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Pro-Trump pundit accuses Obama of golfing after Daniel Pearl’s killing — in 2002

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That she said the wrong name doesn't change the utter ridiculousness of trying to make the comparison, nor once again demonstrating the hypocrisy GOP and Trump supporters are soaked in.

That's worth criticizing and ridiculing all day, every day.


This. We don't have to be petty just because they are. I don't understand what the WaPo is doing here. This isn't news.

The story itself is basically fine. It covers her mistake, people's reactions, and explains the golfing controversies she was attempting to compare. I don't expect every post in the WaPo's The Fix section to be a heavy hitter. It's just the headline that's misleading.
CNN is terrible for it. There are ways to have people who represent different viewpoints without having people who just make up shit on air.

It's especially stupid when you consider that MSNBC is beating them out for views, and MSNBC doesn't pull this shit. Anyone who wants to hear inane bullshit from the Trump camp would just watch Fox to begin with.

I yearn for the days of old, when I could just stare into Anderson Cooper's eyes for 1-2 hours while he laid down the unvarnished truth without having to stop and ask some empty-headed spin artist what their version of reality was. Though it is a little bit vindicating when he snaps at them and fact checks them in real-time, which he's been doing more and more lately.


Even for kids "but they did it too" is a weak excuse.

For adults it's embarrassing.

For senior elected government officials?

And that's without noting the inherent contradiction in the GOP saying Obsma was wrong then failing to say Trumo is wrong and instead using this lame ass defence.

Do they agree with it or not?

If not then they need to call out Trump too and shut his fucking golfing breaks down.

If they do fine but then they need to shut up about Obama. Oh and apologise for calling him out for it.

Or they continue to display myopic double standards and back their side.

I guess I know which it's going to be.
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