe some people in here haven't experienced hard times, and don't know what it's like sometimes to be in a situation where you've lost so much already that you can't afford to lose anymore? What some people in here are treating as simple "material items" or a few "credit cards" or "just some cash" could mean the difference between whether any other person in the same situation as this woman was in can't afford to make rent, can't afford to put food on the table. Robbery is a very, very serious fucking thing. It isn't to be taken lightly. Many times in a robbery the victim is killed in the process of being robbed. How do we know this guy isn't one of those types that got what he deserved?

I tried appealing to empathy, but that was a mistake. You are too emotional about this.

Robbery causes problems. Those problems could be exceedingly difficult and they might not be, but they are problems that can be fixed.

There is no "fix" for homicide. A life taken is a life lost forever. No takebacks.

The fact the woman in this instance was pregnant is immaterial in relation to her running down the thief. It does not matter any more than any presupposed drug addiction or criminal record the thief may or may not have.
In my opinion, the guy deserved to get hit by a car. Stealing from people is pretty shitty.

We've all had that thought...

"Their lucky I'm me. Because next time, they'll meet someone who won't be so nice." This is one of those times where it actually happened.

The guy deserved it, but she still shouldn't have done it.

Both will probably walk away from this without too much of an issue legally. I would like to meet the judge who would convict her. Likewise the police will probably pressure the guy to drop any charges he might want to pursue.


Dude just stop. No one gives a shit about the "what if"s.
She's going to jail. Hopefully for a longer time than him.
She's getting charged with a misdemeanour with a maximum sentence of 0-150 days. And I can't imagine a situation where she doesn't just walk.
Depending on how much money she had in the handbag they could be facing up to 6 months jailtime. They're probably facing some lenience though,
getting hit by an SUV and all.


sparkle this bitch
There is a sort of appropriate escalation I feel.

Steal a pursue and someone decked/tackled you? At worst, they deserve a finger wag, but it's within that line of appropriate escalation. You did something stupid and got punished. End up with a black eye, sore body, a sprain, etc. But largely something you can still walk away.

Steal a pursue and get hunted down by a car? Notice how that is more like 20 steps above where it is straight up murder.


Stealing from pregnant lady... I don't feel bad for him...good for the lady ... a bit harsh but she can't really run after him in her condition. ..

E92 M3


Christ, how complicated is this? This is a fucking civilized society we live in, not the fucking vigilante-ass wild west. You don't put the law in your own fucking hands. I can't even process the mentality to defend this or how you people can function in society. Move y'all asses to somewhere with Sharia law or maybe somewhere in Somalia where Pirates rule things.

Don't talk about law when you have no understanding. It was nowhere close to attempted murder. The guy was an idiot and the woman will be acquited.


I'm sorry your mind is boggled, but please be aware that not everyone can afford to shrug their shoulders and watch a thief run away with their purse/wallet/cash/cellphone. I certainly can, and perhaps you can too. However, I know an awful lot of people who can't be so cavalier about their most intimate possessions. All I know about this woman is that she was pregnant and shopping at Walmart; but I don't think it's unreasonable to suppose she may have been profoundly and disastrously affected by the loss, given how many Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

So I'll condemn the system's lack of victim support for presenting her with no option besides facing a potentially devastating loss of property, or throwing a car at the thief. I won't condemn her.



Got conflicting views on this one. If he hadn't put himself in that position (i.e. stealing) then he wouldn't have got run over.

However what she did was reckless - he could have been killed. Then again to recover your property I'm not sure I'd have done different.

M.J. Doja

People willing to chase down thieves or attempt to kill somebody with their cars are stupid. Throw the fucking book at her.
People willing to chase down thieves or attempt to kill somebody with their cars are stupid. Throw the fucking book at her.
It's not perfect, but really, what else is going to happen otherwise? She files a report, the police put it away and nothing is done with it. Attempting to kill someone over a stolen purse is disproportional, sure, but on the other side, there is really no other way for her to try and get her things back. She is pregnant, so she can't run after him. The police isn't there and will not open a big investigation for a stolen purse.

A ton of minor crimes is being ignored and criminals can just continue doing it because it is not really a priority to tackle it, but meanwhile it does have a real impact on the victims.


1. Call security.
2. Call the police.
4. Ask someone else for help.
3. Not put herself, her baby, and other pedestrians in danger by trying to run someone over.
To be fair, none of those options likely result in her ever getting her stuff back.


If the options are letting someone get away with a purse or using potentially lethal force to retrieve it from someone posing no threat to you, you actually don't have an option. Not in any civilized country.

It's a freaking purse. Sometimes, you just have to take that loss.
Nah there are options, depending on the contents of the purse especially. Gotta get that purse back. People's whole lives can be in a purse, ain't givin that up easily.

She's a wildcard though wow, ran the man down. She was hella dedicated
The thief only had minor injuries, would that impact the jury? Is not like she broke his back, and so sympathy will be on her side even more. It's almost consequence free. Property uber alles.


Some people are admonishing her "defenders" for dealing in what if scenarios that did not occur.

Well everybody talking about homicide is also dealing in a what if scenario that did not occur.

No jury would EVER convict her of anything worse than misdemeanor assault, if that.


No jury would EVER convict her of anything worse than misdemeanor assault, if that.
She is being charged with just that and is unlikely she'll get convicted:
1) Pregnant
2) Thief is only sustained minor injuries
3) They're a thief.


The dude who stole is obviously in the wrong but this type of attitude and vigilantism leads to things like a man being assaulted because he helped a lost child at a baseball game in another thread. It also puts minorities at risk because the assumption is that we're more criminally prone.

There's a thing called reasonable force and I don't think it's reasonable to chase someone down and run them over. You can't claim self-defense or that you feared for your life. When you run someone over with a car, that's aggravated assault if not a more serious charge.

The guy who stole is in the wrong. And the woman is also in the wrong because she chose to run him over. I don't want to see an uprising in this type of vigilantism because people who look like me bare the brunt of someone's justice, just look at Trayvon Martin.

I'll never defend theft but we live in an age where if you lose a wallet or a purse, you won't lose all of your finances. You can cancel cards now and even get reimbursed. If we give a pass to this type of vigilantism, I really would like to hear what people would say to minorities on the wrong side someone's values. I also don't think she'd be getting such a pass in public opinion if she was a Black woman for example. People would have told her to call the authorites and have them deal with it.
I honestly cannot believe how fucking blood thirsty you people are.

Him being a thief does not suddenly make him sub human and worth of an attack by a 3 ton mass of fast moving steel that could kill him, as he was fleeing and no threat to her immediate safety.

God fucking damn I thought this wouldn't be hard to understand, don't kill people, don't fucking kill people. Yet here we are, literally calling this guy sub human "he deserves it" like read that back in your fucking minds.


Fuck is wrong with some of you.
A person willing to rob a pregnant woman isn't too far a stone throw away from killing that pregnant woman assuming she was able to resist him to such a degree that he couldn't more easily grab her purse.

He didn't directly rob her knowing she was pregnant.

She saw him rummaging in her car as she walked out of the store, he fucking booked it the minute he saw her.

This man was no threat to anybody. You're making shit up to justify your bloodlust and desire for justice to be vengeance. The situation you've concocted in your head literally did not happen.

We have a justice system for a fucking reason.


You call the fucking police and let them handle it. Period. You don't try and MURDER SOMEBODY because of this.
He didn't directly rob her knowing she was pregnant.

She saw him rummaging in her car as she walked out of the store, he fucking booked it the minute he saw her.

This man was no threat to anybody. You're making shit up to justify your bloodlust and desire for justice to be vengeance.

We have a justice system for a fucking reason.
Justice system isn't going to do shit against a small time thief though, nobody cares.
So you get the right to kill him.

Got you. Get it now.
He didn't die though.

Not saying that you should go out and kill every thief. But it also isn't as black and white as you make it out to be. If somebody steals from me, should I just roll over, do nothing and call the police while I see the criminal walk away? Knowing that they will do nothing about it anyway.

This attitude also leads to criminals just doing whatever they want, they know they get away with it.
He didn't die though.

Not saying that you should go out and kill every thief. But it also isn't as black and white as you make it out to be. If somebody steals from me, should I just roll over, do nothing and call the police while I see the criminal walk away? Knowing that they will do nothing about it anyway.

No, he got lucky and the woman driving full speed after him in a confined area in a car three times the size and 20x the weight of a man she hit, going full speed, didn't kill him and didn't cripple him.

You still don't get to do that. No.

If you can't detain them with reasonable force, yes, you let them get away, call the cops, hope he gets caught and move on.

You don't run somebody over because they stole from you, a car is a deadly weapon, it's the same as if she fired a gun at him as he was fleeing.

Edit: So now I'm enabling criminals to do whatever they like because I don't think someone should be run over and potentially killed for petty theft.

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