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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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How the fuck is Russia new in terms of "Nuclear?" They've had nukes since what the fucking 50's? Who the fuck does he think we were fighting the cold motherfucking war against?


Oh god, the debate is draggin. Neither Trump or Hillary will come much on top.

Just release the N-word tape already. Trump is just spewing a bunch of bullshit.


From Nate Silver:
"Note that Clinton is often positioning herself such that Trump is in the background of the camera frame when she’s answering a question from the audience — something that Bill Clinton famously also did in his town hall debate against George H.W. Bush in 1992. That allows the cameras to capture any potential awkward body language from Trump. Trump doesn’t seem to be doing the same when he’s answering his own questions, instead staying close to his stool."


Hillary could be doing a bit better but Trump is doing awfully. The dude's acting like a petulant child. No clue how some people think this is "winning".




Sadly, for a lot of people, talking over another person and insulting them means that they are winning.

People don't want substance, they want a show and Trump gives them that show.

This is true, but it's not true for the majority. Thank god. He looks awesome to a lot of loud, passionate people. He looks like human garbage to the rest of the world.


No they shouldn't. Sliver Fox is awesome but they should not be doing that.

Why not? People will not believe Clinton saying he is lying. The moderators allowing this nonsense to be spewed is embarrassing. The moderators for the Obama-Romney Town Hall debate fact checked at least one of Romney's statements.
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