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Presidential Debate #1 |Hofstra University| PRESS X TO SEAN

Who won the debate?

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You know. It's important to be up to date with politics but it's also important to be reminded of the many great things in this world such as humor.

No matter how much we clutch at each other's throats, it's the good things in life that keep us united.

There is ABSOLUTELY nothing humorous about racism, and those of us who would be affected by Trump's policies really don't appreciate your facetious attitude.

Davey Cakes

I'm freaking blown Away that anyone thinks he "won" any part of that. Did OK but won? Clintom snatched his hideous wig.

Again, I'm a full-on Bernie supporter with a reluctance to support Hillary but she did all she need to do to show that Trump is a joke.

The only people who should be unconvinced are the ardent Trump supporters who were never going to budge in the first place. Hillary has her (many) flaws, but damn does she sound like a much better president to me.


Tagged as I see fit
My mind is fucking blown right now.

My sister thinks Trump was fantastic in the debate, solely due to him going after Hilary's record on foreign policy, her stint as SoS and the role she played (???) in the rise of Islamic extremism.

She rationalizes her choice by assuming Trump will keep his fuckery contained to a domestic level and refrain from engaging on the international stage and fucking up like Hilary did (???) in the ME.

This a university student in Finance, with a stellar academic and community-volunteer record, yet she says she'd support Trump. We're Muslim too.

I just wanted to vent...


This blows my mind.


So is Trump gonna actually spend time prepping for the next debate after this debacle?

I think he will try, but then give it up because it's not working. But he will field attack lines from his campaign so he's ready for the next debate rather than stumbling around, like he was tonight.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
I'll never understand what it's like to be in their position.

I don't know why we have such awful candidates to choose from. Roosevelt 2 please.

How old are you? Seriously.

I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate

Trump had a fine 15 minutes, but fell apart for the rest of it. If you actually think he has a better temperament, I don't know what to tell you besides that is fucking worrisome.

Thinking this fucking guy should be in charge of our national security when he said that a boat of Americans could shoot at Iranians mocking them is fucking insane.

Having some perspective of how a President should be would be helpful.


I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate

that's quite a large amount of bullshit, right there
Isnt the Daily Caller another alt-right site? I could swear it was founded by people left Breitbart because of Bannon. And screw it, if I am completely wrong on that, facts arent important anymore for the political party that TheBlaze heavily supports.

Daily Caller is Tucker Carlson's site. Their biggest claim to fame was the racist pumping up of a video in which Obama was talking too black.
This was the map this afternoon from Princeton Election. I wonder how it will look in a few days once we get post-debate polls.

I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate

To see the world through your eyes....
This wasnt a debate for any political party. It was a debate between these two people. What good would it do to go after GOP obstructionism when Trump isn't even a politician? Hillary stayed on message consistently. Trump was all over the place.

Plus Clinton mostly kept her cool next to Trump, who couldn't even hold his temper for 20 straight minutes, and he says he's even-tempered, don't make me laugh.


I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate

She was actually smiling when he started lying on stage.

I don't think we watched the same debate.


One thing is sure is that Hillary is kinda beautiful when she smiles for real. Also lol at the "I have a great temperament" line. Man I need to watch the whole thing somewhere.

EDIT: Anyway, what? Trump "won"? I really need to watch it because the Swedish recaps have Clinton winning.


No Scrubs
I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate

Are you for real? Is this real life? Am I that drunk?


Ideology not intelligence is your sister's problem. I'm not sure what ideology but it sounds bad.

You might want to do a blood test...


holy shit...................

Well, as long as he only ruins one country...

Book smarts =/= intelligence.

Just because you are educated doesn't mean you cannot be an idiot.
Logic is a myth. Reason is a dream. We are all of us a screaming ball of rock and meat, hurtling pointlessly through the eternal void of space.

Someone stop this ride. I want off.
She's an avid fan of The Apprentice and has been watching it for years, but I always assumed that she was into it due to her interest in Finance.

I'm retroactively going through everything she's ever said about Trump and it just hit me like a ton that she's been a blatant Trump fangirl the whole time.

Your sister thinks Trump will cause less fuckery in the region when Trump has stated that he would have attacked those Iranian military boats for taunting one of our warships?

That's an act of war.
My own mother thinks he's the greatest thing ever. I had no idea. She said that everything the media said was lies since we can't trust the media. I said "He admitted to not paying taxes, and screwing people on his real estate on TV!" and apparently we need to check the facts deeper.

Welcome to my world man...T_T

Globalism can't be put back into the bottle. Clinton won't be great for the Middle East, but Trump would be worse. He advocated stealing resources from the region. It's insane than any Muslim is willing to vote for someone willing to steal and ban their kin overseas. I honestly feel bad that you have to deal with that.
I said the exact fucking things! He even asked a while back,"If we have Nuclear Weapons why can't we use them?".

She said that he'd only keep his fucked up policies within the US itself and that the military would step in and stop him from fucking up outside the US (???). She called me an imbecile and said to stop giving warhawks like Hilary the benefit of the doubt.


I haven't felt this stunned and betrayed in years D:


I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate
In-control? He was a mess.
I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate

this is the worst opinion of all time


In the traditional intellectual sense, Clinton.

...However this is America we are talking about, its a goddamn reality show for whoever you found more entertaining. Reality is shaped by the perception of the masses, so the winner will be whoever takes advantage of the debates in the polls. As funny as they were to watch, nothing really stood out to me as convincing the average voter one way or the other.

Really, whoever won depended on whose side you were on to begin with.


I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate

You are trying way too hard.


I'll never understand what it's like to be in their position.

You never will.

But you can get an idea by listening to them, and they're overwhelmingly saying that Trump will worsen their quality of life. But you're toying with voting for him like it's no big deal, because he "won't be able to do the crazy stuff," which raises the question of why waste a vote on an ineffectual man instead of writing yourself in or some other shit?

The answer is that you're too cowardly to admit you agree with his stances and are voting for him to carry out his agenda to the best of his ability, so you're performing gymnastics like we don't see through that shit.


I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate

you're trying too hard now. It's obvious
His cyberwarfare answer was his worst imo:

"So we have to get very, very tough on cyber and cyber warfare," he continued. "It is a, it is a huge problem. I have a son. He's 10 years old. He has computers. He is so good with these computers, it's unbelievable. The security aspect of cyber is very, very tough. And maybe it's hardly doable. But I will say, we are not doing the job we should be doing, but that's true throughout our whole governmental society. We have so many things that we have to do better, Lester, and certainly cyber is one of them."


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
This was just painful, I just don't understand what is the job of the moderator if he will not do the fact checking on the spot. How is it allowed for a presidential candidate to spread FUD/Lies and back paddle on his own statement without someone calling him on it all the time.

What a cluster fuck, I think I was physically ill hearing that asshole lie and lie and didn't give any meaningful answers.
Watching the debate right now and all I can say is:


How can anyone look/listen to Trump and say "Yep, this guy is qualified to run our country!"?
Trump voters must be a sign of our evolution as a species is going backwards.
I doubt a large portion of Trump voters even believe in Evolution.


Strap on your hooker ...
This wasnt a debate for any political party. It was a debate between these two people. What good would it do to go after GOP obstructionism when Trump isn't even a politician? Hillary stayed on message consistently. Trump was all over the place.
Trump's the GOP's chosen representative. If he gets to play the 'guilt by association' card all night, it's fair game for her to work in a few jabs at his party, too.


Trump's Debate Goals:
1. Don't get flustered
2. Don't be rude
3. Don't lie
4. Don't storm off stage
5. Don't piss off minority groups any more than you already have
6. Don't say "bigly"

What's 1/6 on his curve? Like a B-?


I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate
I still can't tell if you're joking. I thought I could identify sarcasm over text, but you and Compsiox are making it awfully difficult.


How in the world did they get Trump to agree to the debate with a crowd that can't cheer? His campaign is built on saying whatever will make the current crowd he is speaking to cheer like he is a pro wrestler. He just seems lost without that crowd confirmation.

The audience DID react and cheer. To both of them. Holt was fucking terrible at his job on this front.


I think trump came out swinging, it was hit after hit after hit. He was solid throughout the entire debate, he was clear and in control. He was right when he said he has better temperament than Hilary, all she could do was sit their with a stupid grin because what he said legit shook her. Trump won by a land slide and she really didnt have any sort of retort to say back. Cant wait to see what he does the next debate

How intellectually dishonest of you.


Trump started the debate launching right into a bunch of nativism and some weird attempt to present the Mexican sales tax as some sort of tariff on American goods, calling it a VAT presumably so that people wouldn't know how what tax he was actually talking about. I really, really don't see any sort of "strong start" of the debate for Donald Trump.


You never will.

But you can get an idea by listening to them, and they're overwhelmingly saying that Trump will worsen their quality of life. But you're toying with voting for him like it's no big deal, because he "won't be able to do the crazy stuff," which raises the question of why waste a vote on an ineffectual man instead of writing yourself in or some other shit?

The answer is that you're too cowardly to admit you agree with his stances and are voting for him to carry out his agenda to the best of his ability, so you're performing gymnastics like we don't see through that shit.

I don't agree with his agenda. It's just that I hate both candidates. I'm willing to hear people out though.
Trump started the debate launching right into a bunch of nativism and some weird attempt to present the Mexican sales tax as some sort of tariff on American goods, calling it a VAT presumably so that people wouldn't know how what tax he was actually talking about. I really, really don't see any sort of "strong start" of the debate for Donald Trump.

He was overpowering in his bluster, and still 100% terrible.
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