N Ninja Scooter Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,154 "I don't know Putin, but let me tell you why he dislikes Hillary"
M Mechanized Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,155 What the fuuuuuuuuuuuck Trump is putting himself directly with Putin, is he fucking nuts?!?!?
J Jawbreaker Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,158 Hillary fucked up by pivoting into talking about Russia instead of just answering to the open borders quote.
Hillary fucked up by pivoting into talking about Russia instead of just answering to the open borders quote.
G GitarooMan Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,162 OH WOW, Trump is dying here!!! He is completely dodging this Russia question. He is terrible, he is like aligning himself with Russia directly. Who would want this.
OH WOW, Trump is dying here!!! He is completely dodging this Russia question. He is terrible, he is like aligning himself with Russia directly. Who would want this.
P Plinko Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage Oct 20, 2016 #2,165 She decimated him. Decimated.
A Adaren Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,168 I haaaaaaaaaaaate politicians who think they know better than technical experts. Oh my godddddddddddd.
I haaaaaaaaaaaate politicians who think they know better than technical experts. Oh my godddddddddddd.
I Imperial Bishop Banned Oct 20, 2016 #2,170 This is like a nine year old who's trying to argue with a college professor
S Slaythe Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,172 What are the odds this is actually Alec Baldwin on stage right now ? It would make so much sense.
A Apt101 Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,176 Oh she's dunking on him, and even got him to change the discussion in her favor and actually praise Putin. Hah. Man he is such an amatuer.
Oh she's dunking on him, and even got him to change the discussion in her favor and actually praise Putin. Hah. Man he is such an amatuer.
K kaskade Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,177 He really can't hold on longer than 30 minutes. Hillary is going in on him.
I IdreamofHIME Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,180 I don't know Putin. Hmmm, I never asked you that. LMAO M A O
P Psychoward Banned Oct 20, 2016 #2,188 "Of course I do I just invited Russia to hack her email server hehe"
B Biggest-Geek-Ever Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,189 Half an hour in and Trump loses it. Right on schedule!
L Lord Frieza Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,190 wesleyshark said: Hillary going all in on the Russian conspiracy angle Click to expand... It's not really a conspiracy exactly, at least in the sense of a baseless one
wesleyshark said: Hillary going all in on the Russian conspiracy angle Click to expand... It's not really a conspiracy exactly, at least in the sense of a baseless one
B broncobuster Banned Oct 20, 2016 #2,192 Trump "I don't know Putin! But I want to be BFFs with him!"
B Burt Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,199 Finally got a counter punch in there with Russia Unhinge him Hillary
J J_Viper Member Oct 20, 2016 #2,200 Chris R said: What a fucking mess 2020 better have better debates, cut the fucking mics Click to expand... >implying we'll make it to 2020
Chris R said: What a fucking mess 2020 better have better debates, cut the fucking mics Click to expand... >implying we'll make it to 2020