Already at the acceptance stage...sad!
Oh yay undecideds on CNN. I honestly can't stand undecided voters at this point. I think they get off on being talked about so much or something
Pack it up.
there still
Well done, America. Decades after the end of the second world war and you have enabled fascism to rise in the United States by getting this crook so close to the white house.
Hang your heads in shame.
Yikes this lady on CNN don't know shit about the border lol
This woman on CNN right now...
39 percent seems to be, indeed, his floor.
I'm getting increasingly uncomfortable with how much of a sporting event this has all turned into. Even down to terminology... "fight night" "post-game coverage" "hat trick" etc.
So disappointed in the American media right now.
Well done, America. Decades after the end of the second world war and you have enabled fascism to rise in the United States by getting this crook so close to the white house.
Hang your heads in shame.
there still
They're deplorables in training.Undecideds...
Is the consensus that Hillary won?
Well done, America. Decades after the end of the second world war and you have enabled fascism to rise in the United States by getting this crook so close to the white house.
Hang your heads in shame.
was waiting for someone to start the thirst circleI think we need to see more of our tattooed guy in stripes on CNN.
ISIS is sneaking in from Mexico. I knew it!
ISIS is sneaking in from Mexico. I knew it!
Is Van Jones the new Ken Bone?
Well done, America. Decades after the end of the second world war and you have enabled fascism to rise in the United States by getting this crook so close to the white house.
Hang your heads in shame.
Is Van Jones the new Ken Bone?
I been across that bridge and no you can't lolThere's a river under the bridge and they can just swim across!
Other "undecided": We know ISIS is coming in from Mexico...
But he's undecided....
How is he still winning ~40%?