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Pro-Trump pundit accuses Obama of golfing after Daniel Pearl’s killing — in 2002

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Pro-Trump pundit accuses Obama of golfing after Daniel Pearl's killing — in 2002

Kayleigh McEnany, a CNN commentator and frequent Trump surrogate, appeared on the network Monday night to defend President Trump's golfing habits — by accusing former president Barack Obama of playing golf at inappropriate times.

”You had President Obama, who after the — I believe it was the beheading of Daniel Pearl — spoke to how upset he was about that, then rushed off to a golf game," McEnany said. ”I think when we're in a state of war, when we're in a state of mourning, you should take time off from the golf course."

Pearl was a Wall Street Journal reporter who was kidnapped by terrorists in Pakistan and killed.

There was one big problem with McEnany's claim, as pointed out by journalist Yashar Ali in a widely shared tweet. Pearl was killed in 2002 — when Obama was a state senator in Illinois. George W. Bush was president at the time.

On Tuesday morning, McEnany apologized on Twitter, saying she had used the wrong name. She suggested she had meant to say James Foley, a freelance photojournalist who was kidnapped in Syria and beheaded by the Islamic State militant group in 2014.

Soon, the hashtag #ObamaWasGolfingWhen appeared.

”Obama also went golfing right after Lincoln was shot," one Twitter user commented.

"#ObamaWasGolfingWhen JFK was assassinated," another Twitter user mused.

At the time of Foley's death in 2014, Obama was on vacation on Martha's Vineyard. He delivered remarks condemning Foley's killing from the Massachusetts island, then visited a golf course soon afterward, drawing ire from critics. Obama later acknowledged that he should have known better than to do so.

”It is always a challenge when you're supposed to be on vacation," he told Chuck Todd on NBC's ”Meet the Press" a few weeks later. ”There's no doubt that, after having talked to the families, where it was hard for me to hold back tears listening to the pain that they were going through, after the statement that I made, that you know, I should've anticipated the optics."
Conservatives will blame Obama for golfing when NYC is submerged underwater in 50 years due to climate change. Nothing surprises me. Its become a meme years ago that idiots actually take seriously.
The difference between the two is that Obama actually apologized for the bad optics. Trump does this shit without apology and never will admit to being wrong.
These people just can't stop talking about Obama.

It's like the ex who starts dating someone new but then keeps talking about you at every single opportunity.
The dude used the wrong name and meant James Foley, because Obama did go golfing after his death.

It's even highlighted in the OP. Why is this even a thread? And why the obviously misleading title? "Man uses wrong name when discussing Obama's actions" doesn't sound as good, I guess.

Note: I'm way far left and much against Trump, so let's focus on things that matter, not dumb shit like this. Seriously.
"So, you're trying to silence people who are testifying on Russia? Don't you think this behavior is extremely suspicious?"

It was a bad look by Obama, and he recognized it and fixed it. The "he did it tooooo" defense from the GOP is literally how children justify misbehaving.


“It is always a challenge when you're supposed to be on vacation,” he told Chuck Todd on NBC's “Meet the Press” a few weeks later. “There's no doubt that, after having talked to the families, where it was hard for me to hold back tears listening to the pain that they were going through, after the statement that I made, that you know, I should've anticipated the optics.”

Even the corrected name/date still shows the vast difference between Obama, someone willing to admit he should have done it differently a week or so later, than Trump and his supporters who are more concerned about whataboutism.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Where's that comedy central video with the Trump supporter who was angry cause Obama wasn't in the White House during 9/11 when you need it?


Unconfirmed Member
I think it's so embarrassing that she received a J.D. from Harvard Law School. She even studied at Oxford.

God damn it.


Trump surrogates are bottom feeders. Paid to blurt out the dumbest shit, so long as it makes their great leader look good.

There's no way you can continue to criticize Obama on golfing, with Trump's laziness on full display.
I think it's so embarrassing that she received a J.D. from Harvard Law School. She even studied at Oxford.

God damn it.

It's embarrassing that CNN pays her and others like Jeffrey Lord, Paris and others who literally have no critical thinking skills and yet are still treated like "experts" alongside a panel of serious pundits.

I'll never understand CNN's obsession with giving these lowlifes a platform. By all means have Trump supporters on, have conservative on etc etc, but don't insult our collective intelligence.
It's embarrassing that CNN pays her and others like Jeffrey Lord, Paris and others who literally have no critical thinking skills and yet are still treated like "experts" alongside a panel of serious pundits.

I'll never understand CNN's obsession with giving these lowlifes a platform. By all means have Trump supporters on, have conservative on etc etc, but don't insult our collective intelligence.

The anchors apparently hate it, too, but this is shithead Jeff Zucker's way of trying to convey that CNN is "neutral" and "unbiased" and covers all viewpoints!!!! AKA "I want those Trump supporter eyeballs."
Sadly, I only see this galvanizing the right. It seems any attempt to fact check or bring about discourse is only met with anger and resentment from conservatives.
It's embarrassing that CNN pays her and others like Jeffrey Lord, Paris and others who literally have no critical thinking skills and yet are still treated like "experts" alongside a panel of serious pundits.

I'll never understand CNN's obsession with giving these lowlifes a platform. By all means have Trump supporters on, have conservative on etc etc, but don't insult our collective intelligence.

Fox News has their "token liberals" on too from time to time, which their pundits mostly make fun of and set up to look like morons. It's all for ratings.

They're not there for balance. They're there for comic relief.


keep your strippers out of my American football
The anchors apparently hate it, too, but this is shithead Jeff Zucker's way of trying to convey that CNN is "neutral" and "unbiased" and covers all viewpoints!!!! AKA "I want those Trump supporter eyeballs."

CNN is terrible for it. There are ways to have people who represent different viewpoints without having people who just make up shit on air.
The dude used the wrong name and meant James Foley, because Obama did go golfing after his death.

It's even highlighted in the OP. Why is this even a thread? And why the obviously misleading title? "Man uses wrong name when discussing Obama's actions" doesn't sound as good, I guess.

Note: I'm way far left and much against Trump, so let's focus on things that matter, not dumb shit like this. Seriously.

Completely agree.


Sadly, I only see this galvanizing the right. It seems any attempt to fact check or bring about discourse is only met with anger and resentment from conservatives.

In fairness, mixing up names is a thing that happens (although I wouldn't expect someone in her position to confuse Daniel Pearl and James Foley), and her point was nonetheless based on something real and relevant. The hoopla surrounding her mistake doesn't represent an effort to "fact check or bring about discourse," so much as an effort at caricaturization. I wouldn't expect conservatives to take something positive from it.
I think it's so embarrassing that she received a J.D. from Harvard Law School. She even studied at Oxford.

God damn it.

damn, she's bright person

but you would be mistaken to think she actually believes the words that come out of her mouth, She's made herself a lot of money being a young republican voice on TV, she's a smart business women
The dude used the wrong name and meant James Foley, because Obama did go golfing after his death.

It's even highlighted in the OP. Why is this even a thread? And why the obviously misleading title? "Man uses wrong name when discussing Obama's actions" doesn't sound as good, I guess.

Note: I'm way far left and much against Trump, so let's focus on things that matter, not dumb shit like this. Seriously.

This. We don't have to be petty just because they are. I don't understand what the WaPo is doing here. This isn't news.
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