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Project CARS | OT | Made by 80.000 slightly mad developers


Yes and no.

They won't appear in the "main" career events (they are scripted to use the tracks from launch), however, they do (generally) add invitational events that use the new track/s.

I see...

Well, I don't have much interest in invitational events (they get tiresome after a while [hell, even the main championships do get, with their frozen formula, the same tracks in the same order, with the same climatic conditions... :p]), but thanks!


It looks like a great track though, no?

Yes, it does. Reminds me of one of the Scotland tracks in Driveclub.

Misty Loch was an instant favorite for me though, I really liked the vista going over the bridge seeing the raised water of the loch on the one side, and I loved the steep downhill corkscrew off the hill.

But yeah, still looks to be a good addition for sure.

I'll buy every bit of DLC they put out for this game.

DD, I'm the same, only stick to SP career and custom races.


Done some further testing with the new patch.

Same combo as before, but an 11 lap race, FL peaked at 120C after a lap or two, but was down to 100C by lap 8, and was getting tough to keep warm at the end.

Now, this could be down to the fact that the tyre was fairly worn and that a worn tyre doesn't hold temp as well, I don't know, but would be interesting to see how the tyres went using a hard set over a long distance.

I also notice that the V6 Megane trophy cars tyres are still a pig to get warm.


I see...

Well, I don't have much interest in invitational events (they get tiresome after a while [hell, even the main championships do get, with their frozen formula, the same tracks in the same order, with the same climatic conditions... :p]), but thanks!

You can skip invitational events, but obviously it takes time to do that if you have 30-40 of the same invitations each year (they don't go away). Also, new DLC events in the career mode may need to be unlocked first by winning currently available championships (usually the ones from gold and silver accolades). Sadly the game doesn't inform you in the career menu what are the requirements so you have to search for that info in the patch notes.


Looking to buy Project Cars for Pc, but I really want to play with a wheel. Can anyone reccomend one that I wont hate for around $ 100-150.00?


Looking to buy Project Cars for Pc, but I really want to play with a wheel. Can anyone reccomend one that I wont hate for around $ 100-150.00?

Driving Force GT is great starting wheel [full rotation, FFB, lots of buttons]. My second choice would be second-hand G27.


Looking to buy Project Cars for Pc, but I really want to play with a wheel. Can anyone reccomend one that I wont hate for around $ 100-150.00?
DFGT. The best entry level wheel. Only two plastic pedals, no H shifter, but still pretty good FFB for the price. Also 900º.
Gaf i need help!!! For the love of god how can i keep tyres warm during race of qualifying? I should not be sliding to keep them warm. I am really buffeled.
Can somebody please explain me. I never that this issue with rfactor.
Thx in advance.


Gaf i need help!!! For the love of god how can i keep tyres warm during race of qualifying? I should not be sliding to keep them warm. I am really buffeled.
Can somebody please explain me. I never that this issue with rfactor.
Thx in advance.

Quickest and easiest fix is to lower the tyre pressures. You can also adjust the camber if you are confident doing so.


Thx m8, but default tyre pressure should more then ok for road cars, especially if I'm driving it on Green Hell!!

Perceived wisdom is that all default settings (tyre pressures included) were based on the tyre model as it was in the game when it launched. The tyre model has been updated several times since then so 'default' car settings (inc tyre pressures) are all out of kilter. Unless SMS update all the default settings (very unlikely) then they probably need adjusting to accommodate the new tyre model. Stock settings were never very good anyway on an awful lot of the cars in the game.

TL,DR: don't trust stock settings any more, and that's if if you ever could in the first place..


Gaf i need help!!! For the love of god how can i keep tyres warm during race of qualifying? I should not be sliding to keep them warm. I am really buffeled.
Can somebody please explain me. I never that this issue with rfactor.
Thx in advance.

Which patch version are you on?
Which patch version are you on?
8.0, its so frustrating to just jump into game and drive. Default settings should be ok for that but they arent :-(. If wanted to be competative online then i understand that i need to setup car for each race and weather.
With limited time to play its hard to enjoy the game when i need to lose 45 min to setup ffb and tune car :-(.


8.0, its so frustrating to just jump into game and drive. Default settings should be ok for that but they arent :-(. If wanted to be competative online then i understand that i need to setup car for each race and weather.
With limited time to play its hard to enjoy the game when i need to lose 45 min to setup ffb and tune car :-(.

If you were on 7.0 I'd agree, but 8.0 is back (almost) to how it was, and I have no problem keeping the tyres warm once I've warmed them up on default setups.

Are you trying to drive at racing speeds on your outlap?, because you really need to do a couple of slow(er) laps to fully warm the tyres before pushing on.
If you were on 7.0 I'd agree, but 8.0 is back (almost) to how it was, and I have no problem keeping the tyres warm once I've warmed them up on default setups.

Are you trying to drive at racing speeds on your outlap?, because you really need to do a couple of slow(er) laps to fully warm the tyres before pushing on.
how much is a few laps, 3,4. E.g. yesterday i was racing evo9 stock setup on Nordschliefe two laps. The tyres started at 90°C but i had to slide a lot to keep them there and i was really pushing the car. As Mascot said I shouldnt race on stock setup.


how much is a few laps, 3,4. E.g. yesterday i was racing evo9 stock setup on Nordschliefe two laps. The tyres started at 90°C but i had to slide a lot to keep them there and i was really pushing the car. As Mascot said I shouldnt race on stock setup.

Not had an issue with the Evo 9 myself.

Are you sure you're not driving Miss Daisy?



Anyone tried the McTrack yet? I've bought it (remotely) but won't have a chance to try it until late tonight (unless I can squeeze a quick blast in at lunchtime).

Interested to know if there really isn't a reverse ribbon option.


Radbull sounds brutal!

Overall, this car is way beyond a handful. 1000+hp in an MX-5 takes a very light touch to manage and it is very difficult to do anything but slide around and spin in circles while trying to get used to it. I'd highly recommend practicing with the turbos essentially taken off the car (wastegate pressure=0) and building up from there. With no boost and the smallest air restrictor it can still make 520hp. That is plenty for an MX-5 to still get in lots of trouble. It's even pretty good fun to race around at that lowest power setting.


I'll be honest, I wasn't looking forward to mctrack that much, but heck if it's not a blast to drive!.

It's not that good a race track, but as a hot lap track it's really good and quite impressive visually.

As for the cars, highlight of the pack for me is the BMW 1m Stanceworks what a cracking little GT/Touring car plus with the new Nitto 5 tyres it's so so drivable.

Next favourite is the KTM X-Bow, very nice to drive especially round the new track.

The V8 supercar is good, but feels a bit too safe and planted to be too much fun but it races well, not convinced the sound is that good though.

Lowlights are the 2002 Stanceworks, bit too twitchy and the Radbul which is just flipping mental although I do like the flames coming out the bonnet!


Interested to know if there really isn't a reverse ribbon option.

Answer from the boss:

Ian Bell on the pCARS forums said:
It's right on the edge of our limits with draw calls, poly count etc for the specs we shipped at. It is a lot of work to optimise in just one direction.

For pCARS2 I'd like to see reverse and alternate layouts using this general area.


Latest DLC is good fun. The MX-5 quad rotor machine is hilarous; Mad Mike must have testicles the size of footballs to drive the real life car!

Having a look through the screenshots on the official forum reminds me just how good this sim looks on PC. Never seen pCARS on console but I'm sure it looks tasty on them too.

These pics give me a Project Gotham Racing vibe and I'd imagine what PGR would look like today like if Bizarre Creations were still around:


Latest DLC is good fun. The MX-5 quad rotor machine is hilarous; Mad Mike must have testicles the size of footballs to drive the real life car!

Having a look through the screenshots on the official forum reminds me just how good this sim looks on PC. Never seen pCARS on console but I'm sure it looks tasty on them too.

These pics give me a Project Gotham Racing vibe and I'd imagine what PGR would look like today like if Bizarre Creations were still around:

Yeah, the McTrack is a great addition and it does look fantastic, even on my lowly clockwork PS4. I'm loving the 1M Stanceworks too. Drives beautifully straight out of the box.

It's wonderful having the pCARS Dash companion app on consoles too, and it's something I never thought would happen. The recent updates to it are very useful - cycling through the screens with the press of a button on the wheel makes it so much easier to access information on the fly.


I meant nothing by the console comment; it's just that PC gamers can turn everything up to 11 and beyond. Having watched Bloodborne being played on a 4K LG OLED (yeah, I know it's a 1080P console) and played DriveClub on my own Panasonic plasma, the PS4 can pump out some nice graphics.

I wish/hope SMS re-record the V8 Ford Falcon - it's sounds like dogshit and nothing like the real car whatsoever. This is how it should sound..


Apologies for the low quality and the fact Neil Crompton won't shut the f**k up!
Radbull sounds brutal!
Was this person playing with a controller?
Because I just bought this and didn't have any issues keeping it under control. Unless you have "lead foot syndrome" its just a matter of good pedal work.

I must admit its been awhile since I fired the game up, but for $5.50 I couldn't pass up the DLC even if just for the track alone. The game seems a lot less buggy (XB1) played for an hour with no audio bug, which was my biggest issue. Also the handling feels better, but it might just be the new cars (rad bull, and SWBMW) they didn't feel like they were planted to the ground like many of the cars have IMO. I was never able to feel when I was on the edge, it was just grip grip grip.....you're dead. Going to mess around some more but first impressions of the pack are top notch.


Nice cows

But you have to wonder if they are trolling the Nintendo fans. Notice the Cows (Sony fan boys) are on the inside, while the sheep (Nintedo fan boys) are on the outside looking in. Think about it!/s


I meant nothing by the console comment; it's just that PC gamers can turn everything up to 11 and beyond. Having watched Bloodborne being played on a 4K LG OLED (yeah, I know it's a 1080P console) and played DriveClub on my own Panasonic plasma, the PS4 can pump out some nice graphics.

Oh, no worries - I didn't take it like that at all. Only a mad man would think that current-gen consoles could match high-end PC graphics, but I remain constantly amazed about how great pCARS looks on relatively weak console hardware. The lighting at sunrise or sunset on a wet track is particularly beautiful.

Since you seem to frequent the PC forum, do you know if there is any intention on "fixing" the time trial leader boards? Because as of right now they are kind of usless since the cars in each class can have a gulf in performance as wide as the Atlantic Ocean but they are still placed on the same board.



Since you seem to frequent the PC forum, do you know if there is any intention on "fixing" the time trial leader boards? Because as of right now they are kind of usless since the cars in each class can have a gulf in performance as wide as the Atlantic Ocean but they are still placed on the same board.
I don't think it'll happen for pCARS. Something about server space, I believe.


The new DLC is pretty good, I've been playing it all night. I dare not even go past half throttle (or so it feels) with the new MX-5 until I hit 5th gear. The new track combined with that car is really fun. You can really get yourself into trouble if you're not paying attention to the elevation changes and potential air time on that track in that car.


Agreed, the DLC is just great. I'm really surprised at the KTM X-Bow in this game, it's a blast to drive.

Spent some serious time on Bathurst with the V8s last night, very enjoyable cars.

Continuing the career races in the BMW Z4, I did notice the drop in tire temps as the race went on and on straights. I have to admit I'd run default setups as I don't know what the hell I'm doing with tuning in this yet. Even just adjusting the pressures down helps a great deal.

Time to dig in and learn setups officially.


Agreed, the DLC is just great. I'm really surprised at the KTM X-Bow in this game, it's a blast to drive.

Yeah, a bunch of us raced them at Bugatti last night and it was a great combo. I'd not driven that circuit before in pCARS so it felt like an extra new track too.

I wish the X-Bow sounded a little harsher and more grunty though - I only knew when to change up when my tablet flashed red.


How's the framerate in the game after all these patches (PS4)? Solid 60fps?

I've never really had much issue with the framerate, but the latest patch has added a bit more smoothness to it, and tearing isn't as bad as it was, but it is still present sometimes.

TBH, I think it the performance of the thing is pretty good considering just how good it looks.


I've never really had much issue with the framerate, but the latest patch has added a bit more smoothness to it, and tearing isn't as bad as it was, but it is still present sometimes.

TBH, I think it the performance of the thing is pretty good considering just how good it looks.

Agreed. You need to be sensible how you stress it, but I'm glad the option is there for 40+ car grids at Spa in the wet if that's what you want. You just need to adjust expectations accordingly.

The vast, vast majority of my racing is done online and with 16 car lobbies the game runs pretty faultlessly at 60fps now. There's the occasional minor blip but they are pretty hard to notice in the heat of battle, and I consider myself pretty sensitive to these things.


I dislike both games, but I also feel like R3E plays and sounds better, although Pcars is better looking. Nice video, BTW!

Patrick S.

Did a comparison video between Pcars and R3E, driving the Group 5 BMW on Bathurst.

What do you guys think? Which one is better?
I have to say, R3E feels and sounds amazing!


Nice video, thanks :)

pCars continues to look gorgeous, but its handling and I aren't meant to be friends. R3E looks nice, but I dislike the way it's sold and won't buy it because of that.
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