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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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Trump thinks our nuclear program is old?

We have 3x russia's GDP and several allies who would support us

We are not behind Russia on nuclear
Nope. I've been following it since it started.

Trump tonight is doing exactly what he needs to do. She's been defending herself and her policy positions this entire time.

I don't know if it's going to tip the scales in his favor, but ultimately I don't think he looks WORSE than he did in the last 72 hours, and now the talking heads have much more to discuss. As far as optics, (unlike Pence) Trump has looked strong tonight.

It's not over until it's over, and I'm sticking to that.

You apparently haven't been following it closely. Trump acting like this is what got him behind in the polls. It's what made him the most unlikable and divisive candidate in history. More of that is not helping him. I have no idea why that is so hard for people to understand. Yes, acting like a substance-less, loud, boorish buffoon has gotten him this far, but it's not enough to win the race. At all. How is a debate where he is acting substance-less, loud, boorish and buffoonish going to turn anyone to his side who wasn't already there? This is the key thing people like you seem to miss. Yes, it literally isn't over until it's over. Congratulations on that stellar analysis. But Trump's chances of actually winning are astronomically low.


The only thing he can get on Hilary is foreign policy. Because it is shaky at best. He ain't smart enough to do it or even knows what she does.
Ah, now I see what the Russia angle is: getting Trump to talk about Commander in Chief stuff, demonstrating his incompetence.

I would prefer not to hear about it though. Trump is right about one thing: nobody wants to hear about another war right now. So that's probably not going to be in her favor in the news.

That said, this current interruption and Hillary's response to it: sheeeeeet.


People need to stop talking about calling Trump on his lies.

Where have you been for oh, say, the last decade? You call him on something he deflects or he says wrong and then spouts his usual BS. If Hillary called him on every lie she'd have not time to talk about anything else, like the reality most of us who aren't Trump live in.

He lies all the time, everybody already knows it. The people who will vote for him don't care that he lies all the time.


Does Trump even know how the fuck foreign policy works? I wonder what republican outlet he refers to when he parrots his bullshit. This is sad.
From Nate Silver:
"Note that Clinton is often positioning herself such that Trump is in the background of the camera frame when she’s answering a question from the audience — something that Bill Clinton famously also did in his town hall debate against George H.W. Bush in 1992. That allows the cameras to capture any potential awkward body language from Trump. Trump doesn’t seem to be doing the same when he’s answering his own questions, instead staying close to his stool."

So why does it keep looking like he's just walking over there on his own accord! I mean it's a good idea but he's literally doing this himself.
From Nate Silver:
"Note that Clinton is often positioning herself such that Trump is in the background of the camera frame when she’s answering a question from the audience — something that Bill Clinton famously also did in his town hall debate against George H.W. Bush in 1992. That allows the cameras to capture any potential awkward body language from Trump. Trump doesn’t seem to be doing the same when he’s answering his own questions, instead staying close to his stool."
That's pretty neat.
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