
America is fucked no matter who wins.
This shit is so lazyAmerica is fucked no matter who wins.
America is fucked no matter who wins.
That was the most impressive Hillary's been all campaign. She needs to cut it out with the zingers though.
Is there a good VoD for the debate? Might put it on in the background at work or something today.
This is the attitude that got us eight years of George W. Bush. We'd have been considerably less fucked with a different president.
I started the night slightly nervous. Honestly not sure what to expect from Trump.I will say this, trying to be objective, Donald Trump did begin the debate remarkably calm considering who he was. I was actually surprised by how collected he was for like the first 10-15 minutes. Slow, relaxed responses.
Then, the very first prod from Clinton, and he unzipped and became full on trump. Very good peak into what the guy would look like when dealing with foreign powers. Clinton barely got to the second question before he started interrupting her with catty snipes.
The lost progress on global warming alone makes me shake my head and sigh
And stem cell research
The zingers are what goaded Trump into his implosion.
The lost progress on global warming alone makes me shake my head and sigh
The lost progress on global warming alone makes me shake my head and sigh
We survived 8 years of W., I think we can survive either of these candidates.
not just that. i don't think the iraq war would have occurred either. an alternate universe sci fi story could be written about an Al Gore presidency.
...fuck this world.
she looks 15 years younger here
The magic of the moment hit her.she looks 15 years younger here
she looks 15 years younger here
Listening to the Irish radio on my way to work and they convey the debate differently.
They said Hillary was condescending which would hurt her. She also needed to be more human.
Trump did well in the beginning but fell apart but still resonated better with American voters.
Listening to the Irish radio on my way to work and they convey the debate differently.
They said Hillary was condescending which would hurt her. She also needed to be more human.
Trump did well in the beginning but fell apart but still resonated better with American voters.
Listening to the Irish radio on my way to work and they convey the debate differently.
They said Hillary was condescending which would hurt her. She also needed to be more human.
Trump did well in the beginning but fell apart but still resonated better with American voters.
Hopefully next time they will appoint a competent moderator and force each candidate to actually talk about their policies in detail instead of spouting political platitudes and ad hominem insults. Must be one of the worst debates I've ever watched.
Belgian national television called it a draw by the way, a very boring and substantionless debate.
Listening to the Irish radio on my way to work and they convey the debate differently.
They said Hillary was condescending which would hurt her. She also needed to be more human.
Trump did well in the beginning but fell apart but still resonated better with American voters.
Shimmy Hillary is very human. As for "resonating," I'm not sure if that's the case when he essentially admitted he was proud for dodging to pay taxes and fucking over his workers.
Ok so can somebody just answer me this question, as I live in the UK. Who does the general public think won the debate?
As somebody from across the pond, to me , it seemed like she (Hillary) won.
Belgian national television called it a draw by the way, a very boring and substantionless debate.
It is frightening to think that someone would have that reaction from what was witnessed.Yeah, the guy I heard talk about it on stubru was an absolute moron. At least, from what I heard. He actually said that Trump "touched his heart".
Listening to the Irish radio on my way to work and they convey the debate differently.
They said Hillary was condescending which would hurt her. She also needed to be more human.
Trump did well in the beginning but fell apart but still resonated better with American voters.
Oh lord, the shimmy joke killed me.
Ok so can somebody just answer me this question, as I live in the UK. Who does the general public think won the debate?
As somebody from across the pond, to me , it seemed like she (Hillary) won.
Listening to the Irish radio on my way to work and they convey the debate differently.
They said Hillary was condescending which would hurt her. She also needed to be more human.
Trump did well in the beginning but fell apart but still resonated better with American voters.