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Pregnant woman ran down a fleeing man 'who stole purse from her car' in Walmart

The failed humanity is about the people in the article and this very thread stating that the response was understandable and appropriate. We like to at least pretend we're civilized. Obviously, quite a number of us are not.

It is quite frankly horrifying that so many would justify her actions. It's literally mind boggling.

Even worse are the people who claiming they'd do the same shit.


if the thief was running away? No. That would be murder/manslaughter.

Depends, it's fine Texas apparently(if he's stealing from your property at least)! :D
Sec. 9.42. DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY. A person is justified in using deadly force against another to protect land or tangible, movable property:
(1) if he would be justified in using force against the other under Section 9.41; and
(2) when and to the degree he reasonably believes the deadly force is immediately necessary:
(A) to prevent the other's imminent commission of arson, burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, theft during the nighttime, or criminal mischief during the nighttime; or
(B) to prevent the other who is fleeing immediately after committing burglary, robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft during the nighttime from escaping with the property; and
(3) he reasonably believes that:
(A) the land or property cannot be protected or recovered by any other means; or
(B) the use of force other than deadly force to protect or recover the land or property would expose the actor or another to a substantial risk of death or serious bodily injury.
You mess with a woman unbalanced with a ton of hormones, shit's going down. She could've killed the dude, sure, but she didn't. Once you cross that line to become a criminal, there are risks associated with that.

Imagine if this was in a state with the "stand your ground" law. She could've just shot the dude while he ran away and she would've been in the right.

*Edit* Thinking about it, how exactly does that law work?
Hahahaha can't tell if this is serious or not. If it is, then seek help immediately please.

Dead fucking serious. I don't know what the fuck people think they're defending in this guy. Yes, defending him. A pregnant woman was robbed, could have been hurt in the process of the initial struggle where he took her purse. She could've gotten hurt even attempting to chase him initially after he grabbed her purse. Just the experience or trauma alone could have been bad for both her and the baby.

So something bad happens to the piece of shit, handled by the exact same person he tried to make his victim. Again, what happened to him is his own fault. You do NOT rob pregnant fucking women. Can I say that again? You do NOT attempt to rob a pregnant woman. Whatever happens to you afterwards? The world is a better place. Take that anyway you want to.

You can't attempt murder because someone stole your wallet/purse/whatever.

Holy cow

He had it coming. Bad things should happen to everybody who attempts to rob a pregnant woman. The problem many here seem to be having is that it isn't JUST a purse, or JUST a wallet. I really wonder if some here understand how it is some people struggle to get by day to day. She could've had anything of serious importance in there that she couldn't afford to lose right then. If he had stole a decent bit of cash from her, guess what? Nobody is giving it back to her because she's on the right side of the law as the victim. She handled the situation, and I commend her.



Christ, how complicated is this? This is a fucking civilized society we live in, not the fucking vigilante-ass wild west. You don't put the law in your own fucking hands. I can't even process the mentality to defend this or how you people can function in society. Move y'all asses to somewhere with Sharia law or maybe somewhere in Somalia where Pirates rule things.

I would much rather be on the side of the pregnant woman as opposed to the piece of shit who tried to rob a pregnant woman. Call me insane. I can't feel bad for the guy. He got what he deserved.
I would much rather be on the side of the pregnant woman as opposed to the piece of shit who tried to rob a pregnant woman. Call me insane. I can't feel bad for the guy. He got what he deserved.

You are insane, you homicidal nutjob.

You can't just murder anyone who wrongs you, Jesus Christ.


Dead fucking serious. I don't know what the fuck people think they're defending in this guy. Yes, defending him. A pregnant woman was robbed, could have been hurt in the process of the initial struggle where he took her purse. She could've gotten hurt even attempting to chase him initially after he grabbed her purse. Just the experience or trauma alone could have been bad for both her and the baby.

So something bad happens to the piece of shit, handled by the exact same person he tried to make his victim. Again, what happened to him is his own fault. You do NOT rob pregnant fucking women. Can I say that again? You do NOT attempt to rob a pregnant woman. Whatever happens to you afterwards? The world is a better place. Take that anyway you want to.

He had it coming. Bad things should happen to everybody who attempts to rob a pregnant woman. The problem many here seem to be having is that it isn't JUST a purse, or JUST a wallet. I really wonder if some here understand how it is some people struggle to get by day to day. She could've had anything of serious importance in there that she couldn't afford to lose right then. If he had stole a decent bit of cash from her, guess what? Nobody is giving it back to her because she's on the right side of the law as the victim. She handled the situation, and I commend her.

Not condoning her actions != defending him. What is wrong with you?
Yeah, literally not one person in this thread has said this purse snatcher should get a walk. No one is defending him for snatching the purse. Being run over with a vehicle while posing no lethal threat is an entirely different matter.
She should be in jail.

Materials items don't justify attempted murder.

And if you're defending her actions because she was pregnant, you need to gain some perspective.

Would you be so forgiving of this vigilante justice if the person that got run over was someone that you cared about? People make mistakes. Something as trivial as a purse shouldn't cost anyone their life.

The right thing to do would have been to notify the authorities and let them take care of it. You know it.

Defending this is as insane as defending the girl that struck the preacher with a baseball ball bat from behind because he was saying outrageous shit about rape victims.

Actions have consequences, but those consequences must be proportionate. Running someone down for theft is not a proportionate response. This woman should face the consequences for her actions in that regard.
No one is defending the guy. They're just not condoning the actions of the woman. That should be obvious.

My issue is that there seems to be a little too much outrage over something bad happening to some piece of shit, as opposed to a pregnant woman being robbed. Listen, do you guys realize that often times the pregnant woman in situations like this sometimes doesn't make it out of the encounter alive? That the child sometimes doesn't survive either? I knew a woman 4 months pregnant that was left for dead coming home from work one night. She never got any justice, and many woman like her often suffering the same fate. If he did what he did to this woman in broad daylight, you can only imagine what he might have done to her late at night.

If you found out that that this guy has possibly killed before, would there be similar outrage over him finally paying a price? Come on, man. I know what she did wasn't at its core the right thing to do, but in the situation I absolutely believe she is allowed to fight back and be aggressive in her own right.

She should be in jail.

Materials items don't justify attempted murder.

And if you're defending her actions because she was pregnant, you need to gain some perspective.

Would you be so forgiving of this vigilante justice if the person that got run over was someone that you cared about? People make mistakes. Something as trivial as a purse shouldn't cost anyone their life.

The right thing to do would have been to notify the authorities and let them take care of it. You know it.

Defending this is as insane as defending the girl that struck the preacher with a baseball ball bat from behind because he was saying outrageous shit about rape victims.

Actions have consequences, but those consequences must be proportionate. Running someone down for theft is not a proportionate response. This woman should face the consequences for her actions in that regard.

This material items line tells me that maybe some people in here haven't experienced hard times, and don't know what it's like sometimes to be in a situation where you've lost so much already that you can't afford to lose anymore? What some people in here are treating as simple "material items" or a few "credit cards" or "just some cash" could mean the difference between whether any other person in the same situation as this woman was in can't afford to make rent, can't afford to put food on the table. Robbery is a very, very serious fucking thing. It isn't to be taken lightly. Many times in a robbery the victim is killed in the process of being robbed. How do we know this guy isn't one of those types that got what he deserved?


I love the logical follow through with the crappiness of the situation

"Oh no, the woman should have just given him all her worldly possessions; that would be the right thing to do"


"Yeehaw! It's too bad she didn't have her six-shooter on her to finish the job!"


My issue is that there seems to be a little too much outrage over something bad happening to some piece of shit, as opposed to a pregnant woman being robbed. Listen, do you guys realize that often times the pregnant woman in situations like this sometimes doesn't make it out of the encounter alive? That the child sometimes doesn't survive either? I knew a woman 4 months pregnant that was left for dead coming home from work one night. She never got any justice, and many woman like her often suffering the same fate. If he did what he did to this woman in broad daylight, you can only imagine what he might have done to her late at night.

If you found out that that this guy has possibly killed before, would there be similar outrage over him finally paying a price? Come on, man. I know what she did wasn't at its core the right thing to do, but in the situation I absolutely believe she is allowed to fight back and be aggressive in her own right.

And your argument has no merit because you're imagining an entirely different situation to what occurred.

Were she in immediate danger she wouldn't have been able to jump in her car anyway.

And then you make up other crimes you imagine he might have committed to try and justify attempt homicide.

None of the nonsense you just suggested occured.
I seriously doubt there were worth anything in that car or purse to kill someone over it, and even if there were, is it really worth it? The guy will get what he deserves so is this crazy lady. We are not living in the frontier anymore. There is law and order to take care of these problems.
So no one said she should let him walk and you were pulling stuff out of your ass?

Then what were her other options? Because saying she shouldn't have stopped him is saying she should have let him walk and I don't see how else a pregnant lady is going to stop a grown man besides a 2 ton vehicle.


I certainly understand the urge to do what she did, but no, that's obviously not okay.

It's no different than if she'd shot him in the back while he was running away. He was of no threat to anyone. Report it to the police, call for help, film it, but don't try to murder someone over petty theft.

Tell me then, what were this pregnant lady's other options?

Call the police.


My issue is that there seems to be a little too much outrage over something bad happening to some piece of shit, as opposed to a pregnant woman being robbed. Listen, do you guys realize that often times the pregnant woman in situations like this sometimes doesn't make it out of the encounter alive? That the child sometimes doesn't survive either? I knew a woman 4 months pregnant that was left for dead coming home from work one night. She never got any justice, and many woman like her often suffering the same fate. If he did what he did to this woman in broad daylight, you can only imagine what he might have done to her late at night.

If you found out that that this guy has possibly killed before, would there be similar outrage over him finally paying a price? Come on, man. I know what she did wasn't at its core the right thing to do, but in the situation I absolutely believe she is allowed to fight back and be aggressive in her own right.

This material items line tells me that maybe some people in here haven't experienced hard times, and don't know what it's like sometimes to be in a situation where you've lost so much already that you can't afford to lose anymore? What some people in here are treating as simple "material items" or a few "credit cards" or "just some cash" could mean the difference between whether any other person in the same situation as this woman was in can't afford to make rent, can't afford to put food on the table. Robbery is a very, very serious fucking thing. It isn't to be taken lightly. Many times in a robbery the victim is killed in the process of being robbed. How do we know this guy isn't one of those types that got what he deserved?

For fuck sake. What is with people on Gaf picking the stupidest things to dig their feet into the ground over? "Oh, what if he'd killed someone." I mean... you can't add your own backstory here to justify this shit, this isn't a TV show.

Tell me then, what were this pregnant lady's other options?

Gosh. If only there were some short number one could use for situations like this.

Its only three digits and it's on the tip of my tongue... Hmm...

Nah, you're right, this is a tough one.

No, she took the other option of run the fucker over and was successful.

She didn't murder the guy.

Good for her.

Some of you are dense on purpose. You don't run someone over and have it not be attempted homicide. Which the police agreed, because she is now being charged for assault with a deadly weapon.
And your argument has no merit because you're imagining an entirely different situation to what occurred.

Were she in immediate danger she wouldn't have been able to jump in her car anyway.

And then you make up other crimes you imagine he might have committed to try and justify attempt homicide.

None of the nonsense you just suggested occured.

A person willing to rob a pregnant woman isn't too far a stone throw away from killing that pregnant woman assuming she was able to resist him to such a degree that he couldn't more easily grab her purse.

The woman is a hero in my book.

For fuck sake. What is with people on Gaf picking the stupidest things to dig their feet into the ground over? "Oh, what if he'd killed someone." I mean... you can't add your own backstory here to justify this shit, this isn't a TV show.


For fuck sake my ass. That woman has every fucking right to try to get back what rightfully belongs to her. You know what I'm happy we are NOT talking about right now? Thief robs and leaves pregnant woman for dead. And don't give me the "oh you're making up something that didn't happen" crap because it is something that absolutely could have happened, and has been known to happen. Just because things didn't work out that way this time around is no less a reason to view the thief in a more sinister light than what actually transpired. I know people won't own up to it, but we have a lot of people in here stealth absolving the thief and are trying to make the pregnant woman, who is the real victim in this matter, out to somehow be the criminal.

If there's any justice at all, she is allowed to walk without facing serious consequences. There's no jury that will rule against this woman.
Dead fucking serious. I don't know what the fuck people think they're defending in this guy. Yes, defending him. A pregnant woman was robbed, could have been hurt in the process of the initial struggle where he took her purse. She could've gotten hurt even attempting to chase him initially after he grabbed her purse. Just the experience or trauma alone could have been bad for both her and the baby.

So something bad happens to the piece of shit, handled by the exact same person he tried to make his victim. Again, what happened to him is his own fault. You do NOT rob pregnant fucking women. Can I say that again? You do NOT attempt to rob a pregnant woman. Whatever happens to you afterwards? The world is a better place. Take that anyway you want to.

He had it coming. Bad things should happen to everybody who attempts to rob a pregnant woman. The problem many here seem to be having is that it isn't JUST a purse, or JUST a wallet. I really wonder if some here understand how it is some people struggle to get by day to day. She could've had anything of serious importance in there that she couldn't afford to lose right then. If he had stole a decent bit of cash from her, guess what? Nobody is giving it back to her because she's on the right side of the law as the victim. She handled the situation, and I commend her.
No one in this thread is defending him. All we're saying is that theft DOES NOT justify attempted murder.


Jesus this thread has gone in an unexpected direction

Vigilante justice is too much even normally, but justifying attempted murder for theft???


A person willing to rob a pregnant woman isn't too far a stone throw away from killing that pregnant woman assuming she was able to resist him to such a degree that he couldn't more easily grab her purse.

The woman is a hero in my book.

Lol lay of the video games boo


If the options are letting someone get away with a purse or using potentially lethal force to retrieve it from someone posing no threat to you, you actually don't have an option. Not in any civilized country.

It's a freaking purse. Sometimes, you just have to take that loss.

I'm sorry your mind is boggled, but please be aware that not everyone can afford to shrug their shoulders and watch a thief run away with their purse/wallet/cash/cellphone. I certainly can, and perhaps you can too. However, I know an awful lot of people who can't be so cavalier about their most intimate possessions. All I know about this woman is that she was pregnant and shopping at Walmart; but I don't think it's unreasonable to suppose she may have been profoundly and disastrously affected by the loss, given how many Americans live paycheck to paycheck.

So I'll condemn the system's lack of victim support for presenting her with no option besides facing a potentially devastating loss of property, or throwing a car at the thief. I won't condemn her.
Some of you are dense on purpose. You don't run someone over and have it not be attempted homicide. Which the police agreed, because she is now being charged for assault with a deadly weapon.

FYI I'm not against her being charged. Of course she should be.

But look at it this way, what if he suffered the same damage to what the car gave him, but it was done by her instead? Punches, kicks, or maybe some guys came over and beat the shit out of him? Or maybe he got run over by another oncoming car?

Would you say the guy deserved that or not?
A person willing to rob a pregnant woman isn't too far a stone throw away from killing that pregnant woman assuming she was able to resist him to such a degree that he couldn't more easily grab her purse.

The woman is a hero in my book.

So what you're saying is false equivalence and accusing people of crimes they didnt commit is fine.

Edit: removed second half of this post cos I probably went too far.
Can people stop pretending that calling the cops would help at all in this situation? It's not an emergency. It won't even be high priority on their list. They won't find the guy when they get around to it.

Saying she can call the cops is just saying she should take the loss and deal with it. And so should the next woman this guy goes after. And the next...
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