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Pregnant woman ran down a fleeing man 'who stole purse from her car' in Walmart


He didn't die though.

Not saying that you should go out and kill every thief. But it also isn't as black and white as you make it out to be. If somebody steals from me, should I just roll over, do nothing and call the police while I see the criminal walk away? Knowing that they will do nothing about it anyway.

This attitude also leads to criminals just doing whatever they want, they know they get away with it.

Ok, Batman.


He didn't die though.

Not saying that you should go out and kill every thief. But it also isn't as black and white as you make it out to be. If somebody steals from me, should I just roll over, do nothing and call the police while I see the criminal walk away? Knowing that they will do nothing about it anyway.

This attitude also leads to criminals just doing whatever they want, they know they get away with it.

If someone steals from me on the street I would chase them in an attempt to catch them but I wouldnt chase them with a knife and then proceed to stab them.

Anyway dont think the women will get anything more than a slap on the wrist since she is pregnant.(which I wouldnt be against)
“Not saying what she did was right, according to the letter of the law, but when you decide to commit a crime against another person, you do assume a certain amount of risk that that person may be crazier than you, and, as in this case, run you over with a red-orange SUV...He played a stupid game and they both won a stupid prize,”

LOL at the quote... so true.

People getting outraged at the lady clearly have no fucking idea what its like to be pregnant or how vulnerable you feel. My wife was like a caged bear when she was pregnant... I wanted none of that fury.

Certainly seems like this is proportionate force to me! Not like 100 people a day are killed by cars in the US.

No sir.
No, he got lucky and the woman driving full speed after him in a confined area in a car three times the size and 20x the weight of a man she hit, going full speed, didn't kill him and didn't cripple him.

You still don't get to do that. No.

If you can't detain them with reasonable force, yes, you let them get away, call the cops, hope he gets caught and move on.

You don't run somebody over because they stole from you, a car is a deadly weapon, it's the same as if she fired a gun at him as he was fleeing.

Edit: So now I'm enabling criminals to do whatever they like because I don't think someone should be run over and potentially killed for petty theft.

It's more that this attitude of letting people get away with things, because God forbid we might hurt them, is leading to people feeling powerless when being a victim of a crime. When you try to do something, you are then the criminal. Yes, it might be disproportionate to run him over, but some of you make it seem you should just stand there and do nothing.

Where is the line with what you can do? That is not as clear as you make it seem, so that she went after him can be understandable. Give her a warning and be done with it.

If someone steals from me on the street I would chase them in an attempt to catch them but I wouldnt chase them with a knife and then proceed to stab them.

Anyway dont think the women will get anything more than a slap on the wrist since she is pregnant.
She didn't stab him. She is pregnant and couldn't run after him in her condition. Was it smart to do this? No. But I can certainly understand the impulse and think some people in this thread are a bit too fast in defending criminals and blaming the victim who got her stuff stolen.
Nobody is defending the fucking criminal.

Fucking god damn. Read. Read the thread, think about why you think it's okay that this woman chased him, couldn't catch him, so just decided to go back to her car and run him over.

If she'd have used a gun and only grazed him I guarantee this thread is different. People see the car and think she was chasing him down not using it as a weapon, but she is clearly using it as a weapon.


LOL at the quote... so true.

People getting outraged at the lady clearly have no fucking idea what its like to be pregnant or how vulnerable you feel. My wife was like a caged bear when she was pregnant... I wanted none of that fury.
LOL at the quote... so true.

People getting outraged at the teenage boy clearly have no fucking idea what its like to have 1000 ng/dl of testosterone flowing through them or how masculine you feel. My son was like a caged bear when he was a teenager... I wanted none of that fury.
Nobody is defending the fucking criminal.

Fucking god damn. Read. Read the thread, think about why you think it's okay that this woman chased him, couldn't catch him, so just decided to go back to her car and run him over.

If she'd have used a gun and only grazed him I guarantee this thread is different. People see the car and think she was chasing him down not using it as a weapon, but she is clearly using it as a weapon.
Instead of swearing at others, maybe understand there can be a difference of opinion about this. We can make comparisons all day long, but those are not the facts that happened. Lets say someone had run after him, knocked him on the head, he fell down, landed badly and died. Is that also a crime then?

I think it is understandable and should not be met with jailtime. I don't think it is the smartest thing and I probably wouldn't do it myself, but I also don't fault the woman for it too much considering she is not the criminal in this story.
Instead of swearing at others, maybe understand there can be a difference of opinion about this. We can make comparisons all day long, but those are not the facts that happened. Lets say someone had run after him, knocked him on the head, he fell down, landed badly and died. Is that also a crime then?

I think it is understandable and should not be met with jailtime. I don't think it is the smartest thing and I probably wouldn't do it myself, but I also don't fault the woman for it too much considering she is not the criminal in this story.

Yes, it is.

We don't get to just kill criminals. Real life is not an issue of "The Punisher". And yes, she was the initial victim in the story, but by escalating the situation like she did.

She's just as much a criminal as he is.


Instead of swearing at others, maybe understand there can be a difference of opinion about this. We can make comparisons all day long, but those are not the facts that happened. Lets say someone had run after him, knocked him on the head, he fell down, landed badly and died. Is that also a crime then?

Yes, by the letter of the law it is.
Yes, it is.

We don't get to just kill criminals. Real life is not an issue of "The Punisher". And yes, she was the initial victim in the story, but by escalating the situation like she did.

She's just as much a criminal as he is.
If the intend was not to kill? OK then... so I guess we can't stop criminals because in the act of catching them there might be an accident that has them hurt or killed.

Tip: if you don't want to risk things like that, don't go around being a criminal. Seems pretty clear to me.

And no, she is not just as much a criminal, she didn't start the situation.


I think it is understandable and should not be met with jailtime. I don't think it is the smartest thing and I probably wouldn't do it myself, but I also don't fault the woman for it too much considering she is not the criminal in this story.

She's absolutely a criminal. People don't stop being people their rights when they break the law - I can't run over a drug dealer just because he's doing illegal things.

Ramming a dude with a car crosses the line from "reasonable force" by just about any reckoning, so she committed a crime. Is anyone going to care? Nah. But still.

"He started it!" isn't a defense that holds up in court.
If the intend was not to kill? OK then... so I guess we can't stop criminals because in the act of catching them there might be an accident that has them hurt or killed.

Tip: if you don't want to risk things like that, don't go around being a criminal. Seems pretty clear to me.

And no, she is not just as much a criminal, she didn't start the situation.

Yes, if the intent isn't to kill it's involuntary manslaughter. A crime. Because you killed somebody.

You don't get to kill people even if it's on accident. You wanna determine that to be "letting criminals do whatever they want" fine, but you still killed somebody.

He's still a human being, he still had the right to live. You don't and shouldn't risk being killed for stealing things out of peoples cars.

Criminals are not suddenly lesser beings because they are criminals.
Yes, if the intent isn't to kill it's involuntary manslaughter. A crime. Because you killed somebody.

You don't get to kill people even if it's on accident. You wanna determine that to be "letting criminals do whatever they want" fine, but you still killed somebody.

He's still a human being, he still had the right to live. You don't and shouldn't risk being killed for stealing things out of peoples cars.

Criminals are not suddenly lesser beings because they are criminals.
There will be an investigation, as it should and there will be in this situation also, but I don't think anybody should go to jail over such a thing, when they are the victim of a crime in the first place.
There will be an investigation, as it should and there will be in this situation also, but I don't think anybody should go to jail over such a thing, when they are the victim of a crime in the first place.

Then you're condoning killing as a justifiable response to non-violent crime.

You're quite literally saying "it's fine if he died, he deserved it".

Negligent homicide is the killing of another person through gross negligence or without malice. It often includes death that is the result of the negligent operation of a motor vehicle, which includes the operation of a boat or snowmobile. It is characterized as a death caused by death by conduct that grossly deviated from ordinary care. Negligent homicide may be charged as a lesser-included offense of manslaughter. It is also sometimes referred to as "involuntary manslaughter". State laws vary, so local law should be consulted for specific requirements.
Then you're condoning killing as a justifiable response to non-violent crime.

You're quite literally saying "it's fine if he died, he deserved it".
I do not think the intent of this woman was to kill the other. That is the difference.

But let me ask you: should this woman go to jail over this, yes or no?


What we need is the SUV's story in this matter.

You've condoned violence in the past against people for a non-violent crime: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=229579745&postcount=1516

What's changed? People die from being punched.
Violence is a justifiable response to free speech dontchaknow.

Which is why she's being charged with a felony.
She's being charged with an assault misdemeanor carrying a max penalty of 5 months in prison/community service which she's very unlikely to be convicted of.
You've condoned violence in the past against people for a non-violent crime: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=229579745&postcount=1516

What's changed? People die from being punched.

I've literally said in this thread that people pulling up and fighting is a reasonable expectation of force for this.

If I punched Milo in the face and he died from it yes, I should go to prison. If I punch the criminal I was chasing down in the face and he dies from it, yes, I should be charged with a felony.

I believe and condone the use of violence in situations. I don't believe in the escalation and use of deadly force as if it's a negligible difference. There is proportionate force for a situation. Running someone over is not a proportionate response.

If you don't understand that from everything I've posted here then I don't know what to tell you. You wanna act like you've got some "GOT YOU!" moment when I've never denied or said in any way that an expectation of violent response is not prudent.
But her actions used lethal force, even if her intent was not to kill, her actions in her intent to injure, could easily have killed him

Which is why she's being charged with a felony.
If you were on the jury, would you convict her?

I've literally said in this thread that people pulling up and fighting is a reasonable expectation of force for this.

If I punched Milo in the face and he died from it yes, I should go to prison. If I punch the criminal I was chasing down in the face and he dies from it, yes, I should be charged with a felony.

I believe and condone the use of violence in situations. I don't believe in the escalation and use of deadly force as if it's a negligible difference. There is proportionate force for a situation. Running someone over is not a proportionate response.

If you don't understand that from everything I've posted here then I don't know what to tell you.
A proportionate response is a very subjective thing though. You think it is proportionate to punch someone in the face when he spouts his disgusting opinions. But not to hit someone with a car when they steal from you. Both can result in death if you are unlucky. So it clearly isn't all as black and white as you make it seem in this thread.
If she had a gun in her glove compartment and had pulled that out and shot him in the back that wouldn't have been justifiable so neither is running him down. They're both criminals.
If you were on the jury, would you convict her?

A proportionate response is a very subjective thing though. You think it is proportionate to punch someone in the face when he spouts his disgusting opinions. But not to hit someone with a car when they steal from you. So it clearly isn't all as black and white as you make it seem in this thread.

I mean, I want to punch the guy, or have somebody punch him. Sure.

But I also get that I would, and should, go to prison for doing it. Because it's illegal to do so. My personal disgust and belief that make me violent in the situation where I'd see him does not absolve me if I react violently.

A proportionate response is not subjective.

You don't use lethal force. That's not subjective.
I mean, I want to punch the guy, or have somebody punch him. Sure.

But I also get that I would, and should, go to prison for doing it. Because it's illegal to do so. My personal disgust and belief that make me violent in the situation where I'd see him does not absolve me if I react violently.

A proportionate response is not subjective.

You don't use lethal force. That's not subjective.
So you are OK with people acting violently, as long as they go to jail afterwards? That is a strange opinion to me.

And I take it you would convict her then. I wouldn't. We'll see if it comes that far.


Dude was running so damn slow she could have just cruised next to him while chattin with 911. Shit at least she could have did a little brake check instead she was going for blood.


Breaking into someones car and stealing their purse is not "acting like a rascal". Its a crime and one that should send someone to jail if its something they're habitually doing.

Obviously the lady is completely wrong for doing what she did but I'm just as amazed at folks acting like the guy was doing something minor and not illegal himself.

No one is trying to say the dude did something minor and "not illegal" -- that is a straight up lie and total bullshit. It's the sort of thing Trump would say. "People are saying..." -- WRONG!

But there is no situation where it's okay to drive over someone with your car when the crime they've committed is petty theft. It's total bullshit when someone kills a thief in their home but you can at least understand the concept of fearing for your life especially if you have a family. In this case, there is absolutely zero justification. ZERO.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I do not think the intent of this woman was to kill the other. That is the difference.

But let me ask you: should this woman go to jail over this, yes or no?

If she's found guilty by the jury (which I doubt they will), then yes, she should serve appropriate jail time.

Both parties should go through the appropriate jail time based on their crime.


1. I hope he recovers without any serious injuries
2. I hope this scares him enough to never want to try and snatch a purse again
This guy is shirtless (outside of a beach setting) and tattooed. If you look at him, there is a high likelihood he is an addict of some sort. He needs help in that regard before reason comes into play.
America GAF, explain to me

what difference does it make if the woman defended herself with a gun or a vehicle? She is defending herself, right?

2nd Ammendment people would advocate the use of a gun to stop a perp.

well, what if you don't have a gun? how do you stop a perp?


Trucker Sexologist
America GAF, explain to me

what difference does it make if the woman defended herself with a gun or a vehicle? She is defending herself, right?

2nd Ammendment people would advocate the use of a gun to stop a perp.

well, what if you don't have a gun? how do you stop a perp?
The law allows reasonable force to defend your property. Perforating someone or running them over may be seen as an unnecessary escalation if they're unarmed.

If they're packing then it's open season.
The law allows reasonable force to defend your property. Perforating someone or running them over may be seen as an unnecessary escalation if they're unarmed.

If they're packing then it's open season.

the perp has the woman's home address and personal information and possible a spare key to her home.

The perp a hypothetical threat to the woman's safety still
America GAF, explain to me

what difference does it make if the woman defended herself with a gun or a vehicle? She is defending herself, right?

2nd Ammendment people would advocate the use of a gun to stop a perp.

well, what if you don't have a gun? how do you stop a perp?

Nah, she's not at that point. If the guy was attacking her then yeah, she'd be defending herself by shooting him or running him over. But the dude was already running away and she went after him.

In all seriousness she was supposed to do nothing about it at that point except call the police so they could show up and then also do nothing about it.


She esculated the situation out of proportion and attempted to kill someone, unless you believe the value of a human life is equal to that of a object, there is no way you can say she acted in a reasonable manner. Now you can say she was pregnant and so wasnt thinking as clear and so a the future jury and judge should be more lenient on her compared to other cases but justifying her actions as reasonable is hypocritical.

Robbing a pregnant lady. Classy. That's some amir0x-level thuggery in there.

Too soon.
The she should go away people in here are as bad as the he deserved it people.

It's easy to say she should have done something different while taking time to evaluate the situation and watching a horrible gif of someone being run over.

It was a heat of the situation moment. Her only thought at the time was getting her purse back. Expecting a calm evaluation of the situation in that time span is a bit naive.

Comparing her actions to government enforced punishments or Zimmerman stalking and killing Trevon are terrible analogies. These took place over much large time spans and were much more methodical.

She obviously should face some consequences, but she was being reactive to a crime being enacted on her. The thief is the knowing perpetrator and judgement of them will be viewed through that lense.
LOL at the quote... so true.

People getting outraged at the teenage boy clearly have no fucking idea what its like to have 1000 ng/dl of testosterone flowing through them or how masculine you feel. My son was like a caged bear when he was a teenager... I wanted none of that fury.
Stealing from pregnant women is masculine? Rofl


Trucker Sexologist
She esculated the situation out of proportion and attempted to kill someone, unless you believe the value of a human life is equal to that of a object, there is no way you can say she acted in a reasonable manner. Now you can say she was pregnant and so wasnt thinking as clear and so a the future jury and judge should be more lenient on her compared to other cases but justifying her actions as reasonable is hypocritical.

Too soon.
Statistically, the victim gets the shit beat out of them in most robberies unless they run.

Did I miss something about Amir0x?
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