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Protesters throw Pepsi cans at police during May Day demonstrations


I didn't say physical violence 'invalidates', I said it discredits. That's not a perennial question, it's a historical and political fact.

Honestly don't see how throwing soda cans can be anything other than disturbing. I wonder how you'd all respond being on the receiving end of such an attack.
It's not a historical fact. At all.

You or many do probably support the current violent protestors in Venezuela even though they are, well, violent. So the generalization is wrong.

Protest are meant to be disturbing too so I think you don't get protesting is all (edit: or you might have meant that differently, my bad!). Now if this is strategically thought out or just not helpful in this specific situation is another question. Because I think it isn't.
But the generalizations you put forth are ones that I and reality itself, reject.






Random question... but why does that officer have huge (almost look like noise canceling) headphones on.

I don't think I've seen any police officers wear something like that before. Isn't it typically a wired ear piece?
Random question... but why does that officer have huge (almost look like noise canceling) headphones on.

I don't think I've seen any police officers wear something like that before. Isn't it typically a wired ear piece?

Looks like a big pair of ear defenders.

Might be there for if they're forced to use stuff (stun grenades?) to disperse large groups.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Maybe if a pillow company made an ad like this it wouldn't be so bad. Or like a roll of Charmin? No problem having people hurl these at each other. It would actually be harmless and fun.
i hope that if anybody is planning on throwing Pepsi cans at cops, they steal those cans instead of buying them. smash open a machine and pass them out


i hope that if anybody is planning on throwing Pepsi cans at cops, they steal those cans instead of buying them. smash open a machine and pass them out

Or have a we'll smash your cans day for recycling and everyone can bring their cans and have them smashed in front of the police for recycling.


I believe this is the same Portland police that shielded Neo Nazi's and offered them safe travel home but then immediately try to shut down a peaceful protest. That's when things got violent.
Honestly, what was Pepsi thinking with that ad in the first place? Things like that go viral within moments, and now they have a PR disaster. I'm sure there's a sales uptick in some areas from the backlash based on word of mouth, but the overall image hit is damaging.

publicity. Now the pepsi name is said in news and on sites like reddit weekly. Now anytime there is a protest, there is a pepsi.



And in case you're wondering, yes, someone tried to pull a Jenner:

I kinda knew something like this would happen when that stupid ad was released. Don't think this will be the last time we see this.

Am I a bad person for thinking this is funny as hell? I mean, I don't think so, but it sort of feels like condoning violence, but... it's funny as hell.

Thumbs up to the protestors.


i hope that if anybody is planning on throwing Pepsi cans at cops, they steal those cans instead of buying them. smash open a machine and pass them out
WTF! I hope if anybody is planning on throwing Pepsi cans, they rethink that thought because it's a dumb idea.


I've always wondered who buys Pepsi in the first place. Isn't it just what people drink when coke isn't available?


The cans were full because nobody wanted to drink them beforehand.

Still messed up to actually aim them at people though.
Yeah you can actually hurt someone with a full soda can if you throw it hard enough and hit the right place. Pretty fucked up, doubly so throwing at a fuckin medic. another good way to looook liiiiiiike the baaaaaaaaaad guuuuuyyyyyyyyys and also give officers more excuses to show up in fuckin raid gear.


I've always wondered who buys Pepsi in the first place. Isn't it just what people drink when coke isn't available?
Really? A bit off topic but last I saw Coke had ~40% market share and Pepsi wasn't far behind with around 30%. Basically out of 10 soda drinkers, 4 drink Coke, 3 drink Pepsi, and I don't know what the other 3 drink.
Really? A bit off topic but last I saw Coke had ~40% market share and Pepsi wasn't far behind with around 30%. Basically out of 10 soda drinkers, 4 drink Coke, 3 drink Pepsi, and I don't know what the other 3 drink.

Nobody goes to a fast food place and when they ask "do you have coke or Pepsi products" they hope for Pepsi


I can't believe anyone would be dumb enough to subject themselves to drinking a pepsi for ironic effect


If this is going to be a thing (which, hopfully it isn't) they should go back to the 90s logo now, it's hard to look threatening when your weapon of choice has a minimalist typeface on it. That old logo looked like something to be feared in a riot, on top of spraying the AOE with the atomized feculence they call a cola, just to add insult to injury. Just aim it at the ground if you are so inclined to ironically use them, and not at people, jeez...
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