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Priebus has been fired as WH Chief of Staff, replaced by General John F Kelly

Maybe he is hoping to get impeached for anything but Russia and hopeful the Mueller investigation disappears or looses it's teeth. A long shot but I could see them brushing the shame under the carpet instead of airing their dirty laundry, Trump gets away with his shady business and life intact, US politics nothing to see here move along, land of the free and democracy.
I dont think so, let's say replucans grow a spine and tomorrow decide to impeach trump in the comey obstruction of justice charges.

The special council doesn't disappear.

A year later Mueller brings charges to now citizen trump. Who now has no pardon power.



Holy shit! You're not kidding!

WASHINGTON—Needing a pick-me-up to shake his glum mood, Attorney General Jeff Sessions reportedly scrolled through some statistics about minority incarceration rates Thursday to cheer himself up. “African-Americans: 13 percent of overall population, 40 percent of population in jails or state or federal prisons,” said Sessions, the tension slowly draining from his neck and shoulders as he read that about 75 percent of drug offenders in federal prison were either Hispanic or black. “African-Americans are approximately five times more likely to be incarcerated than whites. Hispanics are twice as likely to be incarcerated as whites—only twice? We can do better than that, but I’m not going to get all stressed out again.” At press time, Sessions was reportedly feeling so refreshed, he decided to save the statistics on police shootings of minorities for another time.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Oh my god.

John Kelly is a Gold Star parent. How does he rationalize working for Donald Trump?


I dont think so, let's say replucans grow a spine and tomorrow decide to impeach trump in the comey obstruction of justice charges.

The special council doesn't disappear.

A year later Mueller brings charges to now citizen trump. Who now has no pardon power.

I'm feel the establishment always wants to protect itself from the truth and shame wherever possible and Trump getting impeached would possibly deflate that investigation. I get what you're saying and that would be great but the establishment are always self serving bastards when the blowback can reach themselves.
I'm reading that he parted ways with Trump's team on the airport tarmac and that his own staff wasn't told about it until after he gave Trump his resignation.

He's telling media it was a mutual discussion, in the makings for a while, but when asked about Scaramucci, he immediately goes into "I'm not going to talk about that stuff" mode.

So,he's basically lying to make it all sound better publicly, but privately it sounds like Trump just instantly shit-canned him based on Scaramucci's recommendations.


I bet Sessions takes over Homeland Security, so Trump can try an appoint a new AG that will fire Mueller.

I have a bad feeling about this.
I'm feel the establishment always wants to protect itself from the truth and shame wherever possible and Trump getting impeached would possibly deflate that investigation. I get what you're saying and that would be great but the establishment are always self serving bastards when the blowback can reach themselves.

We're in odd times and things are changing rapidly.

I personally think forced resignation is highly more likely than impeachment but the bottom line is the chaos surrounding Trump is increasing every day and the evidence against him is probably way, way worse than anything that's surfaced so far. Him turning on the GOP would be icing on the cake.

I have a hard time imagining a scenario where the GOP doesn't end up wanting him out way faster than the general public sees coming yet. My opinion.

I bet Sessions takes over Homeland Security, so Trump can try an appoint a new AG that will fire Mueller.

I'll be you are wrong. I don't think Sessions has any interest in HS.

Remember, if Trump gets rid of Mueller he's only going to make things worse for himself anyway. Likewise for Sessions. The GOP loves Sessions and they want him right where he is. Ousting Sessions will only turn the GOP against Trump.


We're in odd times and things are changing rapidly.

I personally think forced resignation is highly more likely than impeachment but the bottom line is the chaos surrounding Trump is increasing every day and the evidence against him is probably way, way worse than anything that's surfaced so far. Him turning on the GOP would be icing on the cake.

I have a hard time imagining a scenario where the GOP doesn't end up wanting him out way faster than the general public sees coming yet. My opinion.

One can only hope.

I mean, what Republican up there honestly wants Trump over Pence?
One can only hope.

I mean, what Republican up there honestly wants Trump over Pence?

Well, the GOP may like Pence but they also realize if Pence becomes POTUS because of scandal that his administration will be a neutered lame duck from day one.

So many dilemmas for the republicans. :)


Serious question : even if Trump makes it to the next elections, how big is the chance that the GOP is so fed up with him that there will be a legitimate other republican candidate and there will actually be primaries again?

Incumbent presidents can be challenged for the nomination in the Primaries. Reagan ran against Ford in 76 and lost, for example.


Well, the GOP may like Pence but they also realize if Pence becomes POTUS because of scandal that his administration will be a neutered lame duck from day one.

So many dilemmas for the republicans. :)


Couldn't have happened to a better group of slimy fucks.


Deep into his 30th decade
I bet Sessions takes over Homeland Security, so Trump can try an appoint a new AG that will fire Mueller.

I have a bad feeling about this.

Wouldn't that require 2 senate confirmation hearings? One for Sessions to move, and one for the new Attorney General? And how would he justify that after bashing him the past week, and all the russian garbage that has been revealed?

If he just fired Sessions, he would only need one.
This is satire, right?
There's a legitimate case he did exceptionally well as rnc chairman. Under his tenure, they've gained a ton of state seats, the house, the senate, and the presidency. His predecessor, Michael Steele, was pretty buffoonish from the start and Reince at least brought some professionalism to the role, for better or worse.


Super Sleuth
Well, the GOP may like Pence but they also realize if Pence becomes POTUS because of scandal that his administration will be a neutered lame duck from day one.

So many dilemmas for the republicans. :)
Why? They could spin a mighty good tale about it being time to get down to business and get good work done now that the distraction of trump is out of the way.


This is satire, right?
Yeah I don't get it either... His job, I admit was impossible... Like trying to control a chimpanzee after it's ripped of the face of multiple friends and you manage not to have any blood on your shirt... Small victories ..


General Kelly is use to order and discipline. He was known for his disciplined approach to leadership. For the most part he is a decent dude who loves his country.

He will try to instill order in that chaotic WH and when he fails due to his boss being the source of the chaos he will quit.

I give him less than 6 months.
You know those stories about the workplaces with fast and frequent turnover? How without fail the answer to those situations is always poor management?

Yates, Flynn, Comey, Priebus, Spicer, with Sessions and Mueller next on the chopping block.


To the tune of the America's Funniest Home Videos theme song

Pussygrabbing friends next door
They never told
You might suck your cock tonight
So let that camera roll
You're the red, white, and blue
Oh, the Mooch is coming for you
America, America, this is you!


As an outsider observer, the only thing I can say is that it's really something amazing the rate at which Trump's administration chews his own members. It's one per month at least.

I don't remember something even remotely similar on any stable or advanced democracy.


Trump really is generating wealth for the American people - so many people being able to write memoirs about their time with that lunatic.


Trump didn't like that Priebus didn't 'return fire' at Scaramucci.



not surprising. Trump is all about asserting dominance

probably called Reince a cuck on his way out

One thing I can say about Priebus is that the guy was pretty fucking good at his job. Unbelievable that they forced him out.

Priebus was terrible at his job. Is this a joke? There is a reason we have been betting on when he would be fired since at least February
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