lmao good job, Donald
...I really wanna say combo breaker.
lmao good job, Donald
people on my facebook going absolutely insane that "TRUMP SLAUGHTERED HER. THIS WAS THE WIN HE NEEDED"
Yeah, but he's their asshole.How could anyone be in doubt that Trump is a tremendous asshole?
people on my facebook going absolutely insane that "TRUMP SLAUGHTERED HER. THIS WAS THE WIN HE NEEDED"
1984 said:And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed if all records told the same tale then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. "Reality control," they called it: in Newspeak, "doublethink."
The One and Done;220811901 said:If that piece of shit equates inner city with black and latino one more time.
people on my facebook going absolutely insane that "TRUMP SLAUGHTERED HER. THIS WAS THE WIN HE NEEDED"
How is he still winning ~40%?[Todd] Akin's Congressional career ended after he lost a bid to unseat Democratic U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill in the 2012 election. Akin, who had won the Republican primary in a crowded field, led McCaskill in pre-election polls until he said that women who are victims of what he called "legitimate rape" rarely get pregnant. Akin eventually apologized for the remark but rebuffed calls to withdraw from the election. He lost to McCaskill by 54.7 percent to 39.2 percent
It drives me up the wall (that Mexico will pay for). Like clockwork, if he says inner city, Black and Latino is coming out his mouth next.
Not all minorities live in inner cities. Not all minorities are uneducated and scared about being shot by their own people. Some have *gasp* the same concerns as everyone else. Healthcare, student loans, taxes. Trump has never once spoken to minorities on that level that I've seen. Its always some Inner City Chicago horror story to scare people.
No ad Hillary's run has been as damaging to Trump as the nuclear implosion Trump has brought upon himself these past two debates.
Second debate, he flatly denies groping any women and swiftly invites scores of women to call him out on his bullshit, a shovel with which he continues to entomb himself every time he opens his mouth on the topic.
Now, he nullifies all the Republican red meat he threw out in the first part of the debate by refusing to concede should he lose, thus forcing the party to once again spend the entire week post-debate answering for Trump rather than, you know, campaigning for themselves.
A mess. A beautiful, glorious, karmically more satisfying than I could've imagined in my wildest dreams mess.
Somebody should put Hillary"s head on stone cold
lmao good job, Donald
I don't get the fuss about hombre though?
They said it on TV in the 1950s
people on my facebook going absolutely insane that "TRUMP SLAUGHTERED HER. THIS WAS THE WIN HE NEEDED"
Lol why did Donna agree to this interview. Megyn Kelly is killing her
It's just that it sounded ridiculous.
Only dishonest troll garbage spewers ever said that for real.That first 30 minutes makes the "Trump is secretly an awesome liberal" look kind of stupid. Says he loves the NRA no matter what, says his justices will overturn roe v. wade, and that we gotta cut those wealthy taxes.
Hannity's focus group gave Trump the slight victory. I can't help but notice something...consistent about said group.
Oh CNN fact checking. I love this part.
Hannity's focus group gave Trump the slight victory. I can't help but notice something...consistent about said group.
Didnt get a chance to watch it, who did better? Who won?
Clinton smashed Trump.Didnt get a chance to watch it, who did better? Who won?
Hannity's focus group gave Trump the slight victory. I can't help but notice something...consistent about said group.
Didnt get a chance to watch it, who did better? Who won?
Lol third response under that for me was from friend of Giant Bomb John Drake
confirming that Trump is a scumbag who doesn't pay his employees