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Pregnant woman ran down a fleeing man 'who stole purse from her car' in Walmart

This thread encapsulates why America's justice system is irreparably broken.



Ask them if they believe in Sharia Law Punishment ... Steal from me, ill chop your hand off, and they go silent. Ask them if running someone over with your car for purse theft is justifiable and its 100% fine
Good on her if that guy actually stole her shit.

Sometimes you just gotta help yourself because nobody else is gonna.

Hope the court goes easy on her and the thief still gets his time.

That said, she could have easily hurt a passerby or herself and her unborn child and she damaged some poor random's car so it was pretty stupid on her part.

Edit: On rewatching I don't think she hit another car, good on her then.


I have no sympathy for either party. If you are going to steal things, accept the consequences of the owner fighting to get their property back, which likely in the US would involve being shot. If she used a gun instead of her vehicle, the NRA would be supporting her and so would more than half of America ;p. As for the woman, commit the crime do the time. She's lucky it is not a charge of vehicular manslaughter since the guy lived.


The quote from the article is hilarious and true.

Not saying what she did was right, according to the letter of the law, but when you decide to commit a crime against another person, you do assume a certain amount of risk that that person may be crazier than you, and, as in this case, run you over with a red-orange SUV...He played a stupid game and they both won a stupid prize,” Dave Conklin wrote.
I have no sympathy for either party. If you are going to steal things, accept the consequences of the owner fighting to get their property back, which likely in the US would involve being shot. If she used a gun instead of her vehicle, the NRA would be supporting her and so would more than half of America ;p. As for the woman, commit the crime do the time. She's lucky it is not a charge of vehicular manslaughter since the guy lived.

The consequences for being a thief are "potential prison" or, hopefully, at worse an ass whooping.

Not being run over by 2+ tons of fast moving steel that could kill you in moments or cause you permanent damage.

I'm sorry, I don't think somebody deserves to be crippled or murdered for lifting a purse, what a horrible person am I.

And no, unless the person stealing from you has a gun or poses an imminent threat, in the majority of US states you don't get to fucking shoot them. You go to prison for manslaughter.


What sucks is that in spite of being a victim of theft, she can also be charged with "misdemeanor assault with a deadly weapon." Yeah, the other guy may have deserved it, but it is still trying to run a guy over with your vehicle.

Who knows if this will be justified in court or not. As pointed out right above me, it is a shame that the victim could get in more trouble than the guy who tried to rob her."
I'd rather live with thieves than with people who think its OK to run people over.
The important thing to remember is that she is only charged with assault not with attempted murder, and nothing in her statements indicates a murderous intent.

He committed a crime so did she... if she was smart, she would lawyer up, push the aspect of being scared, hyped on adrenaline and pregnancy hormones, etc... don't try to push the aspect of being a vigilante

Still is a good chance that she will get in more trouble than him... sad situation all around

Hitting someone with a car intentionally proves murderous intent. Everyone knows that hitting someone with a car, especially at that speed, often kills the person who is hit.

By the way, so switch it around. The thief is a man and the robber intentionally ran down by the car is a pregnant woman. Same reaction?
I guess it's cool that Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin then, since he thought he was a thief and thus in the heat of the moment just let passion and emotion take over and kill him.


That's what you're all basically saying is cool.


I guess it's cool that Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin then, since he thought he was a thief and thus in the heat of the moment just let passion and emotion take over and kill him.


That's what you're all basically saying is cool.


The Cowboy

How is it though? Zimmerman's whole argument is the exact same one that's being used to excuse this woman's attempted homicide.
Yeah but, she's pregnant or something to that effect!!!!

You can't win this argument mate, people who are for attempted murder (which is exactly what this was) are not easy to reason with.
Ask them if they believe in Sharia Law Punishment ... Steal from me, ill chop your hand off, and they go silent. Ask them if running someone over with your car for purse theft is justifiable and its 100% fine

Even if you sympathize with the woman in this case, I think we all agree it shouldnt be law that the punishment for stealing is getting ran over by a car. You are talking about state enforced hand chopping


Even if you sympathize with the woman in this case, and think we all agree it shouldnt be law that the punishment for stealing is getting ran over by a car. You are talking about state enforced hand chopping

I don't think this hand-chopping comparison is entirely accurate. Hand-chopping means the subject is imprisoned and subject to the law.

The guy here just stole her shit and was getting away with it. She stopped him. Granted it was likely stupid and not worth it, but like I said I'd acquit her.
I don't think this hand-chopping comparison is entirely accurate. Hand-chopping means the subject is imprisoned and subject to the law.

The guy here just stole her shit and was getting away with it. She stopped him. Granted it was likely stupid and not worth it, but like I said I'd acquit her.

So you're saying anybody can respond with lethal force if you get "emotional" about a situation.

She attempted to murder this man to get her property back, if you acquit her you legally absolve her and anybody else that does the same.

You can't just kill people even if they've done damage or harm to you.
Was he pregnant though?

What difference does it make, watch her interview. She knew exactly what she was doing, she even details it. Emotions were not high she wanted to exact revenge. She only ran him over because she could run fast enough because she was pregnant
She attempted to murder this man to get her property back,

And that's fine, but the state doing it, would not be fine.

Thinking theft should not be punishable by physical harm or theft by the justice system but also celebrating a victim empowering themselves by helping themselves are not mutually exclusive.


Guys someone stole my lunch today at work...I think its fitting I bring an AR to work tomorrow and open fire in the hallway. He had it coming, play stupid games, this is the stupid prize.

Thieves are the worst, no sympathy.


Guys someone stole my lunch today at work...I think its fitting I bring an AR to work tomorrow and open fire in the hallway. He had it coming, play stupid games, this is the stupid prize.

Thieves are the worst, no sympathy.

This is another terrible comparison.


Guys someone stole my lunch today at work...I think its fitting I bring an AR to work tomorrow and open fire in the hallway. He had it coming, play stupid games, this is the stupid prize.

Thieves are the worst, no sympathy.

No, but if it continued after asking it to stop and talking to HR they might find a peanut butter and dirt sandwich.
Somebody stealing your lunch at work (most likely a coworker) = a complete stranger stealing your cards, cash and license out of your car in a parking lot


She should have just given him a light tap with the car - didn't have to straight up run him over. (jk)

In all seriousness, I hope she gets off easy - no law system in the world can understand true rage. It can happen to the best people.


Yah, you can't attempt to murder people because they stole from you. She's getting the book thrown at her.

Theft sucks, but come on now.


Somebody stealing your lunch at work (most likely a coworker) = a complete stranger stealing your cards, cash and license in a parking lot

Ah ok, what is the line for what needs to be stolen for when I can attempt tbe murder? Cash? How much? Thank you for the tid bit tbat it needs to be a stranger before I kill as well.
And that's fine, but the state doing it, would not be fine.

Thinking theft should not be punishable by physical harm or theft by the justice system but also celebrating a victim empowering themselves by helping themselves are not mutually exclusive.

Her trying to chase him down on foot to acquire her things would be empowering herself.

Her trying to run him over as an act of revenge, her words, is attempted murder, and shouldn't be lauded.


The consequences for being a thief are "potential prison" or, hopefully, at worse an ass whooping.

Not being run over by 2+ tons of fast moving steel that could kill you in moments or cause you permanent damage.

I'm sorry, I don't think somebody deserves to be crippled or murdered for lifting a purse, what a horrible person am I.

And no, unless the person stealing from you has a gun or poses an imminent threat, in the majority of US states you don't get to fucking shoot them. You go to prison for manslaughter.

Well my point was more that thieves should realistically expect their lives to be in danger when stealing from people in the US with how common guns are... Yeah, vehicular assault is an unexpected outcome, but you shouldn't mess with a pregnant woman who might not respond rationally. And of course it isn't legal to shoot someone stealing from you, but juries let people get off all the time when it comes to shootings, especially down South.
Smh @ some straight up ignorant vigilante bullshit being propped up in this thread.

This kind of uncivilized garbage should not be applauded, and like mentioned above, even if you don't like hearing it, is exactly what empowers the mindset of the George Zimmermans of the world.


nods at old men
She should have just given him a light tap with the car - didn't have to straight up run him over. (jk)

In all seriousness, I hope she gets off easy - no law system in the world can understand true rage. It can happen to the best people.

Rage is an excuse now?


She should have just given him a light tap with the car - didn't have to straight up run him over. (jk)

In all seriousness, I hope she gets off easy - no law system in the world can understand true rage. It can happen to the best people.

Attempted murder is not justified by rage. A fistfight or assault sure, but not murder.


No sympathy from me

if he did steal ... pretty sure he did

then fuck him

Justice system needs to be more harsh on these fucks who do dumb shit to people minding their own business


She should be locked up alongside the guy.

Fucking lol at thinking running someone over is ok. What world do you live in?


Attempted murder is not justified by rage. A fistfight or assault sure, but not murder.

Wait... he's dead?

Edit - Nevermind, read that wrong.

I didn't say it was justified - just that you can't accurately punish someone who loses control and isn't thinking straight.
Her trying to chase him down on foot to acquire her things would be empowering herself.

Her trying to run him over as an act of revenge, her words, is attempted murder, and shouldn't be lauded.

Either way she got her purse back right?

I don't really care what happens to the thief in the process. I don't think he deserves to die over it but as soon as you pull shit like that the victim has carte blanche as far as I'm concerned.

Assuming her story checks out of course.

Van Bur3n

"I have no sympathy for criminals" aight then cool lets just make the death penalty the only punishment. Or we can compromise and bring back stoning and lashing. 50 lashes for stealing a purse sounds fair.

Oh wait, that's what third world dictatorships do. Not a fucking democracy with law and order.

Some of y'all be so damn bloodthirsty I'd be scarred to be in the same room as you, worrying about if you'll just pop off and drop me cause I made you mad.

Hey, man, I ain't say what she did was right and was the best course of action. But you live that life of crime you're bound to run into someone who isn't exactly going to take too kindly to your uncharitable act. As such, the universe answered accordingly. Karma is a bitch...a crazy one in a SUV it seems. I have have no sympathy for the fucker. Nor the woman.

Either way she got her purse back right?

I don't really care what happens to the thief in the process. I don't think he deserves to die over it but as soon as you pull shit like that the victim has carte blanche as far as I'm concerned.

Assuming her story checks out of course.

Exactly. There are no victims in this story. Just a crazy bitch and a punk loser dishing it out. We simply watch it unfold.
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