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President Trump's Approval Ratings Just Hit Another Low

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I don't get how a Democrat can approve at all? Like, did they not understand the question? Trump is far-right. There's no cross over here.

They're not a Democrat, they're a "Democrat". I have a friend--I'm hesitant to call him that--that voted for Trump and says he's a Democrat. He wanted Bernie to win and said Hillary was a criminal he would never vote for, so he voted for Donald Trump to "show the DNC a lesson". He voted for Ron Paul twice, Donald Trump, is Pro Life, against Taxes, and thinks minorities are lazy and women should stop complaining about "inequality". He's a registered Democrat, in Pennsylvania.
With things like the failed repealing of Obamacare and attacks against other GOP members, Republican support will start sliding faster. At this point, I imagine most of the approval for Trump among GOP voters is just defensive because they know he's extremely unpopular right now. Eventually they'll accept that he isn't just hated by the left, he is also completely ineffective even with a GOP controlled legislature.


79% of Republicans approve. So he is doing fine.

Pretty much. AS long as that holds Congress will take their time before impeaching him. Once it slips and shows no signs of stopping to fall they are more likely to do something. It's not guarantied they'll do anything because they have proven to be inept and spineless before Trump came along.
People are just tired of winning I guess.

I was just behind a truck with "Hllary for Prison 2016" and "Obama Bin Lyin" stickers this morning. There are a lot of these dumb fuckers around so he'll always have a base no matter what. Here's hoping he and his base keep being disgusting fuckups and that swings things back to normal.
79% of Republicans approve. So he is doing fine.

Not necessarily. If his numbers with independents continue to crater Congress will be sweating bullets.

Independents trend republican, so even those in safe districts have cause for concern if those ratings hit the low teens or single digits.
Pretty much. AS long as that holds Congress will take their time before impeaching him. Once it slips and shows no signs of stopping to fall they are more likely to do something. It's not guarantied they'll do anything because they have proven to be inept and spineless before Trump came along.

It's an interesting thing because how many of those voters would happily approve of Pence or Ryan? They need to figure out how he's truly doing with their base, ignoring those who are in line with any Republican position. If the Republican leaders at large turn against him, his numbers plummet to his real base. If the congress is forced to act, they really need to commit to it so they can try and isolate him from the party. There has to be a tipping point where they go all in and it would be best for them if it isn't after everyone realizes their hands are tied.
Even 6% of dems approved? On what basis?

"He is dismantling every institution, freedom, and protected right as a US citizen that align with my chosen party affiliation, but my favorite color is gold too, so..."

Racist democrats exist. Mostly in West Virginia, voting in Manchin.


The eroding support among GOP numbers (from BotW-high to just really high, but still a decline) is an important metric. If he slides into 60-ish% approval among GOP registered, that's when you'll start to see congress turn on him, bit by bit.
The eroding support among GOP numbers (from BotW-high to just really high, but still a decline) is an important metric. If he slides into 60-ish% approval among GOP registered, that's when you'll start to see congress turn on him, bit by bit.

60% approval among republicans would have him basically at zero with democrats and independents. That would be a catastrophic slide.

He'd be well under Bush's low point AND where Nixon was when he resigned.

You'll never see his approval get that low, he'd be impeached long before that. A president THAT disliked would wipe out every republican in anything that could barely be considered a competitive district.
This reminds me of 2016 all over again when many days there would be a "new low" projection for trump in the electoral college, the new york times gave him a 1% chance of winning, morning joe was wondering if trump would get less EVs than alf landon, etc.
lmao, literally paraphrasing Trump's usual defense. So your conclusion is what? Trust your gut? Look the other way?
This is still mind-boggling and infuriating. Can't understand why this isn't at near 100% especially after revoking that fair pay and protections executive order.

Women can be stupid and racist too. Hate is a powerful thing. Its his rhetoric that wins them over. Most of them probably don't know he's screwing them over yet.


His actual polling floor has to be something like 25–30%, right? There's always going to be that significant minority who's an idiot about something, and that certainly goes for approving of Trump.


You know his inner circle of loons have already walked through the possible #'s increase/decrease with Trump if he were to begin surgical attacks against targets in North Korea. I never thought there would be an administration that would make Dick Cheney look quasi-reasonable by comparison.


But those Make America Great YouTube ads told me he's doing great and created 200k jobs in his first month in office??


Even though his approvals among Republicans are still relatively high, 79 percent among your own party less than three months in is still fairly shitty.

Hillary won the popular vote by 3 million because she won california by 4.7 million, but the polls had her winning a plurality of swing states, which did not happen.

So, no.

At the risk of disappointing you, national polling and state polling are two different sets of polling. At the risk of upsetting you even further, polling approval ratings =/= calculating a candidate's percentage for victory.

Donald Trump was a significantly unpopular candidate last year, so him being a significantly unpopular president this year seems pretty consistent to me.


They're not a Democrat, they're a "Democrat". I have a friend--I'm hesitant to call him that--that voted for Trump and says he's a Democrat. He wanted Bernie to win and said Hillary was a criminal he would never vote for, so he voted for Donald Trump to "show the DNC a lesson". He voted for Ron Paul twice, Donald Trump, is Pro Life, against Taxes, and thinks minorities are lazy and women should stop complaining about "inequality". He's a registered Democrat, in Pennsylvania.

He wanted to vote for Bernie and is against taxes. Wow.


Like it or not, Trump has kept many of his promises

Yes, I'm impressed at his immigration ban, healthcare reform, tax package, and infrastructure bill.

Gutting the EPA sure is an accomplishment though! Sure is hard to sign some overly simplistic ban on new regulations and hiring.
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