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Project CARS | OT | Made by 80.000 slightly mad developers


Nope - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=187472376&postcount=5613

pCARS is nowhere near as bad as at launch but SMS have a history of bug riddled games which sadly didn't improve with pCARS. The core experience in their games is often excellent; let's hope pCARS 2 is a lot more sorted from day one onwards.

It was me who said, I have no issues with the PC version of PCars.
It runs perfectly for me.

Just some blithering idiots online trying to dive bomb every corner to get in front of someone who is faster overall. But that is not something that is up tot SMS to solve :p


let's hope pCARS 2 is a lot more sorted from day one onwards.

I'll be honest, even though I (massively) enjoy PCars, I am shying away from considering PCars 2.

What with the condition of the game (PCars1) at launch, and Bell's complete disdain for his customers, it left a very bad taste in the mouth.


Today I had a mp session with some mates:

Toyota gt86@ruapuna park gp (super car at a perfect track)
Mitsubishi fq360something@sakitto int (shitty car but super close race)
Mustang 2+2@silverstone classic (supergood track with a hugely demanding yet satisfying car)

It was incredibly good session. I can't stress how good the game feels, how much fun it is. Then again, at the silverstone race, practice and my wheel is suddenly dead. I restart the game, go in and the livery has changed. Qualy, and one is floating in his pit and two other are mid track and have to hard close the game. These were but little niggles, so little time compared to the blast we had, but everytime something like this happens, it just adds to the bazillion times you had such problems. It's really irritating.

I'm done playing anything more serious than these kind of races, the game is not ready for league racing or anything like that. I learned the hard way. But, god, how I wish it was, because this game delivers the best driving experience I've ever played.


It was me who said, I have no issues with the PC version of PCars.
It runs perfectly for me
pCARS runs perfectly for me too (PC version); no CTD or gpu driver crashes however there are still many game related bugs for SMS to sort out, hence my post in reply to Mascot.

I'll be honest, even though I (massively) enjoy PCars, I am shying away from considering PCars 2.

What with the condition of the game (PCars1) at launch, and Bell's complete disdain for his customers, it left a very bad taste in the mouth.
Ian's attitude was well known within game development circles; on the flip side Jamesways was flown over to England to cover NFS: Shift Unleashed when he was moderator for ForzaCentral and he said Ian and the SMS gang were really nice...

I've been very bemused that SMS have released 4 games all with serious issues at launch. EA were initially blamed for both NFS games however it's become apparent through the state of pcars SMS have Bethesda levels of QA.

I'm still highly interested in what pcars 2 offers..I do hope it's a well sorted game at release! im also looking forward to the next dlc as it looks like another quality addition.


pCARS runs perfectly for me too (PC version); no CTD or gpu driver crashes however there are still many game related bugs for SMS to sort out, hence my post in reply to Mascot.

Ian's attitude was well known within game development circles; on the flip side Jamesways was flown over to England to cover NFS: Shift Unleashed when he was moderator for ForzaCentral and he said Ian and the SMS gang were really nice...

I've been very bemused that SMS have released 4 games all with serious issues at launch. EA were initially blamed for both NFS games however it's become apparent through the state of pcars SMS have Bethesda levels of QA.

I'm still highly interested in what pcars 2 offers..I do hope it's a well sorted game at release! im also looking forward to the next dlc as it looks like another quality addition.

There does seem to be deep-rooted problems in the DNA of the Madness engine because the same sorts of problems have been carried over across several titles. Project CARS is still absolutely incredible out on the track but I seriously hope that pCARS 2 will have far fewer bugs and niggles.

Good to hear the PC version is running as intended now. It gives me some hope that the PS4 will eventually get there.


It's probably been asked a thousand times, but I'm late to the party: good controller setups?
Strangely enough I'm having a blast with the GT3 cars, yet can't even go straight with some road cars.


PS4 patch 7.0 is live.

notes/discussion here

Project CARS – PS4 Patch 7.0 – Release Notes

• Reworked the dynamic race-end timer feature. In public races, the timer is 75% of the slowest moving car's lap time. In private races and passworded public races, the timer is 150% of slowest moving car's lap time.

Physics & Tyres
• Neutralized the top speed advantage of running zero camber on many tires.
• Reduced flash layer temperature cap for GT3/LMP and other slick tires to make them less prone to overheating.
• Classic Lotus cars: Disabled patch-to-hub on several tyre carcass models as it was creating a strong low-speed FFB buzz.

• Update to latest Fanatec SDK, Re-instated 2nd DPAD support for CSRE based on latest SDK functionality

• Corrected the German name for the LMP3 UK Semi-Pro Championship

• Rouen Short – Reworked the AI paths around the hairpin area to try and keep the historic cars from running up the hill on exit when in tight packs.

• Repositioned the cockpit camera view to a proper center point for a number of vehicles that were reported to be incorrectly positioned.

• Lotus 40 and 49 - Rebalanced the AI vehicle volume.

• Fixed various game crash issues reported by customers.

UDP streaming support
The UDP stream extension has been developed to allow 3rd party app developers the opportunity to receive telemetry data from the game. It is based mainly on the ‘Shared Memory API’ with a number of extensions to transmitted data.
The option is enabled via the ‘Game play’ menu ‘UDP mode’. This can be selected between off and 1-9. The number represents the UDP streaming data rate as follows:
UDP off
UDP 1 60/sec (16ms)
UDP 2 50/sec (20ms)
UDP 3 40/sec (25ms)
UDP 4 30/sec (32ms)
UDP 5 20/sec (50ms)
UDP 6 15/sec (66ms)
UDP 7 10/sec (100ms)
UDP 8 05/sec (200ms)
UDP 9 01/sec (1000ms)
The stream is sent to a broadcast address ( on port 5606.

Very happy to get the second d-pad back on my CSR-E.
Edit: except I cannot assign any functions to it. Bloody hell.


pCARS runs perfectly for me too (PC version); no CTD or gpu driver crashes however there are still many game related bugs for SMS to sort out, hence my post in reply to Mascot.

Ian's attitude was well known within game development circles; on the flip side Jamesways was flown over to England to cover NFS: Shift Unleashed when he was moderator for ForzaCentral and he said Ian and the SMS gang were really nice...

I've been very bemused that SMS have released 4 games all with serious issues at launch. EA were initially blamed for both NFS games however it's become apparent through the state of pcars SMS have Bethesda levels of QA.

I'm still highly interested in what pcars 2 offers..I do hope it's a well sorted game at release! im also looking forward to the next dlc as it looks like another quality addition.
I'm a sucker for their games, played them all, loved them all, even with the issues. I'm all in for pCARS2, I should have put in cash this time but held out.

And yeah, the SMS staff I met was very nice. Andy Tudor was fantastic in private conversations. What's fascinating was he talked about his vision for the next game after Shift2, essentially outlining the points that made it into pCARS. That was before Ian made public the crowd funding cooperation/dev process.
It makes me wonder if they knew the writing on the wall regarding their relationship with EA.

There does seem to be deep-rooted problems in the DNA of the Madness engine because the same sorts of problems have been carried over across several titles. Project CARS is still absolutely incredible out on the track but I seriously hope that pCARS 2 will have far fewer bugs and niggles.

Good to hear the PC version is running as intended now. It gives me some hope that the PS4 will eventually get there.
Even though I love their games, it's evident every one has had issues due to the engine. It's especially apparent when you play
TD:FRL with a controller. That game had the worst drift/central axis feel to it that they ironed out more and more each iteration.

I'm glad they're still patching this so frequently, it's getting better and better. I'm lucky I haven't experienced some of the bugs people talk about in this thread.


FYI Oculus Rift DK2 performance has been greatly improved. I can get 60-75FPS with high settings and a full grid. Before medium to low was required to produce playable framerates.

Juicy Bob

I love this game.

In one evening playing I had such a variety of experiences. Racing open wheel, then GT3, then LMP1 and then classic Lotus in various weather conditions and time of day. Just such a blast to have so many ways to race in one package.


Patch 7.0 seems to have also introduced a new replay bug (PS4 version). I've already had this problem twice now - when I wanted to watch the replay after the race the cars weren't moving when it started and when I skipped it I got a black screen.
I played around with this for the first time in 2 months and it appears that the audio bug on the Xbox one is gone. Still have other issues with the game but it would at least be playable for me now.


I dunno,it's just the cynic in me says that, 6 months after release, the most pertainant bugs would have been fixed, and those that haven't aren't likely to be, the list for each patch gets smaller and smaller ever month.

Hopefully I am wrong.

PRC are claiming development of pcars has ceased: http://pretendracecars.net/2015/12/21/reader-submission-68-support-for-project-cars-has-ended/

Those guys love to shit stir however I'd like to see them be proven wrong instead of reading from a moderator that pcars 2 will have the tyre model working as intended.

Doesn't surprise me at all.

That said, warts and all, PCars is still a cracking bit of kit, but I don't think I will buy into PCars2.
So I load up my career, do practice and qualifying it's all going great. Start of race 1 I'm greeted with a penalty message, but why the race hasn't started yet? My car was on top of another car.........this game.


The way the guy swings between a brilliant source of succinct, candid and too the poin information to a complete clownshoe is amazing.


The way the guy swings between a brilliant source of succinct, candid and too the poin information to a complete clownshoe is amazing.
I'm not one to defend Ian, but I fail to see where he acted like a clownshoe here? I think he behaved quite well. In fact I wish this was his usual self. One talking honestly and explaining things instead of sharing his dreams like they will be true no matter what. It's nice seeing him acting humble, for a change.


I'm not one to defend Ian, but I fail to see where he acted like a clownshoe here? I think he behaved quite well. In fact I wish this was his usual self. One talking honestly and explaining things instead of sharing his dreams like they will be true no matter what. It's nice seeing him acting humble, for a change.

Not in that particular thread, granted, but it's almost like there are two people posting from the same account at times.

This thread is clearly "PR mode on", I guess he realizes he need to turn things around if PCars2 is going to sell anywhere near as many copies as 1 did.


Not in that particular thread, granted, but it's almost like there are two people posting from the same account at times.

This thread is clearly "PR mode on", I guess he realizes he need to turn things around if PCars2 is going to sell anywhere near as many copies as 1 did.
I think they're starting to understand things. Going by their comments at the PC2 forum, I think they are well aware of how bad the situation is. They've come to terms with reality, so to speak.

What people don't understand (and they don't need to understand from a customer perspective) is how difficult the PC1 development was. How ballsy it was and how miraculous is that the end result is as good as it is. From the interaction with WMD, to the platforms change, to being multiplatform, to having very limited resources and only having access to a proper QA in the latests stages of development, I can see why they're proud of the end results. Not from a productive point of view, but from a creative point of view. I mean, think for a moment how this game came to be. Nowadays nobody is doubting that Project CARS is a thing, but back then they were putting all their eggs in one basket. They were making plans based on promises alone. That's really a hard place to start from, if you ask me.

Now, the criticism was mostly deserved and still is. But I can see where he is coming from. Specially when you equate the manners in which most people criticise (myself included at WMD forums back in the day).


I think they're starting to understand things. Going by their comments at the PC2 forum, I think they are well aware of how bad the situation is. They've come to terms with reality, so to speak.

What people don't understand (and they don't need to understand from a customer perspective) is how difficult the PC1 development was. How ballsy it was and how miraculous is that the end result is as good as it is. From the interaction with WMD, to the platforms change, to being multiplatform, to having very limited resources and only having access to a proper QA in the latests stages of development, I can see why they're proud of the end results. Not from a productive point of view, but from a creative point of view. I mean, think for a moment how this game came to be. Nowadays nobody is doubting that Project CARS is a thing, but back then they were putting all their eggs in one basket. They were making plans based on promises alone. That's really a hard place to start from, if you ask me.

Now, the criticism was mostly deserved and still is. But I can see where he is coming from. Specially when you equate the manners in which most people criticise (myself included at WMD forums back in the day).

Yeah, I get that completely, it's just a shame that on release, with many legitimate issues (heck, there are still plenty) he was such an egotistical nightmare with the punters and put a lot of peoples backs up (some permanently) with so much bolshy commentary.

I've waxed lyrical about PCars numerous times, it is (despite its problems) a great game, unmatched in some departments, but the way the PR was handled for the first few months of the game took a lot of that shine off for many.

Great game, shame about the figurehead.


Yeah, I get that completely, it's just a shame that on release, with many legitimate issues (heck, there are still plenty) he was such an egotistical nightmare with the punters and put a lot of peoples backs up (some permanently) with so much bolshy commentary.

I've waxed lyrical about PCars numerous times, it is (despite its problems) a great game, unmatched in some departments, but the way the PR was handled for the first few months of the game took a lot of that shine off for many.

Great game, shame about the figurehead.
Yeah, I absolutely agree. It was not the smartest way to act. It was somehow brave though, since he eated mostly all the criticism (except for the UI guy, who was blamed to hell and back and rightly so). So, in a way, I think he was protecting his guys.


Totally agree that this new cuddly version of Ian is the most appropriate face of SMS, and I totally subscribe to the opinion that he's generated a certain level of irreversible damage with his 'other' persona.


I think they're starting to understand things. Going by their comments at the PC2 forum, I think they are well aware of how bad the situation is. They've come to terms with reality, so to speak.

What people don't understand (and they don't need to understand from a customer perspective) is how difficult the PC1 development was. How ballsy it was and how miraculous is that the end result is as good as it is. From the interaction with WMD, to the platforms change, to being multiplatform, to having very limited resources and only having access to a proper QA in the latests stages of development, I can see why they're proud of the end results. Not from a productive point of view, but from a creative point of view. I mean, think for a moment how this game came to be. Nowadays nobody is doubting that Project CARS is a thing, but back then they were putting all their eggs in one basket. They were making plans based on promises alone. That's really a hard place to start from, if you ask me.

Now, the criticism was mostly deserved and still is. But I can see where he is coming from. Specially when you equate the manners in which most people criticise (myself included at WMD forums back in the day).
Why did they closed the funding for the game then? I remember seeing lot's of people saying that they wanted to jump into Pcars, but they couldn't anymore...

And didn't they get Namco as a publisher? Weren't there more funding coming from the Japanese?


Why did they closed the funding for the game then? I remember seeing lot's of people saying that they wanted to jump into Pcars, but they couldn't anymore...

And didn't they get Namco as a publisher? Weren't there more funding coming from the Japanese?
The FSA forced them to close. That's why the funding is different for PC2. Funding was open for about a year and half, if I remember right. There was planty of time for signing in. Then again, you need to project what you will be doing with your game long before the funding is complete.

Namco came in not even one year before release. And it came in the form of a distributor, not a publishers. That money allowed them to postpone the release.


The FSA forced them to close. That's why the funding is different for PC2. Funding was open for about a year and half, if I remember right. There was planty of time for signing in. Then again, you need to project what you will be doing with your game long before the funding is complete.

Namco came in not even one year before release. And it came in the form of a distributor, not a publishers. That money allowed them to postpone the release.

What's FSA? :p


What's FSA? :p
I don't even know what it stands for or the extent of their work. To my understanding, it is some kind of british organism that regulates financial works. Since WMD implied a payment based on investment, the FSA requested WMD to stop working as it did. I'm sure you can find a better and more detailed explanation in the net, if you're interested.


I don't even know what it stands for or the extent of their work. To my understanding, it is some kind of british organism that regulates financial works. Since WMD implied a payment based on investment, the FSA requested WMD to stop working as it did. I'm sure you can find a better and more detailed explanation in the net, if you're interested.

Ah, I didn't knew about that. Sorry. :p

I'm just mad that such an awesome game is plagued by so many problems.
So I just got Project Cars. Much like the Steam Controller, the emphasis in the game seems to be on tweaking. This is something I value very highly, but I also appreciate being able to stand on the shoulders of giants to begin with. So do any of the experts here on GAF have a really good solid basic Steam Controller setup for PCars? Preferably involving gyro steering and common sense.

Of course you can tweak the responses in the game as well, not to mention the fact that everyone likes things a little bit different (or even different for different kinds of driving).

It's just that marrying a totally customisable controller with a totally customisable game seems like something that really needs a bit of experienced advice to avoid wasting lots of time, and to coin a phrase, reinventing the steering wheel.

If anyone can share both controller configs and in-game settings, with the intent being a base to build on, rather than one size fits all, that would be great!

Cross-posting in the Steam Controller OT: http://neogaf.com/showthread.php?t=1125470
Talking about battered wife syndrome... Its like the codemasters F1 series, 5 years on the trot with bug riddled releases and there's still that "here's hoping F1 2017 will be good" its not going to happen guys!
This game is SO different with a wheel, having a lot more fun with my G29 I got for Christmas. The cars don't spin under braking or acceleration half as much now. Playing it more than Driveclub now which unfortunately doesn't suit a wheel.


Junior Member
I've been somewhat of a slut lately going from sim to sim.
Raceroom, Assetto Corsa, Dirt Rally, pCars..

Whilst I absolutely love Raceroom's dynamic transmission modelling(really, the best in the business), Assetto Corsa's handling model, Forza's variety of cars, Dirt Rally's sensational audio design....I end up playing pCars the most.
Those screaming engines and exhausts, the track atmosphere, the racing..etc.

I really can't wait to see what they do with Cars 2.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
I played around with this for the first time in 2 months and it appears that the audio bug on the Xbox one is gone. Still have other issues with the game but it would at least be playable for me now.




V8 Supercars incoming?



I don't really know anything about this circuit. Did they really host Supercars races there in the past? Anyway the more the better - we could have our own V8 Supercars mini-championship. :)
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