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PREMATURE EJACULA-TON: PS3 delayed until November 2006 in Japan?


A Japanese delay was pretty much expected, but WOW if it misses a 2006 US launch. Giving the 360 a 2nd Christmas and the Rev (assuming it's on time as well) it's 1st before it comes out here is going to hurt bad. I don't think it'll happen, but if MS could get a 360 price drop and Halo 3 out before the PS3 launches here....holy crap.

Even if Sony does a worldwide launch or somehow gets it out here before Christmas, I can't imagine them having jack for quantities, while 360 production should be fine by then, and given the Rev components, I can't imagine them having huge supply problems with that either.

Mau ®

Ugh. Its only delayed til' November and that's if it is indeed true.

xBOTS go sing victory songs when you actually sell a million...
Heian-kyo said:
Interesting. I think we may need an official 'Jumping the gun' thread if something like this turns out to be true.
Man if it turns out tonight that everyone jumped the gun it is going to turn out to be an even more amusing night then it would have been especially since this article isn't even a press release and people are acting like it is from the mouth of Sony itself.
Nothing makes me laugh harder than Reggie photoshops with the "Not my problem" quote. I can't wait to hear what quote he is going to give us this year. :lol


1) US probably wasn't getting a release until November anyway

2) If this is a licensing/firmware thing, then Sony can build machines now (as per their plan) and have fuckloads in warehouses by November

3) therefore there is no need to jump to a conclusion that a Japanese delay = US delay, or that stocks will be low.

4) As the US wasn't expecting it until November, this will have no impact on X360 sales. And sales during spring/summer are relatively low anyway.

5) just fucking tell us Sony


Benadryl Hitman said:
Man if it turns out tonight they everyone jumped the gun it is going to turn out to be an even more amusing night then it would have been especially since this article isn't even a press release and people are acting like it is from the mouth of Sony itself.

If it wasn't true, I would think GAF wouldn't have stickied it. But maybe I am wrong.


The fanboy reaction is funny to watch from the perspective of a person with no dog in this race.

But really, MS will have to FLOOD the retail pipe with 360s to take advantage of this, and they haven't shown themselves to be able to do this yet. I daresay the delay is because Sony sees this and decided to take the risk. Unless PS3 goes through the same hardware burps as 360 at launch (and its capable, PS2 reliability sucked at launch and a year afterward), this might not be as big as it looks.

Madden 2007 360 exclusive won't mean shit if you can't play it on the hardware. SHIP WORKING CONSOLES, MICROSOFT.
Benadryl Hitman said:
Man if it turns out tonight that everyone jumped the gun it is going to turn out to be an even more amusing night then it would have been especially since this article isn't even a press release and people are acting like it is from the mouth of Sony itself.

I definitely agree. One way or the other, the next 24 hours are going to be awesome.


My Arms Your Hearse said:
While this is horrible news for Sony, but the idea that Halo can dent it when it finally launches is HILARIOUS.

Not only that, many franchises on PS sell BETTER than Halo.
Here are the franchises that sold better in the U.S. than Halo this generation:

1. Mario
2. Madden
3. Grand Theft Auto
4. Star Wars
5. Tony Hawk
6. Need for Speed
7. Pokemon
8. Halo

In the next generation, exactly ZERO of them will be exclusive to the PS3.


At the very least I think the release of this story means we'll definately hear talk about the US release date at the Wednesdayton thing. I was initially thinking it was going to be purely Japan-centric, but with a delay until November, and the current story only talking about Japan, Sony cannot afford to let the rumour mill run rampant about how delayed (or not) the rest of the regions will be in getting the machine - at least the US anyway. Whether it's coming in November or coming in Spring to the US they HAVE to say something about it, because I don't feel Sony can afford the PR disaster that will be the internet rumour mill concerning the US release date.


inthezone said:
xBOTS go sing victory songs when you actually sell a million...

If the NPD numbers we've been seeing are accurate, it went over the million mark(in the U.S.) last month.

Until Sony makes an official announcement, I'm just treating all this as an interesting rumor.


its too close to say. if casuals sway to 360 it could be huge. i mean if they dont get it out by the next holiday season and people see 360's on shelves with a great linup of titles it could make a huge difference

bollocks. Casuals aren't buying any next gen consoles this Christmas. Christmas 07 is theirs.


BuddyC said:

I'm probably one of the few Xbox fans who wants the PS3 out. The overall quality of games will increase, and the forum discussion shifts from hypothetical to factual.
Teddman said:
Here are the franchises that sold better in the U.S. than Halo this generation:

1. Mario
2. Madden
3. Grand Theft Auto
4. Star Wars
5. Tony Hawk
6. Need for Speed
7. Pokemon
8. Halo

Thanks for taking the time. I knew his post was wrong, but I didn't have the energy to disprove it.

mrklaw said:
bollocks. Casuals aren't buying any next gen consoles this Christmas. Christmas 07 is theirs.

By Christmas 2006, 360 will be "current gen," and XBox/PS2/Cube will be "last gen."


Animal said:
As most of you know, a removable disc drive isnt rocket science.

It is if the hardware was never intended to have a removable drive in the first place. You don't go from internal drive bay to removable drive bay by just snapping your fingers :)
I fully expected a delay but November for JP seems too far fetched swallow somehow... I still think it's launching by August in JP. If it doesn't, it ain't BR that's delaying it.


It this delay only impacts Japan (in terms of timing, not units delivered), I'm sure the Sony damage control will be strong. "Why lauch now in Japan? Microsoft is flopping like a dead fish there and will only move a few thousand units between now and our launch."


So Fall/Holiday PS3 launch is definite, and the rumor people have slipped in is that 2007 is a possibility for some region. Right?

Mau ®

If the NPD numbers we've been seeing are accurate, it went over the million mark last month.

Oh I meant 1 million units in Japan :lol

But really I didin't know this. I still think Xbot are being quite silly by celebrating this, its like, they're afraid of Sony but that's just me speaking my mind :)
mrmyth said:
The fanboy reaction is funny to watch from the perspective of a person with no dog in this race.

But really, MS will have to FLOOD the retail pipe with 360s to take advantage of this, and they haven't shown themselves to be able to do this yet. I daresay the delay is because Sony sees this and decided to take the risk. Unless PS3 goes through the same hardware burps as 360 at launch (and its capable, PS2 reliability sucked at launch and a year afterward), this might not be as big as it looks.

Madden 2007 360 exclusive won't mean shit if you can't play it on the hardware. SHIP WORKING CONSOLES, MICROSOFT.

I agree with you on watching the forum tear itself apart with this news. I own a 360, but don't really hold an allegiance to one system or another.

As for MS flooding retail, hold on to your hats, as all indcations are that they are through the production issues, and caught up on back orders, with April being the month that the 360 will be available everywhere. The third factory is online and making systems now, and there are a number of quality games for the system out already or within the next few weeks.

I doubt very much that Sony would base a delay on the hopes that MS would continue to struggle to build hardware. That's flies in the face of all good business sense, and years of technology manufacturing.

However, come August, when casual fans can buy Madden 07 on the 360, and it looks amazing, you'll see plenty of gamers picking up the system.


Teddman said:
Here are the franchises that sold better in the U.S. than Halo this generation:

1. Mario
2. Madden
3. Grand Theft Auto
4. Star Wars
5. Tony Hawk
6. Need for Speed
7. Pokemon
8. Halo

In the next generation, exactly ZERO of them will be exclusive to the PS3.

Wait, but none of these were exclusive to PS2 last gen either.

Well, GTA was timed exclusive... but I don't think it changes much if that's the only franchise at this level that goes simultaneous release!


inthezone said:
Ugh. Its only delayed til' November and that's if it is indeed true.

xBOTS go sing victory songs when you actually sell a million...

Didn't the 360 reach a million a while ago? And won't shortages end in a week or two? That's 7 months of 360-only, IF, and that's a big if, the PS3 will make november in the USA. I'm sure MS can get quite a headstart.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
What is this shit about that Sony must upgrade the hardware??
C´mon guys, let us think about this for a second...

The machine is already powerful, Sony dosen´t gain anything more by making it "more powerful". Sony is a company, they don´t like to bleed money. PS3 will still be sold at a loss if these rumours are true, why sell it with more of a loss just so that they can have an even better hardware??

If anything, Sony would maybe try to streamline the process even more, maaaaybe shift to 65nm (big maybe). But not upgrade the hardware...



A RAM upgrade to 512/256 or even 512/512 (Cell/RSX) would be nice. Very nice. I'm in no position to speculate on how likely it is, but probably not very.


Amir0x said:
Wait, but none of these were exclusive to PS2 last gen either.

Well, GTA was timed exclusive... but I don't think it changes much if that's the only franchise at this level that goes simultaneous release!
Three biggest factors for PS2 success in the U.S. last gen:

1. First console out of the gate.
2. DVD playback.
3. GTA franchise (timed exclusivity for years at first was huge)

None of that really applies this gen, though you could substitute Blu-Ray for the DVD factor, but it won't have nearly the same draw.


Console Market Analyst
MS-Evangelist said:
C´mon guys.. think!

please guys...think!


Maybe it's just your "thing", but I've noticed you use this phrase quite often. I understand English isn't your native language, but you've come off as condescending in pretty much everything you've posted. I hope it is the fault of a language barrier, and not a genuine arrogance on your part.
Why is the success of blu-ray so important to Sony? They aren't making money of the format in any way are they? Is it because the copy protection mechanisms are important for Sony Music/Pictures?


I wonder if this means Nintendo will try to launch the Revolution in Japan a few days ahead of the PS3. If Sony still has supply problems around that time, then Nintendo can gain the early advantage in Japan and the US (360 not counted at the moment).

It's PSP vs. DS all over again, I think.


Kung Fu Jedi said:
As for MS flooding retail, hold on to your hats, as all indcations are that they are through the production issues, and caught up on back orders, with April being the month that the 360 will be available everywhere. The third factory is online and making systems now, and there are a number of quality games for the system out already or within the next few weeks.

I doubt very much that Sony would base a delay on the hopes that MS would continue to struggle to build hardware. That's flies in the face of all good business sense, and years of technology manufacturing.

However, come August, when casual fans can buy Madden 07 on the 360, and it looks amazing, you'll see plenty of gamers picking up the system.

But see, MS said this about March, and yet here we are. The only reason I sent my broken 360 back to Texas is because I couldn't exchange it in a store. They need to STFU and release the floodgates.

And I have no doubt this will change nothing in Japan. It might even the score a bit in America/Europe. The fact of the matter is we need Sony for the quirky, original games, and I don't want the PS3 to become almost a Japan only console. A Sony monopoly hasn't been too bad, but a Microsoft monopoly with DRM coming more into play could be the end of gaming as we know it.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
Goreomedy said:
Maybe it's just your "thing", but I've noticed you use this phrase quite often. I understand English isn't you native language, but you've come off as condescending in pretty much everything you've posted. I hope it is the fault of a language barrier, and not a genuine arrogance on your part.

To be fair, I haven´t used it that much, but thanks for pointing it out. It isn´t my intention to sound condecending, I hoped that the smiley I had on the post would make it "softer".

Anyways, point taken in consideration..
if PS3 still launches in US b4 christmas i dont see the point of this hubub. No one expected ps3 to come out before fall 06 in US anyways.
Oni Jazar said:
They better ignore JP for 2006 and focus on the US.
Ehh, if they were going to do just one it wouldn't be an easy call. Sure Microsoft might do well in the US, but so far PS2 has still been doing great. While in Japan PS2 has gotten far weaker over the last year, while DS hype is huge leading up to the Revolution launch.

Teddman said:
Fun fact: No Sony console/portable has ever come out in the rest of the world less than two months after it comes out in Japan.
Two months is being a bit kind. To get from Japan to US it took PS1 10 months, PS2 7.5 months, and PSP 3.5 months. Though I guess one could say that shows a downward trend.

My Arms Your Hearse said:
I don't think they were including blu-ray to help game capacity. Of course it is there mostly solely to push the format. However, I disagree that blu-ray's success is as important as PS3 crushing all competition.
If Blu-Ray takes off they get small fees from many many more discs than PS3 games alone.

Teddman said:
Three biggest factors for PS2 success in the U.S. last gen:

1. First console out of the gate.
2. DVD playback.
3. GTA III (exclusivity for years was huge)

None of that really applies this gen, though you could substitute Blu-Ray for the DVD factor, but it won't have nearly the same draw.
Those three were pretty major... though some might point out Dreamcast was out sooner. What I think is important to add is one that Sony still has for the PS3, though.

4. They dominated the previous generation.

Worm_Buffet said:
Why is the success of blu-ray so important to Sony? They aren't making money of the format in any way are they?
They created the format. They'll make money off of anything to do with it. Well, other than their own products they sell at a loss.
Teddman said:
Three biggest factors for PS2 success in the U.S. last gen:

1. First console out of the gate.
2. DVD playback.
3. GTA franchise (timed exclusivity for years at first was huge)

None of that really applies this gen, though you could substitute Blu-Ray for the DVD factor, but it won't have nearly the same draw.


1. It wasn't the first console out of the gate.
2. This only applies for Japan.
3. This only applies for US/Europe.

How did you forget presented the largest, broadest, best library? And brand familiarity built up with years of good games on PSX. These are the number 1 and 2 reasons.


Teddman said:
Three biggest factors for PS2 success in the U.S. last gen:

1. First console out of the gate.
2. DVD playback.
3. GTA franchise (timed exclusivity for years at first was huge)

None of that really applies this gen, though you could substitute Blu-Ray for the DVD factor, but it won't have nearly the same draw.

Well... technically... Dreamcast was out of the gate first.

But, ok ok... I'll give you that.

I just don't think any of this contributes to why PS3 will do more or less well. I think it's just more simple. People are gonna get tired of waiting when they have two alternative, perfectly viable consoles on the market.
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