So begins the bargaining phase!
The final stage of trump will be a nuclear version of stage 2.
So begins the bargaining phase!
Do you guys think when Trump sends dick pics he puts his hands in the pic to make his junk look bigger?
"He appreciates what Bob Mueller is doing,'' Trump's chief counsel John Dowd told USA TODAY in an interview Tuesday.
He doesn't appreciate what Bob Mueller is doing.
"I am a good guy. I hope you can see your way to letting me go"
I fully expect this. We exchanged pleasant messages many times, he never mentioned I am under investigation.Several months later at 3 am in the morning:
"I was nice to Mueller and THIS is how he treats me? Sad"
Do you guys think when Trump sends dick pics he puts his hands in the pic to make his junk look bigger?
Next he will take him out to dinner and tell him his hopes and dreams