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Presidential Debate #2 |Washington University| Grab me right in the Ken Bone

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I heard the crowds reaction when he said he'd put her in jail....the stream chat loved it.......then real questions started and he fell apart lol. I just find it odd that so many people dislike her so much they loved that lol. I guess its true about these two being the most disliked candidates ever.

Fox Mulder

Obamacare is awful? Um.......my dad has and it helps him quite well you dumb fuck.

It works for some and bad for others.

I'm single and self employed. Id have to pay like $300 a month for a shit tier coverage plan that then costs thousands to even use. Nope, I pay the penalty.

Obamacare is SNIFF a disaster. I will SNIFF appeal it SNIFF with something that SNIFF works.
i'm still wondering why he is sniffling so much...this is not normal


Trump doesn't have a clue about what he is talking about. The repetition, the simplistic vague responses and general awkwardness. He shouldn't even be there. This is embarrassing to watch and I ain't even American.


"We are gonna have plans"

"What are those plans"

"We are gonna have so many plans."

This is so stupid. Why are we giving this idiot a platform?


These two people are fucking awful and disgraceful. I can't believe this is what a presidential debate looks like.

Im honestly curious about what HIllary is doing that's disgraceful? She's had a hanful of jabs, but wtf is she supposed to do? How the fuck do people not see Trump is fucking melting down.
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